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Inheritance Trust allows Families to Protect Heirs

Inheritance Trust allows Families to Protect Heirs

Imagine being a teenager and suddenly having $250,000 in your hands the instant you become a legal adult. This isn’t a fairy tale; it’s what happened to a young man in the northwestern suburbs of Illinois who writes about his experience in an article titled, “What blowing a $250K inheritance taught me.” After turning 18, he received a quarter of a million dollars from his mother’s medical malpractice case, which should have set him up for a bright future. Instead, without guidance or a plan, the money was gone in a flash. An inheritance trust allows families to protect heirs from their inheritance and the inheritance from the heirs.

While many people agree that an 18-year-old is too young to receive a sizable inheritance without guidance, unfortunately, many families make the common mistake of not planning to protect their children from their inheritance. By working with an experienced estate planning professional, parents can create a plan for when and how their children should receive their inheritance should the parents pass away suddenly.

The excitement of having so much money at such a young age is understandable. Our young friend, now with access to his trust fund, embarked on a journey that led from enrolling in two separate universities with no clear direction as to which degree to pursue, to making impulsive purchases and, ultimately, to a lifestyle fueled by partying and bad choices. The lack of a structured plan or financial advice saw this significant inheritance dwindle to nothing over a few short years.

This story isn’t unique. It highlights a common mistake in estate and family financial planning: not preparing heirs to manage their inheritance. More than leaving assets to your loved ones, it’s crucial to guide them on using them wisely. “As my children grow into young adults,” writes the former teen who lost his inheritance, “I can’t in a million years imagine handing them a check for $250,000 with absolutely no advice.”

An inheritance trust, also known as a testamentary trust, is essentially a tool to protect and manage assets for beneficiaries. It’s a way to ensure that the money you leave behind is safe and used in a manner that you deem fit and matches your values. Setting up an inheritance trust is a strategic move for families looking to safeguard their wealth and provide for future generations.

An inheritance trust offers a myriad of benefits:

  • Asset Protection: It shields your assets from creditors, lawsuits and even some taxes.
  • Controlled Distribution: You can specify how and when your beneficiaries receive their inheritance, promoting responsible spending and long-term financial security.
  • Privacy: Unlike wills, trusts are not public records, offering your family privacy during the transfer of assets.

Whether it’s protecting your assets from being squandered, as in the cautionary tale of the Illinois teenager, or planning for your family’s future needs, an inheritance trust can be tailored to suit your objectives. It’s about making informed choices today that will support your loved ones tomorrow.

The story of the teenager who lost $250,000 is a powerful reminder of what’s at stake when parents leave their money in outright distributions to children. It’s not just about leaving wealth behind; it’s about leaving a foundation for wise decision-making and financial stability. An inheritance trust allows families to protect heirs from their inheritance. It can be the guiding light for your heirs, helping them navigate their inheritance responsibly. If you would like to learn more about inheritance trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

References: The Week, originally published on (Jan. 10, 2015) “What blowing a $250K inheritance taught me.”

SmartAsset (Sept. 19, 2023) How to Keep Money in the Family With an Inheritance Trust”

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Cognitive Decline is Overlooked in Estate Planning

Cognitive Decline is Overlooked in Estate Planning

Estate planning is a roadmap for transferring a person’s assets upon their death. It preserves their value and lays out the distribution of assets to the beneficiaries. One overlooked but essential aspect of estate planning is a strategy to manage and maintain an estate’s assets if the owner loses cognitive functioning and cannot make rational or mentally sound decisions. Planning for cognitive decline is often overlooked in estate planning.

A recent case highlighted by Alan Feigenbaum in J.D. Supra’s article “Confronting Cognitive Abilities in Well-Rounded Estate Planning” reminds us of the complexities and challenges that can arise when cognitive decline is not adequately addressed in estate planning.

The case involves an 80-year-old retired advertising executive, referred to as K.K., who suffered from severe delusions. Influenced by a fraudulent business associate, K.K.’s delusions led to misguided investments that resulted in a significant financial loss. Despite the clear signs of cognitive impairment, K.K. continued to engage in financial decisions that jeopardized his estate’s financial well-being.

K.K.’s son filed a petition to appoint him guardian of his father’s estate to prevent further loss. This situation underscores the need for an estate plan that includes managing the assets and protecting the estate’s value, if the individual is cognitively or mentally impaired.

