Category: Tax Planning

Credit Card Debt must be Paid after Death

When you consider the average credit card balance in 2023 was $6,365, chances are many Americans will leave an unpaid credit card balance if they die suddenly. Credit card debt must be paid after death. A recent article from yahoo! finance asks and answers the question, “What happens to credit card debt when you die?”

Many people think death leads to debt forgiveness. However, this isn’t the case. Some forms of debt, like federal student loans, may be discharged if the borrower dies. However, this is the exception and not the rule.

Credit card debt doesn’t evaporate when the cardholder goes away. It generally must be paid by the estate, which means the amount of debt will reduce your loved one’s inheritance. In some cases, credit card debt might mean they don’t receive an inheritance at all.

Outstanding credit card debt is paid by your estate, which means your individual assets owned at the time of death, including real estate, bank accounts, or any other valuables acquired during your life.

Upon death, your will is submitted to the court for probate, the legal process of reviewing the transfer of assets. It ensures that all debts and taxes are paid before issuing the remaining assets to your designated heirs.

If you have a will, you likely have an executor—the person you named responsible for carrying out your wishes. They are responsible for settling any outstanding debts of the estate. If there’s no will, the court will appoint an administrator or a personal representative to manage the assets.

In most cases, your heirs won’t have to pay off your credit card debt with their own funds. However, you may be surprised to learn there are exceptions:

  • Married people living in community property states. In a community property state, the deceased spouse is responsible for repaying credit card debt incurred by their spouse. In 2023, those states include Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.
  • Credit cards with joint owners. If you had a joint credit card shared with a partner or relative, the surviving joint owner is responsible for the full outstanding balance. Only joint users are responsible for repaying credit card debt. If your partner was an authorized user and not an owner, they aren’t legally responsible for the debt.

Debt collectors may try to collect from family members, even though the family members are not responsible for paying credit card debts. The debt collector may not state or imply that the family member is personally responsible for the debt, unless they are the spouse in a community property state or a joint account owner.

If a debt collector claims you personally owe money, request a debt validation letter showing your legal responsibility for the debt. Otherwise, you have no legal obligation to pay for it yourself.

When someone dies, their estate is responsible for paying debts, including credit card debt. However, debt is repaid in a certain order. In general, unsecured debt like credit card balances are the lowest priority and paid last.

Some accounts are exempt from debt payment:

  • Money in a 401(k) or IRA with a designated beneficiary goes directly to the beneficiary and is exempt from any debt repayment.
  • Life insurance death benefits go directly to the named beneficiary and go directly to the beneficiaries.

If a loved one has died and they had credit cards, stop using any of their cards, even if you are an authorized user or joint owner. Review the deceased’s credit report to learn what accounts are open in their name and the balance on each account. Notify credit card issuers and alert credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You may need to submit a written notification, a copy of the death certificate and proof of your being an authorized person to act on behalf of the estate.

The bottom line is this: credit card debt must be paid at your death. Talk with an estate planning attorney to find out how your state’s laws treat the outstanding debt of a deceased person, as these laws vary by state. If you would like to learn more about managing debt as an executor of an estate, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: yahoo! finance (Nov. 9, 2023) “What happens to credit card debt when you die?”

Image by Steve Buissinne


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Tax Planning may Impact your Medicare Costs

Tax planning may impact your Medicare costs. How much retirees pay for Medicare Part B premiums is based on income levels, and an income increase of even $1 can trigger higher tax rates, explains the recent article, “Year-end tax strategies may affect how much retirees pay for Medicare. Here’s what to know” from CNBC.

Social Security beneficiaries will receive a 3.2% increase in benefits in 2024 based on the annual COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment). According to the Social Security Administration, this will result in an estimated increase of more than $50 per month, bringing the average monthly retirement benefit for workers from $1,848 in 2023 to $1,907 in 2024.

How much beneficiaries will actually receive won’t be known until December, when annual benefit statements are sent out. One factor possibly offsetting those benefit increases is the size of Medicare Part B premiums, which are typically deducted directly from Social Security monthly benefits.

Medicare Part B covers physician services, outpatient hospital services, some home health care services, durable medical equipment and other services not covered by Medicare Part A.

Medicare Part B premiums for 2024 have not yet been announced. However, the Medicare trustees have projected the standard monthly premium possibly being $174.80 in 2024, up from $164.90 in 2023.

