Category: Medical Directives

Prepare for Unexpected Medical Events with Estate Planning

Prepare for Unexpected Medical Events with Estate Planning

Estate planning is more than the distribution of property after a person dies. You can prepare for unexpected medical events with estate planning. In fact, a large part of an estate planning attorney’s practice concerns helping people prepare for the unexpected. A recent article from Merrill Foto News, “Know Your Legal Rights: Advance Care Planning Paves The Way For Future Medical Decisions,” explains what steps should be taken.

Anyone over 18 should have certain advance care plan documents in place, although these documents become even more critical as one reaches their later years. People who have been admitted to the hospital for emergency care, treatment for illness, or surgery all need someone else to speak with medical personnel on their behalf.

Having an Advance Directive, which is also known as Health Care Power of Attorney in some states, is necessary for another person to be able to be involved with your medical care. The healthcare law has become very restrictive, and simply being a person’s spouse or child may not be enough to allow you to make critical decisions on their behalf.

It’s best to name two people as your health care power of attorney—a primary and a backup in case the primary is unable or unwilling to act. If you and your spouse are both in a car accident, for instance, you’ll need someone else to advocate for both of you.

Who to name as your agent depends upon your situation. If your adult children live nearby, one of them may be the best choice if they can be counted on to follow your wishes. If no family is nearby, naming a trusted friend may work, unless you and the friend are both elderly. What would happen if your friend predeceased you or was unable to come to the hospital in the middle of the night? Your estate planning attorney can discuss your situation and help you determine the best candidates.

While many fill-in-the-blank Health Care Power of Attorney documents are available, it’s best to have one prepared by an estate planning attorney to reflect your wishes.

Your feelings about artificial life support also may have changed. Before COVID, people often said they didn’t want to be put on a respirator. However, respirators now save lives. Your wishes to be kept alive in the presence of different kinds of medical evidence may have changed from ten years ago. What if your heart is still working and a brain scan shows evidence of mental activities? Progress in medicine has led to more complex questions and answers about patients’ prognoses; you want a healthcare power of attorney document to reflect your wishes, given advances in medicine today.

Your feelings about healthcare decisions may have changed over time, so healthcare directives and an estate plan should be updated similarly to reflect changes in your life and circumstances. An estate planning attorney will help you and your family prepare for unexpected medical events with sound, comprehensive estate planning. If you would like to learn more about dealing with medical issues in your planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Merrill Foto News (July 25, 2024) “Know Your Legal Rights: Advance Care Planning Paves The Way For Future Medical Decisions”

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Ensure your Child's Future is Protected with Estate Planning

Ensure your Child’s Future is Protected with Estate Planning

Becoming a parent is an exciting journey filled with dreams and plans for the future. Amidst the joy and anticipation, you also need to consider your child’s future security. While no one wants to think of it, the worst could happen to you, and you could become unable to care for your child. Without an estate plan, your assets could go through a lengthy probate process, and the court would decide on guardianship for your children. Ensure your child’s future is protected with estate planning.

Estate planning involves organizing your financial affairs to ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. It includes creating a will, assigning power of attorney and considering trusts. According to Experian, planning ahead can avoid potential legal complications and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of. Estate planning can also help minimize taxes and protect your assets from creditors.

Without a will, state laws determine the distribution of your assets and the guardianship of your children. This could mean that your child ends up with a relative you haven’t spoken to in years or foster care. An estate plan allows you to choose guardians and ensure that your child’s future is secure.

A will is the foundation of your estate plan. It should:

  • Name a guardian for your children.
  • Name an executor to manage your estate.
  • Specify who inherits your assets.

Power of attorney allows someone to make financial and health care decisions on your behalf, if you become incapacitated. This includes:

  • Financial Power of Attorney: Give someone the power to manage your finances and property.
  • Health Care Power of Attorney: Empower someone you trust to make medical decisions for you.

The best time to start estate planning is now. Waiting until your baby arrives can lead to delays and potential financial hardships. Building an emergency fund, contributing to a health savings account and setting up automatic savings transfers are great first steps. Proactively managing your finances can help reduce stress and ensure a smoother transition into parenthood.  Starting early also allows you to make informed decisions and adjust your plan.

When Joyce Marter, a financial therapist and author, was expecting her first daughter, she found herself living paycheck to paycheck with substantial student loans. In an article by the NY Post, she reflects and explains how she realized the immense value of having a solid financial plan before transitioning into parenthood. Marter recalls a conversation with her pregnant supervisor, who advised her that no one is ever truly ready for a baby: “None of us are really ever truly ready — you just take the plunge and figure it out as you go.”

