Category: Retirement Planning

New changes to 529 Plans provide more Options

New changes to 529 Plans provide more Options

There are new changes to 529 plans that will provide more options to families. Forbes’ recent article titled “529 Plans Just Became More Flexible: Here’s Everything You Need To Know” explains that the Secure Act 2.0 changed 529 savings plans, which will make the funds easier to use when college expenses aren’t as high as planned. In addition, the law allows families to roll over up to $35,000 from a 529 plan to an IRA. However, the changes do not become permanent until 2024.

After 15 years in the plan, unused funds up to $35,000 can be rolled into a Roth IRA to save for retirement, subject to the annual IRA contribution limit. There’s also no penalty for using this money for IRA contributions instead of college expenses. Previously, a 10% penalty would have applied to the growth if funds were withdrawn for non-qualifying expenses.

There’s a 15-year waiting period, which might affect the benefit many people can get from this change. Therefore, you cannot open a 529 plan now, fund it and start moving money immediately. You have to wait at least 15 years.

The money transferred to an IRA goes to the account’s beneficiary or the student, not the account owner.

529 plan rules are created on the state level for each plan. Therefore, while federal law now allows529 plans to roll over to IRAs, your state may not conform to these rules. Currently, the 529 to IRA rollover is considered a “rollover” for tax purposes, and most states consider outbound rollovers taxable events. Therefore, states will need to update their state tax laws to conform with this new federal rule. Check your state’s law as well before you proceed with a rollover.

If you use up all the money for college, that’s super. However, if you don’t, you can transfer some money to your beneficiary’s IRA based on annual limits, until you reach the $35,000 cap. These new changes to 529 plans provide more options for families worried about saving too much money and like the idea of funneling that cash into their child’s retirement accounts instead. If you would like to learn more about college savings plans, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Feb. 20, 2023) “529 Plans Just Became More Flexible: Here’s Everything You Need To Know”

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Trust can be Designed to be Millennial Friendly

Trust can be Designed to be Millennial Friendly

If your named beneficiaries are Millennials—born between 1981-1996—you may want to consider three essential points about your trusts, as explained in the recent article “Trusts For Your Millennial Beneficiaries” from The Street. They’re different from their parents and grandparents, and disregarding these differences is a missed opportunity. Your trust can be designed to be Millennial friendly.

This generation’s distinguishing characteristics and traits include:

  • Valuing relations with superiors with a passion for learning and growth.
  • Desire to live a life with meaning and make a positive impact on the world and causes.
  • Creative and free thinking, looking for outside-the-box solutions and opportunities.

If your estate plan benefits Gen Y, some trust features recommended for Millennials may not be optimal for them. They’re different than their older Millennial counterparts.

Have your beneficiary serve as a co-trustee of their trust alongside an experienced advisor. Millennials appreciate the opportunity to ask for advice from a trusted advisor, secure positive reinforcement and get constructive feedback. Many heirs set to come into money are likely to work with an advisor once they inherit. For them, a co-trustee arrangement could be perfect. Consider naming a family member or friend with a background in finance as their co-trustee or naming a corporate trustee.

Consider giving your beneficiary a limited testamentary power of appointment to support their favorite charity. Millennials want to make a positive impact on the world, and there’s a trust feature you can build into a trust to support this goal: a limited testamentary power of appointment. In broad strokes, this gives the trust beneficiary the power to redirect where assets go upon their death. If the scope of power permits, they could redirect assets to charitable organizations of their choice.

Most people design trusts to last for the beneficiary’s lifetime and then structure the trust so assets remaining at their death will pass in trust to their children in equal shares. Trusts can also be created to change the distribution percentages between recipients. For instance, instead of a 50-50 split, the trust can redirect shares of 70-30 to better accomplish their personal objectives. You can also provide for new beneficiaries, like charities, if they weren’t part of the original trust.

Powers of appointment can be complicated and making them overly broad can have serious and adverse tax consequences. Therefore, speak with your estate planning attorney to make sure the scope of power is clear and properly designed.

