Category: Inheritance Tax

Tax Scams Involving Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts

Tax Scams Involving Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts

If you are a wealthy family looking into estate planning, beware of tax scams involving Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts. The IRS has issued a warning about promoters aiming specifically at wealthy taxpayers, advises a recent article, “IRS Warns Of Tax Scams That Target Wealthy,” from Financial Advisor. Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts (CRATs) are irrevocable trusts that allow individuals to donate assets to charity and draw annual income for life or for a fixed period. A CRAT pays a dollar amount each year, and the IRS examines these trusts to ensure they correctly report trust income and distributions to beneficiaries. Of course, tax documents must also be filed properly.

Some sophisticated scammers boast of the benefits of using CRATs to eliminate ordinary income or capital gain on the sale of the property. However, property with a fair market value over its basis is transferred to the CRAT, the IRS explains, and taxpayers may wrongly claim the transfer of the property to the CRAT, resulting in an increase in basis to fair market value, as if the property had been sold to the trust.

The CRAT then sells the property but needs to recognize the gain due to the claimed step-up in basis.  The CRAT then purchases a single premium immediate annuity with the proceeds from the property sale. This is a misapplication of tax rules. The taxpayer or beneficiary may not treat the remaining portion as an excluding portion representing a return of investment for which no tax is due.

In another scam, abusive monetized installment sales, thieves find taxpayers seeking to defer the recognition of gain at the sale of appreciated property. They facilitate a purported monetized installment sale for the taxpayer for a fee. These sales occur when an intermediary purchase appreciated property from a seller in exchange for an installment note, which typically provides interest payments only, with the principal paid at the end of the term.

The seller gets the larger share of the proceeds but improperly delays recognition of gain on the appreciated property until the final payment on the installment note, often years later.

Anyone who pressures an investor to invest quickly, guarantees high returns or tax-free income, or says they can eliminate taxes using installment sales, trusts, or other means, should be dismissed immediately. Beware of tax scams involving Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts. Your estate planning attorney is well-versed in how CRATs, LLCs, S Corps, trusts, or charitable donations are used and will steer you and your assets into legal, proper investment strategies. If you would like to learn more about charitable giving, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Financial Advisor (April 24, 203) “IRS Warns Of Tax Scams That Target Wealthy”


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How an Annuity Beneficiary Works

How an Annuity Beneficiary Works

It is important to understand how an annuity beneficiary works. If the beneficiary of an annuity is your spouse, they can take over ownership of the annuity and receive payments under the annuity schedule. The annuity would be tax-deferred, and your spouse would only owe taxes on the distributions when they take them, says Forbes’ recent article, “What Is An Annuity Beneficiary?

However, the rules differ if your beneficiary is someone other than your spouse. A non-spouse has three options when inheriting an annuity:

  • A lump sum payment. The beneficiary gets the annuity’s remaining value as one upfront payment and must pay income taxes immediately on the lump sum.
  • Nonqualified stretch, where the annuity payouts—and the required income taxes—are stretched throughout the beneficiary’s lifetime; or
  • Beneficiaries can withdraw smaller amounts from the annuity during a five-year period after the annuity holder’s death or withdraw the entire amount in the fifth year.

Only the annuity owner can name a beneficiary. However, they can change beneficiaries at any time, provided the annuity contract doesn’t require you to name an irrevocable beneficiary. You can also choose multiple beneficiaries, designating a percentage of the annuity for each person. Annuity contracts also frequently let you designate a contingent beneficiary—a person who will get the annuity payments if the primary beneficiary dies before the annuity owner does.

The choice of beneficiary also significantly impacts how taxes are handled, so taking the time to document your wishes can save your loved ones from problems in the future.

While you aren’t required to name a beneficiary when you purchase an annuity, it’s highly recommended.

Suppose you don’t have a designated beneficiary in the annuity contract. In that case, the annuity must go through probate—the legal process for recognizing a will and distributing the assets within an estate.

These proceedings can be expensive and time-consuming. It could be several months before everything is resolved and the heirs receive their inheritance. An estate planning attorney will help you understand how an annuity beneficiary works and how to ensure your planning addresses your needs. If you would like to learn more about the role of the beneficiary, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Jan. 19, 2023) “What Is An Annuity Beneficiary?”

Image by Mimi from Pixabay

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Adding Children to Joint Account can have Unintended Consequences

Adding Children to Joint Account can have Unintended Consequences

A common request from seniors is to add their children to their bank accounts, in case something unexpected should occur. Their goal is admirable—to give their children access to funds in case of an emergency, says a recent article from Kiplinger, “Joint Account With Rights of Survivorship and Alternatives Explained.” However, adding children to a joint bank account, investment account or even a safe deposit box, can have unintended consequences.

Most couple’s bank accounts are set up by default as “Joint With Rights of Survivorship” or JWROS, automatically. Assets transfer to the surviving owner upon the death of the first spouse. This can lead to several problems. If the intent was for remaining assets not spent during a crisis to be distributed via the terms of a will, this will not happen. The assets will transfer to the surviving owner, regardless of directions in the will.