Some beneficiaries may pay more, based on income, in what’s known as IRMAA or Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts. In 2023, it is the standard Part B premium for those who file individually and have $97,000 or less (or $194,000 or less for couples) in modified adjusted gross income on their federal tax return in 2021.

Monthly premiums can go up to as much as $560.50 per month for individuals with incomes of $500,000 and up, for couples with $750,000 and up.

Beneficiaries receive the same Medicare services regardless of the monthly Part B premium rate.

In 2024, the monthly Part B premiums will be based on 2022 federal tax returns. Beneficiaries need to pay attention to how their incomes may change when implementing year-end tax strategies.

For instance, if you do a Roth conversion, taking pre-tax funds from a traditional IRA or eligible qualified retirement plan like a 401(k) and moving them to a post-tax retirement account, you’ll trigger income taxes, which may trigger higher Medicare Part B premiums later.

Tax planning may impact your Medicare costs. People who do end-of-year tax loss harvesting, selling off assets at a loss to offset capital gains owed on other profitable investments, may reduce adjusted gross income and future Medicare premiums.

If you’re taking distributions from IRAs and want to make charitable donations, you might want to make those donations directly from your retirement account, known as a qualified charitable distribution. These funds don’t appear on your tax return and won’t increase income taxes or future Medicare premiums. If you would like to read more about Medicare and tax planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: CNBC (Oct. 12, 2023) “Year-end tax strategies may affect how much retirees pay for Medicare. Here’s what to know”

Image by Steve Buissinne


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Strategies to minimize Taxes on Trusts

Strategies to minimize Taxes on Trusts

Dealing with trusts and the tax implications for those who create them, and their beneficiaries can seem confusing. Nevertheless, with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney, those issues can be managed, according to a recent article, “5 Taxes You Might Owe If You Have a Trust,” from Yahoo! Finance. There are strategies to minimize taxes on trusts.

Trusts are legal entities used for various estate planning and financial purposes. There are three key roles: the grantor, or the person establishing the trust; the trustee, who manages the trust assets; and the beneficiary, the person or persons who receive assets from the trust.

Trusts work by transferring ownership of assets from the grantor to the trust. By separating the legal ownership, specific instructions in the trust documents can be created regarding using and distributing the assets. The trustee’s job is to manage and administer the trust according to the grantor’s wishes, as written in the trust document.

Trusts offer control, privacy, and tax benefits, so they are widely used in estate planning.

There are two primary types of trusts: revocable and irrevocable. Revocable trusts are adjustable trusts that allow the grantor to make changes or even cancel during their lifetime. They avoid the probate process, which can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if assets are owned in different states. However, the revocable trust doesn’t offer as many tax benefits as the irrevocable trust.

Think of irrevocable trusts as a “locked box.” Once assets are placed in the trust, the trust can’t be changed or ended without the beneficiary’s consent. In some states, irrevocable trusts can be “decanted” or moved into another irrevocable trust, requiring the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. However, irrevocable trusts are not treated as part of the grantor’s taxable estate, making them an ideal strategy for reducing tax liabilities and shielding assets from creditors.

Trust distributions are the assets or income passed from the trust to beneficiaries. They can be in the form of cash, stocks, real estate, or other assets. For instance, if a trust owns a rental property, the monthly rental property generated by the property could be distributed to the trust’s beneficiaries.

Do beneficiaries pay taxes on distributions from the principal of the trust? Not generally. If you receive a distribution from the trust principal, it is not usually considered taxable. However, the trust itself may owe taxes on any income it generates, including interest, dividends, or rental income. The trust typically pays these before distributions are made to beneficiaries.

It gets a little complicated when beneficiaries receive distributions of trust income. In many cases, the income is taxable to the beneficiaries at their own individual tax rates. This can create a sizable tax wallop if you are in your peak earnings years.

