Category: Divorce

Revising Estate Planning Ensures Assets Are Protected Post-Divorce

Revising Estate Planning Ensures Assets Are Protected Post-Divorce

Divorce changes not only a person’s financial and personal life but also the way their assets will be handled after death. Many people overlook the importance of updating estate planning documents after a divorce, which can result in unintended beneficiaries receiving inheritances or former spouses retaining control over critical financial and medical decisions. Revising your estate planning ensures that assets are protected and aligned with post-divorce goals.

How Divorce Affects Your Estate Plan

Divorce changes personal and financial circumstances and how assets will be distributed after death. Many forget to update their estate plans, leaving former spouses as beneficiaries or decision-makers. Without revisions, an ex-spouse could inherit assets, manage finances, or make medical decisions in an emergency.

Key documents that need immediate attention include wills, trusts, powers of attorney and beneficiary designations on life insurance and retirement accounts. Updating these ensures that assets go to intended heirs and that financial and medical decisions remain in trusted hands.

Updating Wills and Trusts

A divorce does not automatically remove an ex-spouse from an estate plan. If a will or trust still names the former spouse as a primary beneficiary or executor, they may inherit assets or retain authority over the estate. Updating key documents includes:

  • Revising a will to name new beneficiaries and executors
  • Amending or revoking any revocable trusts that include the former spouse
  • Reviewing state laws, some jurisdictions automatically void spousal provisions upon divorce, while others do not

Failing to update these documents may lead to unnecessary legal battles or the distribution of assets against the person’s wishes.

Changing Beneficiary Designations

Many financial assets pass directly to named beneficiaries outside of a will, making beneficiary updates essential after divorce. Documents to review include:

  • Life insurance policies and retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs
  • Payable-on-death (POD) and transfer-on-death (TOD) accounts
  • Jointly held assets or real estate with right of survivorship

If an ex-spouse remains listed as a beneficiary, they may still receive these assets, regardless of the divorce decree. Updating beneficiary designations ensures that assets go to the intended individuals.

Adjusting Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives

Divorce often necessitates appointing new individuals to manage financial and medical decisions in case of incapacity. Changes to consider include:

  • Naming a new power of attorney for financial matters
  • Revising a healthcare proxy to designate a trusted individual for medical decisions
  • Ensuring that living wills and advance directives reflect current wishes

Leaving a former spouse in control of these decisions can lead to unintended complications, particularly in medical emergencies.

Secure Your Legacy with an Updated Estate Plan

Divorce requires more than financial separation—it demands a complete estate plan review to prevent unintended consequences. Revising your estate planning to reflect your current wishes is critical to protecting your assets post-divorce. If you would like to learn more about planning post-divorce, please visit our previous posts. 

References: Investopedia (June 25, 2024) “Rewriting Your Will After Divorce” and Justia (September 2024) Estate Planning After Divorce

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How to Leave an Inheritance to Your Child but Not Their Spouse

How to Leave an Inheritance to Your Child but Not Their Spouse

As a parent, you’ve likely spent years building up your savings and assets, hoping to leave a legacy for your children. However, one concern many parents have is ensuring that the inheritance they pass on stays with their child and doesn’t end up benefiting a spouse. Whether out of love for your children or worrying about future divorces, it’s natural to consider inheritance planning strategies to safeguard your hard-earned assets. If you are concerned about your child’s relationship, you will want to learn how to leave an inheritance to your child but not their spouse.

A trust is one of the most common and effective ways to ensure that your child is the sole benefactor of their inheritance. By setting up a trust, you control how and when your assets are distributed. A trust can be created now while you’re still alive or can take effect upon your passing.

You can name the trust as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts, life insurance, or other assets. The trustee, a person you designate, will follow your instructions regarding when and how the money or property is given to your child.

While prenuptial agreements used to carry a certain stigma, that is no longer the case. These agreements have become more common, especially among younger generations. A prenuptial agreement is signed before marriage and details how a couple’s financial matters will be handled in case of a divorce.

If your child is open to the idea, they can use a prenuptial agreement to protect their future inheritance. This legal document can specify which assets belong to your child, preventing a spouse from making any claims.