Broadly define the standards for which distributions can be made to your beneficiary. Millennials think differently, so the commonly used trust distribution standards of health, education, maintenance and support (“HEMS”) may stop them from being able to tap into trust funds for philanthropic or entrepreneurial efforts. The HEMS standard only allows for distributions generally for purposes to align with the beneficiary’s current standard of living. If you want beneficiaries to be able to do more, they need to be given the ability to do so.

Another way to accomplish this is to allow a disinterested trustee (someone who is not a beneficiary) an expansive distribution authority. Having the ability to make a distribution of trust funds to your beneficiary for any purpose can be a little unsettling. However, naming a disinterested trustee you trust will ensure that funds are distributed responsibly.

Leaving assets in trust for beneficiaries can be part of an effective estate plan supporting planning goals and your loved one’s future. However, if the trust’s structure doesn’t meet their unique needs and talents, then their potential may be dimmed. Talk with your estate planning attorney about how a trust can designed to be Millennial friendly. If you would like to learn more about trusts and wills for younger adults, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Street (Feb. 24, 2023) “Trusts For Your Millennial Beneficiaries”

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How to Avoid Common IRA Errors

How to Avoid Common IRA Errors

To help you sidestep some of the most common blunders and get the most out of your IRA investments, Kiplinger’s recent article entitled “Don’t Make These Common IRA Mistakes” points out how to avoid the most common IRA errors.

Not Planning for the “Second Half”. It’s really about two halves. You accumulate wealth in the first half and withdraw it in the second. Many people only play the first half of the game: they focus only on saving as much as possible in their IRA account. However, with retirement saving, it’s not how much you have. It’s how much you can keep after taxes.

Converting to a Roth All at Once. If you think your tax rate will be higher when you retire than it is right now, converting a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA this year might be smart. In the end, the total tax you owe on those funds may be lower by taking that step. However, a Roth conversion has a tax bill on your next return. The “mistake” those people sometimes make is thinking they have to convert the entire account at once. Instead, you can do partial conversions.

Exceeding Roth IRA Income Limits. There are annual contributions limits for both traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. However, for Roth IRAs only, there are also income limits. If you’re single, the amount you can contribute to a Roth IRA account in 2022 is gradually reduced to zero, if your modified adjusted gross income is between $129,000 and $144,000 ($204,000 to $214,000 for joint filers).

Doing Indirect Rollovers. Many people have trouble when they attempt to move money from one retirement account to another. If you take money out of an IRA account and the check is in your name, you only have 60 days to roll that money over into another retirement account before the withdrawn funds are deemed taxable income. This is an indirect rollover. For IRA-to-IRA transfers, you can only do one indirect rollover per year.

Forgetting to Account for All RMDs. You must start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) when you reach 72. Some people miss an RMD or don’t take it for all of their accounts subject to the RMD rules. Other people miscalculate and don’t withdraw enough money. These can be costly mistakes, because you could be hit with a stiff penalty for violating the RMD rules.

These are simply the most common IRA errors to avoid, but there can be additional issues that you need to be aware of. Take the time out to consult with your financial advisor and your estate planning attorney to make sure you are covered. If you would like to learn more about retirement accounts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (July 25, 2022) “Don’t Make These Common IRA Mistakes”

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Consider Annuities in your Estate Planning

Consider Annuities in your Estate Planning

Many people have annuities tied to their retirement accounts. It might be wise to consider annuities in your estate planning. Annuities are contracts between you and an insurance company, which is unlike retirement investment accounts like 401(k)s or individual retirement accounts (IRAs).

Forbes’ recent article entitled “What Is An Annuity Beneficiary?” explains that, with an annuity, you make a lump sum payment or a series of payments over a set period to the insurance company. In exchange, the insurance company will pay out a stream of income in retirement or at a predetermined future date, depending on the type of annuity purchased.