There are strategies to minimize taxes on your trust. One approach is to structure trust distribution with a Charitable Remainder Trust, where income goes to a charity for a set number of years, and the remaining assets are then distributed to beneficiaries. An estate planning attorney will be a valuable resource, so grantors can achieve their goals and beneficiaries aren’t subject to overly burdensome taxes. If you would like to learn more about tax planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Yahoo! Finance (Sep. 27, 2023) “5 Taxes You Might Owe If You Have a Trust”

Image by Arek Socha


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Tax Strategies combined with Estate Planning can Safeguard Assets

Tax Strategies combined with Estate Planning can Safeguard Assets

Business owners who want long-term financial success must navigate an intricate web of taxes, estate planning and asset protection. Pre-and post-transactional tax strategies, combined with estate planning, can safeguard assets, optimize tax positions and help strategically pass wealth along to future generations or charitable organizations, as reported in a recent article from Forbes, “Strategic Tax and Estate Planning For Business Owners.”

Pre-transactional tax planning includes reviewing the business entity structure to align it with tax objectives. For example, converting to a Limited Liability Company (LLC) may be a better structure if it is currently a solo proprietorship.

Implementing qualified retirement plans, like 401(k)s and defined benefit plans, gives tax advantages for owners and is attractive to employees. Contributions are typically tax-deductible, offering immediate tax savings.

There are federal, state, and local tax credits and incentives to reduce tax liability, all requiring careful research to be sure they are legitimate tax planning strategies. Overly aggressive practices can lead to audits, penalties, and reputational damage.

After a transaction, shielding assets becomes even more critical. Establishing a limited liability entity, like a Family Limited Partnership (FLP), may be helpful to protect assets.

Remember to keep personal and business assets separate to avoid putting asset protection efforts at risk. Review and update asset protection strategies when there are changes in your personal or business life or new laws that may provide new opportunities.

Developing a succession plan is critical to ensure that the transition of a family business from one to the next. Be honest about family dynamics and individual capabilities. Start early and work with an experienced estate planning attorney to align the succession and tax plan with your overall estate plan.

Philanthropy positively impacts, establishes, or builds on an existing legacy and creates tax advantages. Donating appreciated assets, using charitable trusts, or creating a private foundation can all achieve personal goals while attaining tax benefits.

Estate taxes can erode the value of wealth when transferring it to the next generation. Gifting, trusts, or life insurance are all means of minimizing estate taxes and preserving wealth. Your estate planning attorney will know about estate tax exemption limits and changes coming soon. They will advise you about gifting assets during your lifetime, using annual gift exclusions, and determine if lifetime gifts should be used to generate estate tax benefits. Smart tax strategies combined with estate planning can safeguard assets for generations. If you would like to read more about tax and estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Sep. 28, 2023) “Strategic Tax and Estate Planning For Business Owners”

Image by Steve Buissinne

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What You Should Know about Inherited IRAs

What You Should Know about Inherited IRAs

Here’s what you should know about inherited IRAs. Inheriting an Inherited IRA can be even more complicated than the already complex world of inherited Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Understanding the rules and regulations about inheriting an inherited IRA is critical to avoid major tax pitfalls, according to a recent article from yahoo! finance, “What Happens When I inherit an Annuity?”

After the passage of the SECURE Act, the rules concerning inherited IRAs became quite restrictive. Working with an estate planning attorney knowledgeable about IRAs can be the difference between a healthy inheritance or an unexpected huge tax liability.

An inherited IRA is an IRA left to a beneficiary following the death of the original account owner. The beneficiary who inherits the IRA can pass it to a successor beneficiary upon death. This creates the “inheriting an inherited IRA” scenario.

If the line of succession is not set up correctly, there is the potential for inherited assets to go through probate for a judge to rule on the rightful owner.

The original beneficiary is the first person to inherit the IRA. Once they have inherited the account, they may name their successor beneficiary. There are rules for the original beneficiary and the successor beneficiary.

The SECURE Act changed the timeline for inherited IRAs. It eliminated the “stretch” IRA strategy, which allowed beneficiaries to take distributions over their lifetime, stretching out the tax-deferred growth of the IRA over decades. Now, most non-spouse beneficiaries must withdraw all assets from an inherited IRA within ten (10) years of the original account holder’s death. This change presents new implications with regard to taxes, especially if the beneficiary is in their peak earning years.

Inheriting an inherited IRA can involve complex tax rules and pitfalls. There are timelines for taking required withdrawals and zero flexibility for mistakes.

You’ll also need to be sure the inheritance is documented correctly to avoid potential probate.

The rules differ for spouses inheriting an IRA since they shared assets with their deceased spouse. The SECURE Act allows spouses to treat the IRA as their own, providing more flexibility in distributions and potential tax implications.