  • Plan Early and Consider Cognitive Decline: Begin estate planning early and include provisions to carry out plan directives, if cognitive functioning is impaired.
  • Incorporate Safeguards: Estate plans should have safeguards, such as durable powers of attorney and trusts, which empower trusted individuals to manage your affairs if you become incapacitated.
  • Regular Reviews and Updates: Review and update your estate plan regularly to reflect changes in circumstances, including health status.
  • Professional Guidance is Key: Navigate the complexities of estate planning with an experienced estate planning attorney. An attorney will structure your estate plan to address potential cognitive decline.

K.K.’s court case underscores why cognitive decline is overlooked in estate planning. A well-rounded estate plan includes a strategy to protect and manage assets when an individual lacks the cognitive capacity to make decisions. Proactive strategies prevent financial loss and reduce the emotional turmoil when caring for a cognitively impaired loved one. Estate planning gives you the peace of mind that your wishes will be honored, even in mental decline. If you would like to learn more about planning for cognitive decline, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: JD Supra, (March 2024), Confronting Cognitive Abilities in Well-Rounded Estate Planning

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Considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?

Considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?

Medicaid, a joint state and federal program, provides health coverage to low-income individuals of all ages. Qualifying for Medicaid requires meeting strict income and asset limits, which vary by state and the type of Medicaid coverage sought. If you are considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, there are a few things to know.

These limits pose a significant hurdle for many, especially those needing long-term care. According to an ElderLawAnswers article, this is where Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPTs) come into play. MAPTs offer a legal avenue to protect assets, while preserving eligibility for Medicaid benefits.

A MAPT is an irrevocable trust established during your lifetime that transfers ownership of assets to a trust, so Medicaid excludes them from the resource limit during eligibility qualification. Once transferred, you no longer own the assets directly, which helps you to meet Medicaid’s eligibility criteria. Appoint a trustee other than yourself to manage the trust and to transfer the assets, such as real estate or stocks, into the trust’s name correctly.

Key Considerations:

  • Timing is Crucial: A MAPT must be created and funded with Medicaid’s 60-month lookback period in mind. Assets transferred into the trust within this period may penalize your Medicaid eligibility.
  • Living Arrangements: Transferring your home into a MAPT doesn’t mean you have to move out. You can still reside in your home, although the trust technically owns it.
  • Income and Benefits: You can receive income from the trust’s assets. However, this income may affect your Medicaid eligibility.

Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts are a valuable strategy for individuals looking to qualify for Medicaid without sacrificing their assets. If you are considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, work with an attorney to understand how these trusts work and the financial considerations involved, so you can make informed decisions about your long-term care planning. If you would like to learn more about elder law, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: ElderLawAnswers: What Are Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?

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Risks of Adding a Child as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Risks of Adding a Child as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Life insurance is a critical part of family financial planning, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of financially when you’re no longer around. A common approach many parents consider is adding their child’s name as a life insurance beneficiary, believing it to be a straightforward way to secure their child’s future. However, this decision carries unexpected complications and risks that many are unaware of. There are hidden risks of adding your child as a life insurance beneficiary.

At first glance, naming your minor child as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy seems like a caring gesture. It’s natural to want to provide for your children’s future directly. However, this well-intentioned move can lead to unforeseen legal and financial hurdles.

Minors are not legally allowed to receive life insurance benefits directly, says Policygenius in an article titled “Naming a child as a life insurance beneficiary.” If a minor is named as a beneficiary, the death benefit payout is delayed until a court appoints a custodian to manage the funds, which can take months. The surviving parent or a guardian named in your will is often appointed as the guardian. During this time, your child would not have access to the financial support you intended, potentially impacting their immediate needs.

Once an adult custodian is appointed, they can only use the money for court-approved expenses, such as living expenses and education. Your child might only access the funds at age 18. This process delays support and limits how the funds are used, contrary to your wishes.

Setting up a trust is the best way to ensure that your child benefits from your life insurance policy without legal entanglements or delays. Creating a trust for your minor child allows you to control how and when the benefits are distributed. You can specify conditions, such as funds for specific types of education, vacations, or an allowance, ensuring that the money supports your child in the most beneficial ways. This setup avoids the need for court intervention, providing a smoother transition of financial support.

While not all families choose to create a trust, naming an adult custodian or guardian for minor children is an essential step for estate planning. Appointing a guardian ensures that the person(s) you choose will both raise your children according to your wishes and financially manage the insurance policy death benefit on behalf of your child until they reach adulthood. Selecting a trusted individual for this role is crucial, since they will have significant control over your child’s financial and caregiving support.

Naming your spouse as the primary beneficiary, with a trust as the secondary, ensures that your spouse can manage household finances and support your child’s future if you’re no longer there. It’s essential to regularly review and update your life insurance beneficiaries to reflect life changes, ensuring that your policy aligns with your current wishes.