There are a number of benefits to annuities, such as a predictable income in retirement, tax-deferred growth and a death benefit if you pass away. There are several different types of annuities, but they can be grouped into three main categories:

  • Fixed annuity. If you buy a fixed annuity, the insurance company will pay you a minimum rate of interest and a fixed amount of periodic payments. These are the safest type of annuity because you know the minimum you’ll earn.
  • Indexed annuity. This combines features of annuities and investment securities. The insurance company’s payments are based on the performance of a stock market index, such as the S&P 500. When the index performs well, the value of the indexed annuity increases. However, it can also decline along with the index’s performance.
  • Variable annuity. With this type of annuity, you can use your annuity payments for investment products, like mutual funds. Your payout is based on the performance of how much you invest and the rate of return on those securities. These annuities can be risky. However, they have the potential for higher returns.

Whoever signs an annuity contract is considered the owner, who selects the way the annuity will be funded, how payouts will be made and the recipient of the payouts. They also name beneficiaries, control withdrawals and have the power to cancel the contract. An “annuitant” is the person who gets income payments from an annuity contract.

Some annuities have death-benefit provisions, so you can name someone to inherit the remaining annuity payments if you die before it’s been fully paid. The designated recipient of that benefit is known as the annuity beneficiary.

The death benefit of an annuity is typically the remaining contract value or the amount of premiums, minus any withdrawals, upon the annuity holder’s death. Discuss with your estate planning attorney whether or not you should consider annuities as part of your estate planning strategy. If you would like to learn more about annuities and how they work, please visit our previous posts.   

Reference: Forbes (Jan. 19, 2023) “What Is An Annuity Beneficiary?”

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Naming a Secondary Beneficiary is critical

Naming a Secondary Beneficiary is critical

Naming a secondary beneficiary is critical to ensuring your assets go where you want them. A secondary beneficiary, sometimes called a contingent beneficiary, is a person or entity entitled to receive assets from an estate or trust after the estate owner’s death, if the primary beneficiary is unable or unwilling to accept the assets. Secondary beneficiaries can be relatives or other people, but they can also be trusts, charities or other organizations, as explained in the recent article titled “What You Need to Know About Secondary or Contingent Beneficiaries” from yahoo! life.

An estate planning lawyer can help you decide whether you need a secondary beneficiary for your estate plan or for any trusts you create. Chances are, you do.

Beneficiaries are commonly named in wills and trust documents. They are also used in life insurance policies and in retirement accounts. After the account owner dies, the assets are distributed to beneficiaries as described in the legal documents.

The primary beneficiary is a person or entity with the first claim to assets. However, there are times when the primary beneficiary does not accept the assets, can’t be located, or has predeceased the estate owner.

A secondary beneficiary will receive the assets in this situation. They are also referred to as the “remainderman.”

In many cases, more than one contingent beneficiary is named. Multiple secondary beneficiaries might be entitled to receive a certain percentage of the value of the entire estate. More than one secondary beneficiary may also be directed to receive a portion of an individual asset, such as a family home.

Estate planning attorneys may even name an additional set of beneficiaries, usually referred to as tertiary beneficiaries. They receive assets if the secondary beneficiaries are not available or unwilling to accept the assets. In some cases, estate planning attorneys name a remote contingent beneficiary who will only become involved if all of the primary, secondary and other beneficiaries can’t or won’t accept assets.

For example, a person may specify their spouse as the primary beneficiary and children as secondary beneficiaries. A more remote relative, like a cousin, might be named as a tertiary beneficiary, while a charity could be named as a remote contingent beneficiary.

Almost any asset can be bequeathed by naming beneficiaries. This includes assets like real estate (in some states), IRAs and other retirement accounts, life insurance proceeds, annuities, securities, cash and other assets. Secondary and other types of beneficiaries can also be designated to receive personal property including vehicles, jewelry and family heirlooms.

Naming a secondary beneficiary is critical to ensuring that your wishes as expressed in your will are going to be carried out even if the primary beneficiary cannot or does not wish to accept the inheritance. Lacking a secondary beneficiary, the estate assets will have to go through the probate process. Depending on the state’s laws, having a secondary beneficiary avoids having the estate distribution governed by intestate succession. Assets could go to someone who you don’t want to inherit them!