Understanding the concept of Year of Death Required Distributions is essential. Let’s say the original owner was over a certain age at death. In this situation, a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) may need to be taken in the year of death, which could impact the heir’s taxes for that year.

Knowing potential tax breaks related to inherited IRAs will also help with financial management. Non-spouse beneficiaries can deduct the estate tax paid on IRA assets when calculating their income tax.

These are complex issues requiring the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. Ideally, the attorney will help you understand what you should know about inherited IRAs. This conversation should occur while creating or revising your estate plan. If you would like to learn more about IRAs, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: yahoo! finance (Sep. 5, 2023) “What Happens When I inherit an Annuity?”


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Estate Planning can be a Powerful Part of a Financial Strategy

Estate Planning can be a Powerful Part of a Financial Strategy

Estate planning can be a powerful part of a financial strategy to ensure the smooth transfer of assets to the next generation while yielding significant tax savings, as explained in a recent article, “Maximizing wealth: The power of strategic estate planning in tax savings” from Thomasville Times-Enterprise.

Estate planning generally involves arranging assets and personal affairs to facilitate an efficient transfer to beneficiaries. However, there’s a tax angle to consider. Estates are subject to various taxes, including estate, inheritance and capital gains taxes. Without a good estate plan, taxes can take a big bite out of any inheritance.

Using tax-free thresholds and deductions effectively is one way to save on taxes. Depending upon your jurisdiction, there may be a state estate tax exemption in addition to the federal estate tax exemption. By strategically distributing assets to beneficiaries or using trusts, individuals can keep the value of their estate below these thresholds, leading to reduced or eliminated estate taxes.

Equally important is planning to take advantage of allowable deductions, further decreasing the tax burden facing heirs.

Trusts are valuable tools for estate and tax planning. They offer a legal framework to hold and manage assets to benefit individuals or organizations and provide asset protection and tax advantages. A revocable living trust transfers assets seamlessly to beneficiaries without passing through probate. Irrevocable trusts shield assets from estate taxes while allowing the person who created the trust—the grantor—to direct their distribution when the trust is established.

Strategic gifting during one’s lifetime is another way wealth is transferred. Using the annual gift tax exclusion, you may gift a certain amount per person yearly without triggering gift taxes. This allows for the gradual transfer of assets, reducing the taxable estate while helping loved ones. Gifting appreciated assets can result in significant capital gains tax savings for both the person making the gift and the recipient.

Estate planning is necessary for business owners to protect a family business from being stripped of capital because of hefty estate taxes. Different ownership structures, including a Family Limited Partnership (FLP) or a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can facilitate the smooth transition of the business to the next generation, while using valuation discounts to reduce estate tax liabilities further.

Estate planning can be a powerful part of a financial strategy. Given the complexity of estate and tax laws, working with an experienced estate planning attorney, accountant, and financial advisor is essential to ensure that all aspects of an estate plan meet legal requirements. Every situation and every family is different, so the estate plan needs to be designed to meet the unique needs of the individual and their family. If you would like to learn more about tax planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Thomasville Times-Enterprise (Sep. 3, 2023) “Maximizing wealth: The power of strategic estate planning in tax savings”

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Tools to Minimize or Avoid Estate Taxes

Tools to Minimize or Avoid Estate Taxes

The tax cuts of 2017 temporarily doubled the amount individuals could give away without paying taxes. However, those cuts are due to expire in 2026, pushing well-to-do Americans to move fast, says a recent article from The Wall Street Journal, “The Moves Wealthy Families are Making to Skirt Estate Taxes.” According to recently published stats from the Internal Revenue Service, wealth transfer began to escalate in 2021, with more than $182.6 billion given away. Nearly $100 billion went into trusts, some of which can last for generations. A total of roughly $14.8 went to charity. There are tools available to minimize or avoid estate taxes.

For Americans with a net worth over $10 million, it’s urgent to consider a range of moves before these tax cuts expire. There are a number of options, from simple gifts to heirs to setting up complex dynasty trusts to protect wealth over generations. The macabre alternative is to die before these cuts expire.

The $10 million figure in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was indexed for inflation. For 2023, the combined gift and estate tax exemption is $12.9 million per individual, or $25.84 million per married couple. This is the amount you may give away during your life or at death tax-free.