If your child is already married, safeguarding their inheritance is still an option. A postnuptial agreement works similarly to a prenuptial agreement but is signed after the wedding. This document can outline which assets, including future inheritances, will remain separate in the event of a divorce.

Discussing a postnuptial agreement might feel tricky, as it requires open communication between your child and their spouse. However, it can be essential for ensuring that your child’s financial future remains protected.

While legal strategies like trusts, prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements are essential to inheritance planning, financial tools also play a role. Working with a trusted estate planning professional who provides the legal competence and the knowledge to examine your complete financial background can help you evaluate the best way to structure your assets and accounts to minimize potential risks. They can guide you on which accounts to designate for inheritance and which might be more vulnerable to claims in a divorce.

If you’re ready to protect your child’s financial future, an estate planning attorney will show you how to leave an inheritance to your child, but not their spouse. If you would like to learn more about inheritance planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Northwestern Mutual (Apr. 22, 2022) “Can I Leave Money to My Kids But Not Their Spouses?

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Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Raising a child or children by yourself is challenging on many levels. Single parents have very little spare time or resources. Estate planning is critical for a single parent, even more than if another parent was involved, as discussed in a recent article from The News-Enterprise, “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning.”

Two key decisions to be made with minor children are who to name in a will as their guardian, the person who will raise them if the parent dies or is incapacitated, and who will be in charge of their finances. If another biological parent is involved in their care, things can get complicated.

Whether or not the other parent will be named as a guardian who will take custody of the child(ren) depends on whether or not they have any legal custody of the children. If the parents were married at one time but the marriage ended after the child was born, there is likely to be a separation agreement addressing custody.

If both parents share custody, the surviving parent would take custody of the child. This is standard practice, regardless of who has primary custody.

But if the parents never married and no one pursued an order of paternity or entered a custody order recognizing the legal rights of the noncustodial parent, or if a parent has lost any legal rights to the child, the parent needs to name a guardian and an alternate guardian.

Even if there is a surviving parent, you’ll want to name at least one guardian and one contingent guardian. There are instances when the noncustodial parent prefers not to become the custodial parent, even if the child’s other parent has died. There are also cases where the noncustodial parent is not fit to raise a child, so having other potential guardians named is a better idea.

Separate from the guardianship issue is the decision of who should manage the assets left for the child. You have a right to name the person of your choice to oversee these funds, regardless of whether or not the other parent is living. In most cases, there are two general options:

Conservator: This is a court-appointed person who is responsible for any assets left outside of a trust or any income received by the child. The conservator can be the same person as the guardian, but it does not have to be the same.

Trustee: A best practice in estate planning for a child is to leave the property in trust to be distributed for specific purposes, like education, health care, and general support. Assets can be left in trust through a last will and testament or through a trust set up while the parent is living to benefit the child.

Estate planning is critical for a single parent. An estate planning attorney should be consulted to determine how best to structure planning when there is only one parent. This protects the child and gives the parent peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning as a single parent, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The News-Enterprise (July 5, 2024) “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning”

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Addressing your Estate Planning during Divorce is Critical

When estate planning dovetails with divorce, existing plans need to be redesigned. How much depends on the nature of the divorce, as explained by a recent article from Accounting Today, “Estate planning for divorcing couples.” Spousal rights, beneficiary designations, child custody and property distribution all need to be examined, as well as the distribution of property in the estate plan. Addressing your estate planning during a divorce is critical.

If this is your situation, you’ll need a team of professionals who can work well together. Your estate planning attorney, accountant and divorce attorney will need to be in frequent contact, as so many of these areas overlap. You’ll want to ensure that your separation agreement and estate plan complement each other. Anticipating potential challenges and obstacles in advance is crucial.

Here are a few aspects to consider:

If your estate planning attorney worked with you and the person you are divorcing, they will want to be clear about who they represent for the new estate plan. If it’s an amenable divorce, the estate planning attorney may recommend a respected colleague to help the other spouse.

The same scenario must be considered for the accountant. Did they interface with one spouse more than the other? If a joint return was filed in the past, which spouse would they work with during the divorce and afterward? An accountant’s involvement in an estate plan during the divorce process may be critical to ensuring that there are no discrepancies in the financials.