Years later, as Marter prepared for her own child, she understood the importance of proactive financial planning. She began by building an emergency fund, contributing to a health savings account and avoiding unnecessary baby registry items. These steps provided a financial safety net and helped reduce stress during her pregnancy.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Ensure that your child’s future is protected and your wishes are honored with proper estate planning. If you would like to learn more about planning for minor children, please visit our previous posts.

References: NY Post (Oct. 18, 2023) “Savvy expecting parents need to start financial planning now” and Experian (Oct. 13, 2020) “How to Plan Your Estate as a New Parent – Experian

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The Estate of The Union Season 4|Episode 1

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now! We all accumulate stuff as we go through life. When someone dies, what to do with all the stuff the deceased owned can be complex and exhausting.

It can also create fights over Who Gets What. In this edition of The Estate of the Union, Brad Wiewel interviews Ann Lumley, the Director of After Life Care at Texas Trust Law. Ann has seen just about everything that can happen with an estate where stuff (otherwise known as heirlooms and collectibles) can be an issue. Ann helps dissect the problems and highlights some strategies to help avoid collisions that often occur.



In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season |Episode 7


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Raising a child or children by yourself is challenging on many levels. Single parents have very little spare time or resources. Estate planning is critical for a single parent, even more than if another parent was involved, as discussed in a recent article from The News-Enterprise, “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning.”

Two key decisions to be made with minor children are who to name in a will as their guardian, the person who will raise them if the parent dies or is incapacitated, and who will be in charge of their finances. If another biological parent is involved in their care, things can get complicated.

Whether or not the other parent will be named as a guardian who will take custody of the child(ren) depends on whether or not they have any legal custody of the children. If the parents were married at one time but the marriage ended after the child was born, there is likely to be a separation agreement addressing custody.

If both parents share custody, the surviving parent would take custody of the child. This is standard practice, regardless of who has primary custody.

But if the parents never married and no one pursued an order of paternity or entered a custody order recognizing the legal rights of the noncustodial parent, or if a parent has lost any legal rights to the child, the parent needs to name a guardian and an alternate guardian.

Even if there is a surviving parent, you’ll want to name at least one guardian and one contingent guardian. There are instances when the noncustodial parent prefers not to become the custodial parent, even if the child’s other parent has died. There are also cases where the noncustodial parent is not fit to raise a child, so having other potential guardians named is a better idea.

Separate from the guardianship issue is the decision of who should manage the assets left for the child. You have a right to name the person of your choice to oversee these funds, regardless of whether or not the other parent is living. In most cases, there are two general options:

Conservator: This is a court-appointed person who is responsible for any assets left outside of a trust or any income received by the child. The conservator can be the same person as the guardian, but it does not have to be the same.

Trustee: A best practice in estate planning for a child is to leave the property in trust to be distributed for specific purposes, like education, health care, and general support. Assets can be left in trust through a last will and testament or through a trust set up while the parent is living to benefit the child.

Estate planning is critical for a single parent. An estate planning attorney should be consulted to determine how best to structure planning when there is only one parent. This protects the child and gives the parent peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning as a single parent, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The News-Enterprise (July 5, 2024) “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning”

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Ensure your College-Bound Student has Documents in Order

Ensure your College-Bound Student has Documents in Order

Sending your child to college is a major milestone but comes with important legal considerations. Now that they live independently, handling a medical emergency could be much more complicated. The Wall Street Journal makes the case that, as parents, you must ensure your college-bound student has their documents in order. This way, you can help them if they need it in any situation.

When your child turns 18, you lose access to their medical, financial, or academic records. You could face significant hurdles in helping them during emergencies without the proper legal documents. There are four essential legal documents.

A HIPAA waiver allows your child to grant you access to their medical records. Without this form, healthcare providers cannot share any medical information with you due to privacy laws. This waiver ensures that you stay informed about your child’s health and can make informed decisions in a medical emergency.

A medical power of attorney designates someone to make medical decisions on your child’s behalf if they cannot. If your child becomes incapacitated due to illness or injury, you’ll need this document to manage their care. Families without a medical power of attorney will have to delegate important healthcare decisions to people they don’t know.

With a durable power of attorney, you can manage your child’s financial affairs if they cannot do so. This can include paying bills, handling bank accounts, and managing investments. This document is particularly important if your child is studying abroad or becomes incapacitated.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records. A FERPA waiver allows your child to grant you access to their academic records. This can be important if you need to stay informed about their academic progress or assist in managing their education.