Next year, the amount will be adjusted to $13.61 million. For 2025, it may be as high as $14 million per person. But in 2026, it will drop by half to about $7 million.

The tax cuts expire after December 31, 2025. Anyone facing an estate tax bill who hasn’t made any preparations will likely have a somber New Year’s Eve.

A couple who transfers their full exemption amount of $28 million by 2025, before the law sunsets, will benefit from $5.6 million in tax savings, if they die in 2026. If they make a gift to grandchildren, skipping a generation, there would be nearly $9 million in tax savings.

These tax savings might become significantly larger over time. The appreciation is exempt from the transfer tax system when money grows in trusts. Therefore, if the trust value goes up to $100 million at the time of death, the family could save $40 million in estate taxes at the current 40% rate. This is just the federal tax savings. There are also state estate-tax savings in states like New York that continue to levy their own estate taxes.

According to UBS and Credit Suisse’s global wealth report, about 1.5 million Americans have a $10 million to $50 million net worth, and nearly 125,000 worth even more.

Direct gifts of cash or securities are the simplest way to make gifts to reduce your estate. The limit on annual tax-free gifts is $17,000 for 2023. It is expected to increase to $18,000 in 2024. Anyone can make tax-free gifts of up to $17,000 to an unlimited number of people. These gifts don’t count against the larger $12.92 million combined gift and estate tax exemption. Gifts made over $17,000 require reporting to the IRS using Form 709.

Making gifts to a dynasty trust can preserve more wealth for children. The trust removes the assets from both your estate and your children’s estates, benefiting children, grandchildren, and future generations.

Trusts also offer asset protection. If assets are given to children directly, and they are sued or divorced, they could lose some or all of their assets. If gifts are made to a trust, it’s harder for a creditor to go after assets in the trust.

There are tools available to minimize or avoid estate taxes. Do a careful analysis with your estate planning attorney before you design a gifting program. Make sure that you have enough to maintain your lifestyle. There are instances where people are so eager to gift their assets they don’t plan for the impact of inflation or volatile markets. If you would like to learn more about estate taxes, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Wall Street Journal (Aug. 19, 2023) “The Moves Wealthy Families are Making to Skirt Estate Taxes”

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Avoid a Tax Nightmare with your Trust

Avoid a Tax Nightmare with your Trust

The other message is to be certain that the person serving as a trustee has the knowledge to administer the trust properly or the wisdom to retain an experienced estate planning attorney who will know how to administer a trust. Avoid a tax nightmare with your trust with the correct forms. Not every CPA has detailed knowledge about trust taxation, reports the recent article, Trust’s Incorrect Tax Form Forfeited large Tax Refund Claim: A Lesson For Trustees,” from Forbes.

For income tax purposes, there are several types of trusts. “Grantor trusts” are those whose income is taxed to the person, the settlor, who created the trust. The trust at issue was a grantor trust. However, when the taxpayer who created the trust died, the trust became a non-grantor trust. These are also called “complex” trusts. The income is not reported by the person creating the trust. Complex trusts usually pay their own income taxes. The beneficiaries receiving distributions then report the income for tax purposes included in the income received from the trust. This is referred to as the trust’s Distributable Net Income or “DNI.”

In this case, the trust is the remainder trust after the termination of a Qualified Personal Residence Trust or “QPRT.” This is a trust used to transfer a valuable house from the taxpayer’s estate to descendants or to a trust for them at a discount from the trust’s current value.

The trust had income to report for income tax purposes, which will be done on Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts. The trust felt it was entitled to a refund of some of the taxes it paid, so it filed for a refund. Refund claims are supposed to be filed by amending the trust income tax return, but the trust filed Form 843, a form to claim a refund. The wrong form led the Court to determine that the trust failed to take appropriate action, and the refund was lost. The trust’s filing did put the IRS on notice that the claim was the wrong action.

The IRS said the taxpayer’s filing of Form 843 was insufficient as a formal claim because an amended Form 1041 is the proper form. The Court found that the IRS is authorized to demand information in a particular form and to insist that the form is observed. The instructions on Form 853 advise that the form is for a refund of taxes other than income tax, while the instructions on Form 1041 indicate that it must be used to claim a refund.