Beneficiary designations need to be revisited since, in most cases, spouses name each other as beneficiaries. Updating the beneficiary designation will avoid further complications in distributing the assets if something occurs to one of the spouses while the divorce is in process. Beneficiaries only change when the owner of the account actively makes the change. Your soon-to-be-ex may inherit everything if you don’t change the account beneficiary.

Estate planning involves guardianship for minor children, and divorce typically addresses child custody, support and inheritance. If one of the parents dies, who would get custody of the children? How will they be supported? Life insurance may be part of the separation agreement, where the ex-spouse will still be the beneficiary, so funds may be used to support the minor children.

Couples in the process of divorcing may not create new trusts until the divorce proceedings have been finalized. However, suppose trusts were established as part of estate planning before the divorce. In that case, they may be considered marital or separate property, depending on the source of the assets in the trust. This is a conversation to have with your estate planning attorney.

Addressing your estate planning during a divorce is critical. With the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney, accountant and divorce attorney, it is possible to move through the tumult and begin the next chapter with some peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning during or after a divorce, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Accounting Today (July 5, 2024) “Estate planning for divorcing couples”

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Updating Beneficiaries after Gray Divorce

Updating Beneficiaries after Gray Divorce

Navigating the complexities of estate planning after a mid- to late-life divorce, or “gray divorce,” requires meticulous attention to detail and proactive measures, according to Kiplinger’s article, Don’t Forget to Update Beneficiaries After a Gray Divorce. Updating beneficiaries after a gray divorce is critical to estate planning. This article explores essential considerations for those undergoing a gray divorce, emphasizing the importance of reevaluating estate plans to reflect current intentions and relationships.

While family law attorneys primarily focus on asset division during divorce proceedings, it’s imperative to consider the fate of these assets post-divorce, particularly concerning beneficiaries. Updating beneficiaries on investment accounts, retirement funds and life insurance policies is paramount. Failure to do so could result in unintended consequences, potentially leaving assets to a former spouse.

Many states have statutes that automatically revoke a former spouse as a beneficiary post-divorce. However, these laws vary, and some exceptions exist, notably under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans. Understanding the nuances of state laws and ERISA regulations is vital to ensure compliance and avoid costly mistakes.

In some divorces, waivers might be used in decrees to address survivorship benefits related to retirement plans. The effectiveness of these waivers relies on adherence to plan documents and detailed planning. Consulting with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney and incorporating specific language in property settlement agreements can mitigate risks and ensure comprehensive protection of assets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proactive Approach: Do not wait until after your divorce is finalized to update your beneficiaries. Proactively review and revise beneficiary designations on all relevant accounts.
  • Understanding State Laws: Familiarize yourself with your state’s automatic revocation laws and how they affect beneficiary designations. Ensure that these laws align with your post-divorce intentions.
  • Consulting with Professionals: Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney to navigate the complexities of beneficiary updates and ensure compliance with state laws and ERISA regulations.
  • Detailed Planning: Use specific language in property settlement agreements to address survivorship benefits associated with retirement plans and other assets. Attention to detail is essential to avoid potential conflicts and ensure that your wishes are upheld.

In conclusion, updating beneficiaries after a gray divorce is critical to estate planning. By taking proactive measures, understanding relevant laws and seeking professional guidance, you can protect your assets and secure the financial future of your loved ones. Ready to embark on your post-divorce estate planning journey? Schedule a consultation today and gain peace of mind knowing that your assets are in trusted hands. If you would like to learn more about divorce and reevaluating your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (April 15, 2024) Don’t Forget to Update Beneficiaries After a Gray Divorce

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Divorce Impacts your Estate Plan

Divorce Impacts your Estate Plan

Divorce is a life-altering event that significantly impacts various aspects of life, including your estate plan. Clients either going through a divorce or have recently finalized one often feel uncertain about how the divorce will affect their estate. This article shares crucial aspects of revising your estate plan after a divorce, ensuring that your assets and loved ones are protected according to your current wishes.

