About Genese Vaughn
Funding Coordinator
Genese Vaughn
Genese Vaughn is a native Texan. She comes to us from the medical field, and is excited to start her new journey with us at Texas Trust Law.
When she’s not working she loves spending time with her Husband Robert, and son Braxton getting his show animals ready. She also enjoys hanging out, spending time, and BBQ-ing with her family and friends.
Why We Do What We Do
Here is the WHY of Texas Trust Law: We LOVE taking complex legal concepts and making those understandable to our clients and their advisors so they can take action. That then allows us to bring peace of mind to our clients and their family if they become incapacitated, at death, and when they are concerned about protecting themselves, their wealth, and their loved ones from predators, problematic family members and the IRS.
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For a FREE CONSULTATION, please call 512-480-8828, or complete the Request a Free Initial Consultation form and we will give you a call to schedule.