What happened in this case? Someone managing the trust didn’t know enough about trust taxation. The family may not have had regular meetings with their estate and trust attorney who created the trust. The deceased taxpayer in this case was a judge, and the trustee was the son of the judge. The taxpayer died in 2015, and the house was sold for $1.8 million the next year. The IRS demanded $930,127 in taxes, penalties, and interest from the Trust. The Trust paid that amount assessed on September 24, 2021. The court opinion was handed down on August 7, 2023. The amount of costs in accounting and legal fees must have been enormous.

This is an excellent example of why families need to have regular, ongoing meetings with their estate planning attorneys and tax advisors to be sure everyone is on the same page. Annual reviews and an estate planning attorney focusing on trust taxation could avoid a tax nightmare with your trust. It would have saved this family money, time, and the stress of an unresolved IRS issue. If you would like to learn more about taxation in estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Aug. 19, 2023) Trust’s Incorrect Tax Form Forfeited large Tax Refund Claim: A Lesson For Trustees”

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Cancelling Irrevocable Trust can cause Tax nightmare

Cancelling Irrevocable Trust can cause Tax nightmare

Cancelling an irrevocable trust can cause a tax nightmare. For those in the high-income bracket, the potential tax consequences of canceling an irrevocable trust could be a major deterrent. And for those from middle-income backgrounds, the immediate financial impact, like the possible loss of income from the trust, the ramifications may be more, says Yahoo Finance’s recent article entitled, “Will Terminating an Irrevocable Trust Affect My Taxes?”

For example, if the trust holds significantly appreciated assets like real estate or vintage cars, the beneficiaries could face a large tax bill upon dissolution and may benefit from an alternative strategy. So, instead of dissolving the trust, it might be worth looking at ways to alter it better to fit the beneficiaries’ current needs and circumstances. This may include decanting—moving assets from one trust to another with more favorable terms— or moving the trust to a state with more favorable laws.

Income Taxes. An irrevocable trust may hold assets that generate income, including bank accounts, bonds, and dividend-paying stocks whose profits are taxed as ordinary income. Note that distributions from a trust’s principal aren’t subject to income taxes – only the gains. But if an irrevocable non-grantor trust is terminated, the income the assets have generated will presumably be distributed to the beneficiaries. It will be their responsibility to pay the taxes on the money. However, if the trust that’s dissolved is a grantor trust, the income tax liability will stay with the person who created the trust.

Capital Gains Taxes. Assets that appreciate within an irrevocable trust are subject to capital gains taxes. When these profits are realized and distributed at the termination of a trust, the beneficiaries will be required to pay the tax rate that corresponds with their income level.

Estate Taxes. When assets are transferred to an irrevocable trust, they’re removed from the grantor’s taxable estate, lowering the person’s potential estate tax liability when they die. Only large estates worth more than $12.92 million are subject to the federal estate tax in 2023, so it’s not an issue for most people. But in March 2023, the IRS announced that the step-up in basis doesn’t apply to assets held in irrevocable grantor trusts. For those assets to receive the step-up, they must be included in the grantor’s gross estate and be subjected to the federal estate tax. As a result, the termination of an irrevocable grantor trust could trigger the estate tax if assets return to their taxable estate.

Cancelling an irrevocable trust can cause a tax nightmare that may take years to resolve. Discuss your situation with your estate planning attorney for viable alternatives that may be less risky. If you would like to learn more about irrevocable trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Yahoo Finance (Aug. 13, 2021) “Will Terminating an Irrevocable Trust Affect My Taxes?”

Image by Shannon Lawford


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The Estate of The Union Season 4|Episode 1

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 9 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 9 is out now!

All good musicians eventually have a Greatest Hits album. We’ve got one too!

We send our blog out most business days and we track which blog entries are the most popular. The posts we did on the new tax rules regarding “Grantor Trusts” and our article on “How to Leave Assets to Minors” were the BIG Winners. Given how popular each of the posts were, we have dedicated an entire episode of our podcast to them.

In this edition of The Estate of the Union, Brad Wiewel expands on both of these topics in a way that makes them a bit easier to understand and perhaps implement.



In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 9 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links below to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 4 – How To Give Yourself a Charitable Gift is out now!


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

Information in our blogs is very general in nature and should not be acted upon without first consulting with an attorney. Please feel free to contact Texas Trust Law to schedule a complimentary consultation.
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