Without these legal documents, you could face significant challenges in assisting your child. For instance, you could be unable to learn about your child’s condition if they become hospitalized. You would also be unable to make decisions on their behalf to manage their care or finances.

Most of these documents can be obtained online for free or through your attorney. Ensuring that the forms meet your state’s legal requirements is essential. Some documents may require notarization. Here’s a brief guide on how to obtain each:

  • HIPAA Waiver: Available online or from your child’s healthcare provider.
  • Medical Power of Attorney: Available online, but ensure it complies with state-specific laws.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: Obtained from an attorney to ensure it meets state legal standards.
  • FERPA Waiver: Available through your child’s college or university.

The requirements for legal documents for college students can vary by state. If your child is attending college out of state, you may need to prepare valid documents for your home state and the state where your child studies. Consulting with an attorney helps properly prepare and execute all documents.

A durable power of attorney becomes even more critical if your child studies abroad. This document ensures you can manage their financial matters and make decisions on their behalf if they encounter issues while overseas.

Preparing these essential legal documents ensures your college-bound student has their documents in order and gives you peace of mind. Don’t wait until an emergency arises; take action now. If you would like to learn more about planning for college age children, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: WSJ (Aug. 14, 2023) “Before Your Child Goes to College, Complete These 6 Important Documents – WSJ

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Addressing your Estate Planning during Divorce is Critical

When estate planning dovetails with divorce, existing plans need to be redesigned. How much depends on the nature of the divorce, as explained by a recent article from Accounting Today, “Estate planning for divorcing couples.” Spousal rights, beneficiary designations, child custody and property distribution all need to be examined, as well as the distribution of property in the estate plan. Addressing your estate planning during a divorce is critical.

If this is your situation, you’ll need a team of professionals who can work well together. Your estate planning attorney, accountant and divorce attorney will need to be in frequent contact, as so many of these areas overlap. You’ll want to ensure that your separation agreement and estate plan complement each other. Anticipating potential challenges and obstacles in advance is crucial.

Here are a few aspects to consider:

If your estate planning attorney worked with you and the person you are divorcing, they will want to be clear about who they represent for the new estate plan. If it’s an amenable divorce, the estate planning attorney may recommend a respected colleague to help the other spouse.

The same scenario must be considered for the accountant. Did they interface with one spouse more than the other? If a joint return was filed in the past, which spouse would they work with during the divorce and afterward? An accountant’s involvement in an estate plan during the divorce process may be critical to ensuring that there are no discrepancies in the financials.

Beneficiary designations need to be revisited since, in most cases, spouses name each other as beneficiaries. Updating the beneficiary designation will avoid further complications in distributing the assets if something occurs to one of the spouses while the divorce is in process. Beneficiaries only change when the owner of the account actively makes the change. Your soon-to-be-ex may inherit everything if you don’t change the account beneficiary.

Estate planning involves guardianship for minor children, and divorce typically addresses child custody, support and inheritance. If one of the parents dies, who would get custody of the children? How will they be supported? Life insurance may be part of the separation agreement, where the ex-spouse will still be the beneficiary, so funds may be used to support the minor children.

Couples in the process of divorcing may not create new trusts until the divorce proceedings have been finalized. However, suppose trusts were established as part of estate planning before the divorce. In that case, they may be considered marital or separate property, depending on the source of the assets in the trust. This is a conversation to have with your estate planning attorney.

Addressing your estate planning during a divorce is critical. With the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney, accountant and divorce attorney, it is possible to move through the tumult and begin the next chapter with some peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning during or after a divorce, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Accounting Today (July 5, 2024) “Estate planning for divorcing couples”

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Essential Legal Documents Graduating Seniors Need

Essential Legal Documents Graduating Seniors Need

As new legal adults transition from high school to college or the workforce, they must understand the significance of having essential legal documents in place. There are some essential legal documents graduating seniors need. These documents can protect their interests and ensure their wishes are respected, especially in unexpected situations.

Many young adults think estate planning is only for older people, but it’s crucial for everyone. Once young adults turn 18, they are legal adults, and parents or guardians no longer have authority over their health or financial accounts or information. Accidents and illnesses can happen at any age, and having the right documents can make a big difference.