Talk with your estate planning attorney about naming secondary, tertiary and remote beneficiaries. If you would like to learn more about beneficiaries, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: yahoo! life (Jan. 4, 2023) “What You Need to Know About Secondary or Contingent Beneficiaries”

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Ideas to improve Business Succession Planning

Ideas to improve Business Succession Planning

Winter is a slower season for farmers and ranchers. It offers family business leaders time to plan for the future. A recent article from Progressive Farmer, “Family Business Matters: Eight Practical Succession Ideas,” lists ideas to improve business succession and estate planning efforts.

Update balance sheets. Families who own land passed through generations don’t always like to show the land at its current fair market value. Even if you intend to never sell the land, creating an estate plan requires an accurate valuation of all assets to minimize the consequences of estate and income taxes.

Chart ownership for the future. Family members often have no understanding of how they will achieve ownership of the business and its assets. Will it be a gift? Will there be taxes to pay? Or will it be a sale? Will they need to buy out non-farming family members? Without clear answers to these and related questions, people may find themselves operating on assumptions, which almost always leads to conflict or family fractures.

Start handing off management tasks sooner, not later. Plan for the transition by starting with discrete business functions. This could be as straightforward as making decisions about equipment, purchasing crop insurance, or enrolling in a Farm Service Agency. This gives the senior generation the ability to delegate and observe, while empowering and more fully engaging the next generation.

Refresh estate planning documents. People often neglect to update estate documents. Review wills, trusts, trustees, beneficiary designations, advance medical directives and power of attorney documents. Are the people named in various roles still appropriate? Does your estate still work, in light of changing tax laws? This should happen at least every three to five years.

Assess tax consequences of exiting the business. Part of retirement funding is the tax liability of leaving the family business. Deferred income, prepaid expenses and fully depreciated equipment can lead to significant tax exposure. Three to five years ahead of your departure, start mapping out a plan with your accountant, estate planning attorney and financial advisor.

Create a relationship between family members and landowners. If you rent property from an absentee landowner, those relationships will be vital to continuing the business. You may not be able to influence the landowner at the time of transition to the next generation. However, establishing relationships with family members who will take over for you can reduce friction.

Communicate the benefits family members will get from working together to maintain the business. Passing land from one generation to the next often means siblings or cousins become business partners, with undivided interests in the land or as shareholders or members of some legal entity. Family members who may not get along will benefit from having a “buy-sell agreement” in place. This spells out how partners can buy out each other’s interest if one or more family members want to sell. Talk with your estate planning attorney to establish an agreement in advance of anyone leaving the business to reduce the potential of family conflict.

These are just a few ideas to improve business succession planning. Discuss your goals with your family and your estate planning attorney so a solid plan is in place. If you are interested in reading more about succession planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Progressive Farmer (Jan. 1, 2023) “Family Business Matters: Eight Practical Succession Ideas”

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Prevent some Common Beneficiary Errors

Prevent some Common Beneficiary Errors

Planning for one’s eventual death can be a somber task. However, consider what would occur if you failed to plan: loved ones trying to figure out your intentions, a long and expensive legal battle with unintended heirs and instead of grieving your loss, wondering why you didn’t take care of business while you were living. Planning suddenly becomes far more appealing, doesn’t it? There are ways to prevent some common beneficiary errors.

A recent article from yahoo! finance, “5 Retirement Plan Beneficiary Mistakes to Avoid,” explains how to avoid some of the issues regarding beneficiaries.

You haven’t named a beneficiary for your retirement accounts. This is a common estate planning mistake, even though it seems so obvious. A beneficiary can be a person, a charity, a trust, or your estate. Your estate planning attorney will be able to help you identify likely beneficiaries and ensure they are eligible.

You forgot to review your beneficiary designations for many years. Most people have changes in relationships as they move through the stages of life. The same person who was your best friend in your twenties might not even be in your life in your sixties. However, if you don’t check on beneficiary designations on a regular basis, you may be leaving your retirement accounts to people who haven’t heard from you in decades and disinheriting loved ones. Every time you update your estate plan, which should be every three to five years, check your beneficiary designations.