Adding a child’s name as a life insurance beneficiary might seem like a simple way to secure their future, but it comes with risks. By considering alternatives, like trusts or adult custodians, you can ensure that your child receives the support you intend without unnecessary legal hurdles or delays. If you would like to learn more about life insurance and estate planning, please visit our previous post. 

Reference: Policygenius (Aug. 17, 2023) “Naming a child as a life insurance beneficiary”

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The Complexities of Co-Owning a Vacation Home

The Complexities of Co-Owning a Vacation Home

Dreaming of a vacation home you can escape to at any moment is wonderful. However, the reality of co-owning that slice of paradise with friends or family might be more complicated than you think, explains Better Homes and Garden’s article, “What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Vacation Home with Friends or Family.” Let’s dive into the complexities and considerations of co-owning a vacation home, inspired by insights from experts in the field.

Co-owning a vacation home often starts with a dream shared among friends or family. It’s an appealing idea, especially when the cost of owning a vacation spot on your own seems out of reach. The idea of pooling resources to afford a better, more luxurious property in a prime location is tempting. It promises a place to stay and a shared investment, potentially increasing in value over time.

The main attraction of co-owning is financial efficiency. You can access better properties in desirable locations without shouldering the entire financial burden alone. It allows more frequent visits to your favorite vacation spot and turns an otherwise unreachable dream into a tangible reality. Owning a property with others can also create deeper bonds and shared memories that last a lifetime.

However, with the benefits come significant risks and potential pitfalls. Co-ownership can lead to financial disputes, disagreements over property use, maintenance responsibilities and even conflicts about the property’s future. What happens if one owner wants out of their part of the property or if one owner passes away unexpectedly? What if personal circumstances change, affecting

Before jumping into co-ownership, having detailed conversations about every aspect of the property’s future is crucial. Discussing and agreeing on a budget, usage schedules, guests, pets and even decor can prevent misunderstandings down the line. It’s also wise to consider legal structures, like becoming tenants in common or forming an LLC, to manage the property, ensuring that all agreements are in writing to protect everyone involved.

Getting legal advice from an estate, real estate, or business attorney when considering purchasing joint-owned property is essential. A trusted attorney can help draft a comprehensive co-ownership contract with your friend or family member that outlines each owner’s rights, responsibilities, financial commitments and the procedures for resolving disputes or selling shares in the property. This agreement safeguards your financial interest in the vacation home, ensuring that it remains a source of joy rather than a cause of strife.

Co-owning a vacation home offers a unique opportunity to make your dream of a getaway spot a reality. However, it’s not without its challenges. By prioritizing open communication, financial clarity and professional legal advice, you can navigate the complexities of co-ownership. Remember, the goal is to create a space that enhances your life and relationships, not one that leads to unnecessary stress or conflict. Your estate planning attorney will help you fully grasp the complexities of co-owning a vacation home. If you are interested in learning more about managing real property in your estate plan, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Better Homes and Gardens (June 29, 2023) “What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Vacation Home with Friends or Family”

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IRS may End Irrevocable Trust Decanting

IRS may End Irrevocable Trust Decanting

The term “irrevocable trust” is not quite what it seems, says a recent article from The National Law Review, “Is CCA 202352018 the Death of Irrevocable Trust Decantings?”  Generally, they can be modified in one or two ways, depending on the state’s laws. In some states, an irrevocable trust can be modified with the consent of the beneficiaries and the trustees. Some states also require the consent of the settlor if they are living. This is referred to as a “non-judicial modification. ”In other states, an irrevocable trust can be modified by a decanting, a process where an authorized trustee exercises their independent discretion to “pour” over the property of the trust to a new trust with different terms—hence the term decanting.  However, the IRS’ Chief Council Advice Memorandum (CCA 202352018) (the “CCA”) means the IRS may end irrevocable trust decantings, as they have been used for years. It’s all about the taxes.

Estate planning attorneys have been concerned that using a non-judicial modification to make changes with the beneficiaries’ consent, such as removing a beneficiary, shifting beneficial interests, or diluting a beneficiary’s interest, might be considered a taxable gift by the beneficiaries. The concern wasn’t present for decantings, since they are effectuated by the independent act of an authorized trustee, who doesn’t have a beneficial interest in the trust without the beneficiaries’ consent – until the CCA.