There are five essential legal documents that every young adult should have:

  • Healthcare Proxy: This document allows a trusted person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you can’t communicate your wishes. Choosing a reliable and nearby person is important for making quick decisions if needed.
  • HIPAA Authorization: This gives certain people access to your medical records. Without it, your loved ones might not be able to get the information they need to help you in a medical emergency.
  • Durable Financial Power of Attorney: This lets someone manage your finances if you cannot do so yourself. It can help ensure your bills are paid, and your finances are handled properly if you’re incapacitated.
  • Living Will: This outlines your medical treatment and end-of-life care preferences. It helps your family know your wishes regarding life support and other critical decisions.
  • Preneed Guardian Designation: This appoints someone to care for you or your dependents if you cannot do so. For young parents, it ensures that their children are cared for without waiting for court appointments.

Consider the story shared by the Financial Planning Association about a young adult who was in a car accident. Despite being healthy and active, the accident left them unable to make decisions.

However, they had a healthcare proxy and a durable financial power of attorney. This enabled their family to step in and make medical and financial decisions on their behalf. Good estate planning can make hard times a little more manageable, even for young and healthy people.

Without these essential documents, your family might face delays in managing your affairs. Courts could appoint someone to make decisions for you. While this may work out, there’s no guarantee a court-appointed agent’s views would align with your wishes. Being unprepared can make difficult times even more stressful and challenging.

Creating these documents is easier than you might think. Here are some steps to get started:

  • Talk to Your Parents or Guardians: Discuss your plans and get their input on who your healthcare proxy or financial power of attorney should be.
  • Consult an Attorney: Seek advice from an estate planning attorney who can draft these documents to ensure they meet legal requirements and accurately reflect your wishes.
  • Store Documents Safely: Keep your documents in a safe place, and make sure that your designated proxies know where to find them.
  • Review Regularly: Life changes might require updates to your documents. Events such as moving to a new state, getting married, or having a child should prompt you to revisit your documents.

If you’re a young adult or a parent of one, now is the time to start thinking about these essential legal documents graduating seniors need. If you would like to learn more about planning for young adults, please visit our previous posts.  

Reference: Financial Planning Association (Oct. 2023) “Essential Estate Planning for Young Adults”

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Managing a Big Age Gap in Estate Planning

Managing a Big Age Gap in Estate Planning

Even if it was never an issue in the past, managing a big age gap in your estate planning can present challenges. When one partner is ten or more years younger than the other, assets need to last longer, and the impact of poor planning or mistakes can be far more complex. The article in Barron’s “Big Age Gap With Your Spouse? What You Need to Know” explains several vital issues.

Examine healthcare coverage and income needs. Health insurance can become a significant issue, especially if one partner is old enough for Medicare and the other does not yet qualify. How will the couple ensure health insurance if the older partner retires and the younger depends on the older partner for healthcare? The younger partner must buy independent healthcare coverage, which can be a budget-buster.

Be strategic about Social Security. Experts advise having the older spouse delay taking Social Security benefits if they are the higher-income partner. If the older spouse passes, the younger spouse can get the bigger of the two Social Security benefits. Delaying benefits means the benefits will be higher.

Planning for RMDs—Required Minimum Distributions. Roth conversions may be a great option for couples with a significant age gap. Large traditional tax-deferred individual IRAs come with large RMDs. When one spouse dies, the surviving spouse is taxed as a single person, which means they’ll hit high tax brackets sooner. However, if the couple converted their IRAs to Roths, the surviving spouse could withdraw without taxes.

Estate planning becomes trickier with a significant age gap, especially if the spouses have been married before. Provisions in their estate plan need to be made for both the surviving spouse and children from prior marriages. An estate planning attorney should be consulted to discuss how trusts can protect the surviving spouse, so no one is disinherited. Beneficiary accounts also need to be checked for beneficiary designations.

Couples with a significant age gap need to address their own mortality. A younger partner who is financially dependent on an older partner needs to be involved in estate and finance planning, so they know what assets and debts exist. Life has a way of throwing curve balls, so both partners need to be prepared for incapacity and death.

Managing a big age gap in your estate planning really requires careful and consistent review of your planning. Plans should be reviewed more often than for couples in the same generation. A lot can happen in six months, especially if one or both partners have health issues. If you would like to learn more about estate planning issues for older couples, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Barron’s (May 19, 2024) “Big Age Gap With Your Spouse? What You Need to Know.”

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Diverse Family Structures Have Unique Estate Planning Challenges

Diverse Family Structures Have Unique Estate Planning Challenges

American family law has traditionally focused on the nuclear family. However, Forbes reports that only 18% of American adults now fit this model. There are many new types of families today, such as blended families, single-parent households and LGBTQ+ families. Dated legal definitions of family could be a hurdle in your estate planning. Diverse family structures have unique estate planning challenges. However, it’s a hurdle you can overcome with knowledge and legal guidance.