You didn’t name your spouse as a primary beneficiary for a retirement account. When Congress passed the 2019 SECURE Act, the bill removed a provision allowing non-spousal beneficiaries to stretch out disbursements from IRAs over their lifetimes, also known as the “Stretch IRA.” A non-spouse beneficiary must empty any inherited IRA within ten years from the death of the account holder. If a minor child is the beneficiary, once they reach the age of legal majority, they are required to follow the rules of a Required Minimum Distribution. Having a spouse named as beneficiary allows them to move the inherited IRA funds into their own IRA and take out assets as they wish.

You named an estate as a beneficiary. You can name your estate as a beneficiary. However, it creates a significant tangle for the family who has to set things right. For instance, if you have any debt, your estate could be attached by creditors. Your estate may also go through probate court, a court-supervised process to validate your will, have your final assets identified and have debts paid before any remaining assets are distributed to heirs.

You didn’t create a retirement plan until late in your career. Retirement seems very far away during your twenties, thirties and even forties. However, the years pass and suddenly you’re looking at retirement without enough money set aside. Creating an estate plan early in your working life shifts your focus, so you understand how important it is to have a retirement plan.

An experienced estate planning attorney can help you prevent some common beneficiary errors as part of your overall estate plan. The best time to start? How about today? If you would like to learn more about beneficiary designations, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: yahoo! finance (Dec. 19, 2022) “5 Retirement Plan Beneficiary Mistakes to Avoid”

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Secure 2.0 Act has new features

SECURE 2.0 Act has New Features

SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 is an extension of the original SECURE Act, which was enacted in 2019, reports Forbes’ recent article, entitled “SECURE 2.0 Passes—Here’s What It Means To Your Retirement.” An American Retirement Association press release notes the Secure 2.0 Act has new features including:

  • A Starter 401(k)—that could provide more than 19 million new American workers with access to the workplace-based retirement system through a brand new super simple, safe harbor 401(k) plan
  • A 100% tax credit for new plans to incentivize the creation of new workplace retirement programs by small businesses; and
  • A Saver’s Match Program that would incentivize retirement savings by giving a 50% match on up to $2,000 in retirement savings annually for lower- and middle-income Americans.

About 108 million Americans would be eligible for the Saver’s Match that would be directly deposited into their retirement account—upping the savings of moderate-income earners.

“We are grateful to the many members of Congress and staff who worked tirelessly to get SECURE 2.0 included in the omnibus legislation enacted this week,” noted Brian Graff, CEO of the American Retirement Association in Washington, DC.

“This important legislation will enhance the retirement security of tens of millions of American workers—and for many of them, give them the opportunity for the first time to begin saving.”

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 first introduced the concept of automatic 401(k) enrollment. This shifted the then-current 401(k) practice of requiring workers to opt-in before being allowed to participate in their company’s 401(k) plan to requiring them to opt-out only if they did not want to participate.

The new legislation now has a number of provisions meant to encourage companies to create retirement savings plans for their workers.

For older workers who find themselves behind in their savings, SECURE 2.0 grants them higher “catch-up” provisions. The new features in the Secure 2.0 Act may be a benefit to you or your loved ones. If you would like to learn more about the SECURE Act, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Dec. 23, 2022) “SECURE 2.0 Passes—Here’s What It Means To Your Retirement”

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Qualified Charitable Distributions Reduce Tax Burden

Qualified Charitable Distributions Reduce Tax Burden

Assets held in Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are unquestionably the best assets to gift to charity, since IRAs are loaded with taxes. One way to relieve this tax burden is by using the IRA for charitable giving during your lifetime, says a recent article, “Giving funds in IRAs to charity with QCDs,” from Investment News. Qualified charitable distributions can help reduce your tax burden.

Most people who give to charity don’t receive the taxable benefit because they don’t itemize deductions. They instead use the higher standard deduction, which offers no extra tax deduction for charitable giving.

Older taxpayers are more likely to use the standard deduction, since taxpayers aged 65 and older receive an extra standard deduction. In 2022, the standard deduction for a married couple filing jointly when each of the spouses are 65 and older is $28,700. The exceptions are couples with large medical expenses or those who make large charitable gifts.

Here’s where the IRA for charitable giving comes in. IRAs normally may not be given to charity or anyone in the owner’s life (except in the case of divorce). There is one exception: giving IRAs to charity with a QCD.

