Diverse Family Structures Have Unique Estate Planning Challenges

Diverse Family Structures Have Unique Estate Planning Challenges

"The law doesn’t always cater to diverse family structures. Those who live as extended families, as part of same-sex couples, or other families need to pay special attention to estate planning."

American family law has traditionally focused on the nuclear family. However, Forbes reports that only 18% of American adults now fit this model. There are many new types of families today, such as blended families, single-parent households and LGBTQ+ families. Dated legal definitions of family could be a hurdle in your estate planning. Diverse family structures have unique estate planning challenges. However, it’s a hurdle you can overcome with knowledge and legal guidance.

Most legal protections and rights cater to the assumption that a family is a married couple with blood children. This alone creates obstacles for many families, even those that look traditional. Many heterosexual couples have children but haven’t yet married. This can deprive them of various rights and may exclude partners from inheritance.

Blended families with stepchildren also frequently struggle with inheritance. If the parents fail to lay out the rights of the children, it can go to a lengthy probate process. Likewise, the children of single parents face a uniquely uncertain future should their parents die unexpectedly. Another diverse family type that frequently struggles with family law is LGBTQ+ families. The rights of same-sex couples vary widely by state, which makes estate planning especially important for them.

These diverse families and more can find themselves underserved by laws that don’t have them in mind. However, that doesn’t mean that their wishes must go un-respected. There are many estate planning tools available that can help people clarify and execute their wishes once they’re gone.

Advanced estate planning techniques can give anyone greater control of their estate.  Everyone with a significant estate or minor children should have an estate plan. However, diverse families need to use these tools to safeguard their wishes.

  • Wills: A well-drafted will is Step One. It makes it far easier to ensure that your assets go to your inheritors as you wish.
  • Trusts: Trusts offer greater control over asset distribution while avoiding will-related pitfalls. Living trusts can be adjusted during one’s lifetime, while irrevocable trusts protect assets but are permanent.
  • Powers of attorney: Financial and healthcare powers of attorney let a trusted person decide if the primary individual is incapacitated.
  • Testamentary guardianship: Single-parent, blended families and same-sex couples should appoint guardians for minor children in their wills.
  • Beneficiary Designations: Designate the beneficiaries for life insurance, retirement and investment accounts. This ensures that the executor of your will transfers assets according to your wishes.

The evolving definition of family challenges conventional estate planning. Unmarried couples, blended families and other non-traditional arrangements often need tailored estate plans. However, untangling estate law on your own isn’t easy.

Diverse family structures have unique estate planning challenges. Schedule a consultation with an estate planning attorney, who will address local laws and your unique family structure, to craft a comprehensive estate plan. If you would like to learn more about planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (April 2, 2024) How Expanding The Legal Definition Of Family Helps Us All

Image by miltonhuallpa95

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