When you get divorced, updating your estate plan is imperative, as your ex-spouse may still be entitled to certain benefits. Your estate, which includes all assets owned, might still be accessible to your ex-spouse unless changes are made. Revising your estate plan ensures that your assets are distributed according to your updated preferences. Updating your will is essential after a divorce. Your ex-spouse may still be named as the executor or beneficiary. By revising your will, you can ensure that your estate is administered by someone you trust and that your assets are distributed according to your latest intentions.

Revoking your power of attorney is a critical step post-divorce. Your ex-spouse may be able to make financial and care decisions on your behalf. It’s advisable to appoint someone you trust to handle these matters, ensuring that your affairs are managed according to your current preferences.

Beneficiary designations are often overlooked during estate planning after divorce. It’s crucial to revise these as your ex-spouse might still be listed as a beneficiary on life insurance policies, retirement accounts and other financial instruments. Updating these designations is a simple yet essential step in ensuring that your estate is distributed according to your current wishes. Your ex-spouse is likely named as a trustee or beneficiary if you have a living trust. Post-divorce, you need to revise this document to reflect your current wishes. This might include appointing a new trustee or changing the beneficiaries.

If you have minor children, your estate plan probably includes guardianship designations. Post-divorce, reassess these choices. You might want to name someone other than your ex-spouse as the guardian, ensuring that your children’s care aligns with your current wishes.

State law and the terms of your divorce decree can impact your estate plan. Understanding these implications and ensuring that your estate plan complies with legal requirements is important. An experienced estate planning attorney can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Don’t wait until the divorce is finalized. Start updating your estate plan as soon as the divorce is pending. This proactive approach ensures that your interests are protected throughout the divorce process.

Divorce significantly affects your estate plan, and it’s crucial to take timely action to revise it. Remember, updating your estate plan post-divorce is not just a legal necessity; ensuring that your assets and loved ones are protected according to your current wishes is crucial. Don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to navigate this complex process. If you would like to read more about estate planning post divorce, please visit our previous posts. 

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Be cautious using Portability in a Second Marriage Estate Plan

Be cautious using Portability in a Second Marriage Estate Plan

Be cautious using portability in a second marriage estate plan. Despite its advantages, portability isn’t always the solution, even as it’s been used to take the pressure off couples to focus on using as much estate and gift tax exclusion as possible after the first spouse’s death. According to a recent article from Wealth Management, “Portability and Second Marriages,” portability might be a mistake.

The couple and their estate planning attorney need to consider whether leaving the executor with the discretion to use portability is appropriate, and if it is, who the executor should be and how the estate tax burden should be allocated.

The problem with portability in nonstandard families is this: it allows the surviving spouse to use the DSUE (Deceased Spouse’s Unused Exemption) amount personally, instead of requiring it be used for the beneficiaries of the first spouse to die. It’s almost like leaving assets outright to the surviving spouse. In the case of a testate decedent, Treasury regulations provide that only the executor may make the portability elections. The executor should probably not be also a beneficiary and should not be responsible for making the portability election.

Let’s say the estate isn’t large enough to require an estate tax return filing. If the executor is a child from a prior marriage, they may not choose to incur the expense of filing an estate tax return solely to make the portability election for the second spouse. Instead of having the family involved in a disagreement over the need for a return or determining who will pay for its preparation, a better option is to have the estate plan direct whether an estate tax return should be filed to elect portability and if this is done, establish who is responsible for the cost of the preparation and filing.

In complex families with children from a prior marriage, a Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) trust is used for the surviving spouse, with the trust assets eventually passing to the client’s descendants. However, if the QTIP trust is combined with portability, the estate plan may not operate as intended.

Here’s an example. Ted marries Alba several years after his first wife, Janine dies. Ted has three children from his marriage to Janine. He bequeaths most of his estate to a QTIP trust for Alba and the remainder to his children, naming Alba his executor. At Ted’s death, Alba elects QTIP treatment for the trust and portability. She then makes gifts of her assets to her family using Ted’s DSUE amount. Alba dies with an estate equal to her basic exclusion amount, which she also leaves to her family. The QTIP trust pays estate tax, and Ted’s children receive no benefit from Ted’s exclusion amount.