The QCD is a direct transfer of traditional IRA funds to a qualified charity. The QCD is an exclusion from income, which reduces Adjusted Gross Income. AGI is the most significant number on the tax return because it determines the availability of many tax deductions, credits and other benefits. Lowering AGI with a QCD could also work to reduce “stealth” taxes–taxes on Social Security benefits or Medicare premium surcharges.

QCDs are limited to $100,000 per person, per year (not per IRA). They can also satisfy RMDs up to the $100,000, but only if the timing is right.

There are some limitations to discuss with your estate planning attorney. For instance, QCDs are only available to IRA owners who are 70 ½ or older. They can only be made once you turn age 70 ½, not anytime in the year you turn 70 ½. The difference matters.

QCDs are not available from 401(k) or other employer plans. They also aren’t allowed for gifts to Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) and private foundations, and they can’t be made from active SEP or SIMPLE IRAs, where contributions are still being made.

Appreciated stocks can also be gifted to qualified charities and itemized deductions taken for the fair market value of the stock, if it was held for more than one year. There’s no tax on appreciation, as there would be if the stock were sold instead of gifted.

There are some tax traps to consider, including the SECURE Act, which allows traditional IRAs to be made after age 70 ½. However, it pairs the provision with a poison pill. If the IRA deduction is taken in the same year as a QCD, or any year before the QCD, the QCD tax exclusion could be reduced or lost. This can be avoided by making Roth IRA contributions instead of tax-deductible IRA contributions after age 70 ½.

Speak with your estate planning attorney about whether using qualified charitable distributions to help reduce your tax burden makes sense for your estate planning and tax situation. If you would like to learn more about charitable giving, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Investment News (Dec. 9, 2022) “Giving funds in IRAs to charity with QCDs”

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A Joint and Survivor Annuity is an Option

A Joint and Survivor Annuity is an Option

A joint and survivor annuity is an option to consider for some spouses. An annuity is a contract between an investor and a life insurance company. The purchaser of an annuity pays a lump-sum or several installments to the insurer, which then provides a guaranteed income for a certain period—or until their death.

Forbes’ recent article entitled “What Is A Joint And Survivor Annuity?” says that understanding an “annuitant” is key to understanding how a joint and survivor annuity works. An annuitant may be either the buyer or owner of an annuity or someone who’s been selected to get the annuity payouts. A joint and survivor annuity typically benefits joint annuitants: a primary annuitant and a secondary annuitant. Under this policy, both get income payments during the lifetimes of both the annuity owner and their survivor.

With joint life annuity, you can expect payments throughout the lifetime of the primary annuitant. If that person passes away, the survivor—the other annuitant—receives payouts that are the same as or less than what the original annuitant received. However, if the secondary annuitant dies ahead of the primary annuitant, survivor benefits aren’t paid when the primary annuity dies. The annuity buyer can designate themselves and another person, like their spouse, as joint annuitants.

A joint and survivor annuity differs from a single life annuity in a few ways:

  • A single-life annuity benefits only the annuity owner, so income payouts cease when that person dies; and
  • A single-life annuity usually pays out less than a joint and survivor annuity, since a single-life annuity covers just one life, while a joint and survivor covers two.

Under some joint and survivor annuities, the amount of the payout is decreased after the death of the primary annuitant. The terms of any decrease are set out in the annuity contract.

The payout to a surviving secondary annuitant, generally a spouse or domestic partner, ranges from 50% to 100% of the amount paid during the primary annuitant’s life, if the annuity was bought through certain tax-qualified retirement plans.

A joint and survivor annuity is an option to consider, but you need to ask these three questions before setting one up:

  • How much in payout is needed for both annuitants to support themselves?
  • Do you have other assets (like a life insurance policy) to help the surviving joint annuitant after one of the annuitants dies?
  • How much would the payouts be lessened after the death of a joint annuitant?

Remember that you usually can’t change the survivor named in a joint and survivor annuity. If you are interested in learning more about annuities in estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Dec. 19, 2022) “What Is A Joint And Survivor Annuity?”

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