Most legal protections and rights cater to the assumption that a family is a married couple with blood children. This alone creates obstacles for many families, even those that look traditional. Many heterosexual couples have children but haven’t yet married. This can deprive them of various rights and may exclude partners from inheritance.

Blended families with stepchildren also frequently struggle with inheritance. If the parents fail to lay out the rights of the children, it can go to a lengthy probate process. Likewise, the children of single parents face a uniquely uncertain future should their parents die unexpectedly. Another diverse family type that frequently struggles with family law is LGBTQ+ families. The rights of same-sex couples vary widely by state, which makes estate planning especially important for them.

These diverse families and more can find themselves underserved by laws that don’t have them in mind. However, that doesn’t mean that their wishes must go un-respected. There are many estate planning tools available that can help people clarify and execute their wishes once they’re gone.

Advanced estate planning techniques can give anyone greater control of their estate.  Everyone with a significant estate or minor children should have an estate plan. However, diverse families need to use these tools to safeguard their wishes.

  • Wills: A well-drafted will is Step One. It makes it far easier to ensure that your assets go to your inheritors as you wish.
  • Trusts: Trusts offer greater control over asset distribution while avoiding will-related pitfalls. Living trusts can be adjusted during one’s lifetime, while irrevocable trusts protect assets but are permanent.
  • Powers of attorney: Financial and healthcare powers of attorney let a trusted person decide if the primary individual is incapacitated.
  • Testamentary guardianship: Single-parent, blended families and same-sex couples should appoint guardians for minor children in their wills.
  • Beneficiary Designations: Designate the beneficiaries for life insurance, retirement and investment accounts. This ensures that the executor of your will transfers assets according to your wishes.

The evolving definition of family challenges conventional estate planning. Unmarried couples, blended families and other non-traditional arrangements often need tailored estate plans. However, untangling estate law on your own isn’t easy.

Diverse family structures have unique estate planning challenges. Schedule a consultation with an estate planning attorney, who will address local laws and your unique family structure, to craft a comprehensive estate plan. If you would like to learn more about planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (April 2, 2024) How Expanding The Legal Definition Of Family Helps Us All

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Updating Beneficiaries after Gray Divorce

Updating Beneficiaries after Gray Divorce

Navigating the complexities of estate planning after a mid- to late-life divorce, or “gray divorce,” requires meticulous attention to detail and proactive measures, according to Kiplinger’s article, Don’t Forget to Update Beneficiaries After a Gray Divorce. Updating beneficiaries after a gray divorce is critical to estate planning. This article explores essential considerations for those undergoing a gray divorce, emphasizing the importance of reevaluating estate plans to reflect current intentions and relationships.

While family law attorneys primarily focus on asset division during divorce proceedings, it’s imperative to consider the fate of these assets post-divorce, particularly concerning beneficiaries. Updating beneficiaries on investment accounts, retirement funds and life insurance policies is paramount. Failure to do so could result in unintended consequences, potentially leaving assets to a former spouse.

Many states have statutes that automatically revoke a former spouse as a beneficiary post-divorce. However, these laws vary, and some exceptions exist, notably under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans. Understanding the nuances of state laws and ERISA regulations is vital to ensure compliance and avoid costly mistakes.

In some divorces, waivers might be used in decrees to address survivorship benefits related to retirement plans. The effectiveness of these waivers relies on adherence to plan documents and detailed planning. Consulting with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney and incorporating specific language in property settlement agreements can mitigate risks and ensure comprehensive protection of assets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proactive Approach: Do not wait until after your divorce is finalized to update your beneficiaries. Proactively review and revise beneficiary designations on all relevant accounts.
  • Understanding State Laws: Familiarize yourself with your state’s automatic revocation laws and how they affect beneficiary designations. Ensure that these laws align with your post-divorce intentions.
  • Consulting with Professionals: Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney to navigate the complexities of beneficiary updates and ensure compliance with state laws and ERISA regulations.
  • Detailed Planning: Use specific language in property settlement agreements to address survivorship benefits associated with retirement plans and other assets. Attention to detail is essential to avoid potential conflicts and ensure that your wishes are upheld.

In conclusion, updating beneficiaries after a gray divorce is critical to estate planning. By taking proactive measures, understanding relevant laws and seeking professional guidance, you can protect your assets and secure the financial future of your loved ones. Ready to embark on your post-divorce estate planning journey? Schedule a consultation today and gain peace of mind knowing that your assets are in trusted hands. If you would like to learn more about divorce and reevaluating your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (April 15, 2024) Don’t Forget to Update Beneficiaries After a Gray Divorce

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