Even if Alba didn’t make gifts to her family, assuming her estate was large enough to absorb most of her applicable exclusion amount (including the DSUE), the QTIP trust would have to contribute to pay the estate taxes attributed to it unless the estate plan waives reimbursement. Thus, the QTIP trust could bear most or all of the estate tax at the death of the second spouse, while the second spouse’s personal assets are sheltered in part by the deceased spouse’s DSUE amount.

In cases like this, the prudent course of action may be to use traditional credit shelter/marital deduction planning. If there’s a DSUE amount available, the estate plan could direct whether it will be used and how the tax burden on the QTIP trust is handled.

Be cautious using portability in a second marriage estate plan. An experienced estate planning attorney will look at the family’s situation holistically and evaluate which strategies are most appropriate to distribute the property per the parent’s wishes to minimize taxes and ensure that the estate plan achieves its goals. If you would like to read more about estate planning for second marriages, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Wealth Management (June 21, 2023) “Portability and Second Marriages”

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Protecting Assets in a Second Marriage can be a challenge

Protecting Assets in a Second Marriage can be a challenge

Protecting assets in a second marriage can be a challenge. Parents in second marriages may want to leave assets to their children and try to make sure that their stepchildren don’t inherit. However, if stepchildren inherit, it can create resentment leading to legal disputes that can cost the estate significantly in delay and attorney fees.

AOL’s recent article, “How to Protect Assets From Stepchildren,” says that taking specific estate planning steps will let you effectively protect your assets from stepchildren.

If a stepchild inherits some of your assets, your children may feel cheated out of their rightful inheritance. Therefore, they may contest any awards to stepchildren to protect their interests.

Your children will be recognized as heirs to your estate even without a will naming them as beneficiaries. Stepchildren don’t have the same rights.

In most cases, they won’t inherit from a deceased stepparent’s estate unless specifically listed as beneficiaries in the will. However, stepchildren still may receive assets from your estate if your spouse dies after you and leaves assets to their children. Preventing stepchildren from ever getting assets from your estate can be done. However, it requires definite action to exclude them as beneficiaries.

If your spouse from a second or later marriage dies first, you usually don’t have to do anything to prevent stepchildren from receiving assets you control.

Even after an intestate death that happens without a valid will, stepchildren typically aren’t recognized as having any right to assets in the estate. However, some states grant stepchildren some rights of inheritance. Ask an experienced estate planning attorney about this.

In addition, a will can name specific people, including stepchildren, and exclude them from receiving benefits from the estate.

Using a trust, you can ALSO prevent stepchildren from getting assets from your estate after you die.

This can help avoid conflicts and potential litigation from children upset because stepchildren received assets from the estate.

Protecting assets in a second marriage can be a challenge. Remember that if you fail to act, stepchildren can still benefit even at the expense of your children if, for example, you die before your spouse, who then names their children as beneficiaries of the estate. If you would like to learn more about remarriage protection, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: AOL (April 26, 2023) “How to Protect Assets From Stepchildren”

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Avoid Unintended Consequences with your Planning

Avoid Unintended Consequences with your Planning

The mistake can be as simple as signing a document without understanding its potential impact on property distribution, failing to have a last will and testament properly executed, or expecting a result different from what the will directs. Unfortunately, these unintended consequences are relatively common, says the article “Advice for avoiding unintended issues in estate planning” from The News-Enterprise. You can avoid unintended consequences with your planning by working with an estate planning attorney.

The most common mistake that leads to unintended consequences is leaving everything to a spouse in a blended family. Even if children don’t have a close relationship with their stepparent, they’re willing to get along for the sake of their biological parent. However, when the first spouse dies, the decedent’s beneficiaries are generally disinherited if the surviving spouse receives the entire estate.

If the family truly has blended and maintains close relationships, the surviving spouse may ensure that the decedent’s children receive a fair share of the estate. However, if the relationships are tenuous at best, and the surviving spouse changes their will so their biological children receive everything, the family is likely to fracture.

Using a revocable living trust as the primary planning tool is a safer option. An experienced estate planning attorney can create the trust to allow full flexibility during the lifetime of both spouses.  Upon the first spouse’s death, part of the estate is still protected for the decedent’s intended beneficiaries.

This way, the surviving spouse has full use of marital assets but can only change beneficiaries for his or her portion of the estate, protecting both the surviving spouse and the decedent’s intended beneficiaries.