The CCA Memorandum reviewed a case where, in the first year, an irrevocable inter vivos trust is established for the benefit of a Child and the Child’s descendants, and the trustee may distribute income and principal for the benefit of the child according to the trustee’s discretion. When the Child dies, the remainder will be distributed to the Child’s issue per stirpes.

In year two, when the Child has no living grandchildren or remote descendants, the trustee petitions the state court to modify the terms of the trust. The Child and Child’s issue consent to the modification. Later that year, the State Court grants the petition and issues an order modifying the trust to provide a trustee of the Trust with the power to reimburse the grantor for any income taxes. The grantor pays due to the inclusion of the Trust’s income in the grantor’s taxable income.

The Chief Counsel finds the modification of the irrevocable trust with the consent of the beneficiaries may constitute a taxable gift from the beneficiaries. However, the CCA goes on to say, “[t]he result would be the same if the modification was pursuant to a state statute that provides beneficiaries with a right to notice and a right to object to the modification and a beneficiary fails to exercise their right to object.”

This additional comment from the Chief Counsel is seen as foreshadowing the IRS’ position concerning decanting, and it may prove problematic. Most states currently authorizing trust decanting by statute require the trustee to provide the beneficiaries with notice of the decanting and provide that unless the beneficiaries consent to an earlier effective date, the decanting is only effective after a period of time elapses following the beneficiaries’ receipt of the notice.

It remains to be seen whether this comment from the Chief Counsel will foreclose all possible options for decanting. Decantings are permitted by law in various states, and many estate planning attorneys include provisions in their irrevocable trusts allowing the trustee to decant the trust under the terms of the trust, using the language of an “internal decanting provision.”

Whether the IRS ends the use of irrevocable trust decantings remains to be seen. If you are exploring the possibility of modifying an irrevocable trust, it is always best to speak with an estate planning attorney to review options and possible risks. If you would like to read more about irrevocable trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The National Law Review (Feb. 29, 2024) “Is CCA 202352018 the Death of Irrevocable Trust Decantings?”

Photo by Karolina Grabowska


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The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 3 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 3 is out now! Taxes come in all favors. Sales taxes, excise taxes, capital gains taxes, etc. We are all concerned about our income taxes as we approach April 15th. Many of us will believe we pay way too much, and nobody will feel like they should pay more! But there’s another tax to be concerned about: The Death Tax.

 In this edition of The Estate of the Union, Brad Wiewel dissects the Death tax and it’s first cousin, the Gift Tax and explains them in a way that everyone can understand. He also sheds like on what is going to happen on January 1, 2026 – unless Congress changes the law; so, stand by!


In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 3 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season |Episode 3


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

When Gift Tax Return Should Be Filed

When Gift Tax Return Should Be Filed

Gift tax returns may be the most misunderstood and overlooked part of estate planning. The first mistake people make, according to the article “Know The Most Misunderstood Part Of Estate Plans: Gift Tax Returns” from Forbes, is not knowing when a gift tax return should be filed. Even if a gift you make is tax-free, you might have to file a return anyway. And there are times when you aren’t required to file a gift tax return, but it’s still a good idea to do so.

The gift tax return is IRS Form 709, which can be downloaded from the IRS website at no cost.

In most cases, the IRS can’t take action on an incorrect gift tax return once more than three years have passed since it was originally filed. There are exceptions for fraudulent returns or if a return is either missing information or substantially misstates information.

However, there’s no statute of limitations if you fail to file a gift tax return, and the IRS can raise questions about the transaction at any time. This includes coming after your heirs or your estate after you’ve passed. At that time, your heirs or executor may not have the evidence to prove you complied with the tax law. The IRS would be within its rights to assess not only the gift tax but also penalties and interest for all the years from the date of the gift tax filing to the current date.

For this reason alone, it’s a good idea to file a gift tax return if there’s even the slightest question of whether it’s necessary.

Form 709 has a section for reporting “non-gift transactions.” Some estate planning attorneys recommend taking advantage of this to start the statute of limitations clock ticking and prevent the IRS from recharacterizing your gift years later as a taxable gift.

Consider this especially when you sell assets to a trust or shift assets from one irrevocable trust to another, known as “decanting” a trust. Consider also filing a gift tax return for a non-gift if you take advantage of the generation-skipping transfer tax exemption through a trust.

Another common mistake is not realizing that certain actions are considered gifts by the IRS, whether in the general sense or not. Let’s say you sell an asset to your children at less than market value. The difference between the selling price and the market value is a gift. So is forgiving or making a loan at a below-market interest rate.

If parents pay bills for adult children, this might be considered a gift if the gifts are valuable or if you also make significant gifts of money or property to the same person in the same year.

A gift tax issue the IRS pays close attention to is valuation. There’s not much question about the value of a publicly traded security, but for many other assets, there’s a lot of room to question the correct value, and the gift tax is based on the asset value at the time the gift is made.

While spouses may make unlimited gifts to each other tax-free, there are times when gifts between spouses must be reported. One time is when the gift is defined in the tax code as a “terminable interest.” Another time is if one spouse is not a U.S. citizen. Gifts to that spouse from the other spouse exceeding a certain amount during the year must be reported on IRS Form 709.

It’s always a good idea to check with your estate planning attorney about when a gift tax return should be filed to protect yourself and your heirs. If you would like to read more about gifting and estate planning, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (Feb. 16, 2024) “Know The Most Misunderstood Part Of Estate Plans: Gift Tax Returns”

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Crummey Trusts are an Option to Gift to Minors

Crummey Trusts are an Option to Gift to Minors

If you’re looking for ways to pass wealth on to children or grandchildren, one valuable tool to consider may be the Crummey Trust. Crummey Trusts represent a strategic option for those looking to gift assets to minors. Named after the first individual to utilize this approach, the Crummey Trust offers a way to gift money to minors while enjoying significant tax advantages and maintaining control over the funds’ distribution.

A Crummey Trust allows you to gift assets to minors without those gifts being subject to gift tax up to a certain amount annually. As of 2024, you can give up to $18,000 annually to a minor through a Crummey Trust without incurring gift tax or affecting your lifetime gift tax exemption. This type of trust is particularly appealing because it prevents the minor from gaining direct access to the funds until they reach an age where they can manage the money responsibly.

A Crummey Trust operates on the concept of “present interest” gifts. For a gift to qualify for the annual gift tax exclusion, the recipient must have the right to use, possess, or enjoy the gift immediately. Crummey Trusts meet this requirement by allowing the beneficiary a temporary right to withdraw the gifted amount, typically within a 30-day window after the gift is made. If the withdrawal right is not exercised, the funds remain in the trust, subject to the terms set by the grantor.

While Crummey Trusts offer many advantages, they also require diligent record-keeping and clear communication with beneficiaries about their rights. Additionally, as beneficiaries age, they may choose to exercise their withdrawal rights, which could impact the grantor’s willingness to continue making gifts to the trust.

Crummey Trusts represent a strategic option for those looking to gift assets to minors while maintaining control over the distribution of those assets and optimizing tax benefits. By understanding the unique features and requirements of Crummey Trusts, you can make informed decisions that align with your estate planning goals and provide for your loved ones’ futures. If you would like to learn more about gifting, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: ElderLawAnswers “Crummey Trust: A Safe Way to Give Financial Gifts to Minors”

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Business Owners needs Succession Planning

Business Owners needs Succession Planning

Business owners typically have a high percentage of their net worth tied up in the business and sometimes the real estate where it operates. What’s surprising is how little attention is often given to the succession plan. Business owners need succession planning, says an article from Accounting Today, “The two sides to succession plans for private businesses.”

Starting with the operational side, who will take over the business owner’s work when they die, become incapacitated, or retire? If a business founder is in the weeds of the business, this is a big issue. The owner must have extensive conversations with key employees to discuss the details.

Multigenerational family ownership isn’t always the cure for a succession plan. Second- or third-generational roles must be planned, so capable people fill them. Bloodline succession doesn’t always work for running a business.

These conversations regarding roles, compensation and equity incentives must be very detailed. Not all employee leaders are willing to pour their lives into a privately owned business for the benefit of heirs without an incentive plan.

On the financial side of succession, who will become the owners of the deceased’s shares, and what financial arrangements will be made for that transfer? Businesses with the least amount of animosity and grief are those who have done the hard work: they have the business evaluated by an outside professional and having clear plans for how the successor owners will own and operate the business.

How will the transfer of the business take place in the future? An estate planning attorney should work with the business’ accountants, financial advisors, insurance brokers and other professionals to develop a clear plan for the business and the family.

If the owner is contemplating retirement, will they count on the income from the business operations to fund their retirement, or will they sell their shares to family members or outsiders? Who will oversee this transfer if the business owner becomes incapacitated?

Business owners needs succession planning for a privately held business. It is a lengthy process requiring input from skilled professionals, and ideally, it should begin the moment the business is well-established. There’s always time to tweak an existing plan, but never time to plan in an emergency. If you would like to learn more about business succession planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Accounting Today (Feb. 13, 2024) “The two sides to succession plans for private businesses”

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