Another common mistake occurs when married couples execute their last will and testaments with different beneficiaries. For example, if they’ve named each other as the primary beneficiary, only the survivor will have property to leave to loved ones.

An alternative is to decide what the couple wants to happen to the estate as a whole, then include fractional shares to all beneficiaries, not just the one spouse’s beneficiaries. This protects everyone.

Many people assume that if they die without a will, their spouse will inherit everything. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and a local estate planning attorney will be able to explain how your state’s laws work when there is no will. Children or other family members are often entitled to a share of the estate. This may not be terrible if the family is close. However, if there are estranged relationships, it can lead to the wrong people inheriting more than you’d want.

Failing to plan in case an heir becomes disabled can cause life-altering problems. If an heir develops a disability and receives government benefits, an inheritance could make them ineligible. The problem is that we don’t know what state of health and abilities our heirs will be in when we die, and few will want their estate to be used to reimburse the state for the cost of care. A few extra provisions in a professionally prepared estate plan can result in significant savings for all concerned.

Estate planning is about more than signing off on a handful of documents. It requires thoughtful consideration of goals and potential consequences. Can every single outcome be anticipated? Not every single one, but certainly enough to be worth the effort. You can avoid unintended consequences with your planning by working with an experienced estate planning attorney. If you would like to learn more about mistakes in your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The News-Enterprise (March 25, 2023) “Advice for avoiding unintended issues in estate planning”

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Single Parents Need Estate Planning

Single Parents Need Estate Planning

For single parents, estate planning is an even greater need than for married couples, advises a recent article, “Estate planning 101 for single parents,” from The Orange County Register. However, even single parents blessed with a strong support system need an estate plan to protect their children. Single parents need estate planning. Here’s why.

An estate plan names a guardian in the will. Who will raise your children and become their guardian if you unexpectedly die or become incapacitated? If the other parent is surviving and has not lost parental rights, they will have custody of the child or children as a matter of law. This is not guardianship.  They are the legal parent.

However, if the other parent is deceased or their parental rights have been terminated, the court will need to grant guardianship. You need two documents to name a person whom you would want to raise your child. One is your will. It’s a good idea to list more than one person, in case someone named cannot or doesn’t wish to serve.

For example, “My mother, Sue Sandler, and if she cannot serve, then my brother Mike Sandler, and then my friend Leslie Strong.” There’s no guarantee that the court will appoint any of these people.  However, the court may consider the parent’s preferences.

Depending upon your state, you could have a “Nomination of Guardian” document separate from your will. Remember that your will becomes effective only upon your death. If you become incapacitated, this document would be considered when determining who will be named guardian.

You’ll also want a health care directive. This document states who is authorized to make health care decisions for you, if you cannot, and provides general directions about what kind of care you want to receive.

If there are minor children, a “Nomination of Health Care Agent” should also be in place, where you nominate another person to make healthcare decisions for your children if you cannot. For example, if you and your children are in a car accident and you are incapacitated and can’t respond to authorize health care, hospitalization, or other care for your child.

A will and a trust are critical if you have minor children. The will sets forth your nomination of guardians, and a trust can hold your assets, including life insurance proceeds and any other significant assets for the benefit of your children as directed in the trust. The trust is managed by the successor trustee appointed in the trust document. Even if the other parent lives and the child lives with them, the trust is controlled by the trustee, so your ex cannot access the money and the children receive the funds according to your wishes.

If you have only a will and die, your estate will go through probate and assets will effectively be put into a trust for the child and be given to the child when they become of legal age. However, most 18 or 21-year-olds are not mature enough to manage large sums of money, so a trust managed by a responsible adult with a framework for distribution will ensure that the assets are protected.

Once a child reaches the age of legal majority, they are considered an adult. As a result, the nomination of a guardian is no longer necessary, nor is the nomination of a health care agent. However, this is when they need to execute their health care directive, power of attorney and HIPAA form. If they were to become seriously sick, even as their parent, you would not have any legal right to discuss their care or treatment with health care providers without these documents. Single parents need estate planning to ensure the future care of their children. If you would like to learn more about estate planning for single parents, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Orange County Register (March 12, 2023) “Estate planning 101 for single parents”

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