Adding anyone other than a spouse could also trigger a federal gift tax issue. For example, in 2023, anyone can gift up to $17,000 per year tax-free to anyone they want. However, if the gift exceeds $17,000 and the beneficiary is not a spouse, the recipient may need to file a gift tax return.

If a parent adds a child to a savings account and the child predeceases the parent, a portion of the account value could be includable in the child’s estate for state inheritance/estate tax purposes. The assets would transfer back to the parents, and depending upon the deceased’s state of residence, the estate could be levied on as much as 50% or more of the account value.

There are alternatives if the goal of adding a joint owner to an account is to give them access to assets upon death. For example, most financial institutions allow accounts to be structured as “Transfer on Death” or TOD. This adds beneficiaries to the account with several benefits.

Nothing happens with a TOD if the beneficiary dies before the account owner. The potential for state inheritance tax on any portion of the account value is avoided.

When the account owner dies, the beneficiary needs only to supply a death certificate to gain access to the account. Because assets transfer to a named beneficiary, the account is not part of the probate estate, since named beneficiaries always supersede a will.

Setting up an account as a TOD doesn’t give any access to the beneficiary until the death of the owner. This avoids the transfer of assets being considered a gift, eliminating the potential federal gift tax issue.

Planning for incapacity includes more than TOD accounts. All adults should have a Financial Power of Attorney, which allows one or more individuals to perform financial transactions on their behalf in case of incapacity. This is a better alternative than retitling accounts.

Retirement accounts cannot have any joint ownership. This includes IRAs, 401(k)s, annuities, and similar accounts.

Power of attorney documents should be prepared to suit each individual situation. In some cases, parents want adult children to be able to make real estate decisions and access financial accounts. Others only want children to manage money and not get involved in the sale of their home while they are incapacitated. A custom-designed Power of Attorney allows as much or as little control as desired.

Adding children to a joint account can have unintended consequences. Your estate planning attorney can help you plan for incapacity and for passing assets upon your passing. Ideally, it will be a long time before anything unexpected occurs. However, it’s best to plan proactively. If you would like to learn more about planning for incapacity, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (March 30, 2023) “Joint Account With Rights of Survivorship and Alternatives Explained”

Photo by Askar Abayev


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Step-Up in Basis can help Avoid or Reduce Taxes

Step-Up in Basis can help Avoid or Reduce Taxes

Step-up in basis, also known as stepped-up basis, is a wrinkle in the federal tax code that can help heirs avoid or reduce taxes on inherited assets. This aspect of the tax code changes the value—known as the “cost basis”—of an inherited asset, including stocks or property. As a result, the heir may receive a reduction in the capital gains tax they must pay on the inherited assets. For others, according to the recent article, “What Is Step-Up In Basis?” from Forbes, it allows families to avoid paying what would be a normal share in capital gains taxes by passing assets across generations. Estate planning attorneys often incorporate this into estate plans for their clients to minimize taxes and protect assets.

Here’s how it works.

If someone sells an inherited asset, a step-up in basis may protect them from higher capital gains taxes. A capital gains tax occurs when an asset is sold for more than it originally cost. A step-up in basis considers the asset’s fair market value when it was inherited versus when it was first acquired. This means there has been a “step-up” from the original value to the current market value.

Assets held for generations and passed from original owners to heirs are never subject to capital gains taxes, if the assets are never sold. However, if the heir decides to sell the asset, any tax is assessed on the new value, meaning only the appreciation after the asset had been inherited would face capital gains tax.

For example, Michael buys 200 shares of ABC Company stock at $50 a share. Jasmine inherits the stock after Michael’s death. The stock’s price is valued at $70 a share by then. When Jasmine decides to sell the shares five years after inheriting them, the stock is valued at $90 a share.

Without the step-up in basis, Jasmine would have to pay capital gains taxes on the $40 per share difference between the price originally paid for the stock ($50) and the sale price of $90 per share.

Other assets falling under the step-up provision include artwork, collectibles, bank accounts, businesses, stocks, bonds, investment accounts, real estate and personal property. Assets not affected by the step-up rule are retirement accounts, including 401(k)s, IRAs, pensions and most assets in irrevocable trusts.

If someone gives a gift during their lifetime, the recipient retains the basis of the person who made the gift—known as “carryover basis.” Under this basis, capital gains on a gifted asset are calculated using the asset’s purchase price.

Say Michael gave Jasmine five shares of ABC Company stock when it was priced at $75 a share. The carryover basis is $375 for all five stocks. Then Jasmine decides to sell the five shares of stock for $150 each, for $750. According to the carryover basis, Jasmine would have a taxable gain of $375 ($750 in sale proceeds subtracted by the $375 carryover basis = $375).

The gift giver is usually responsible for any gift tax owed. The tax liability starts when the gift amount exceeds the annual exclusion allowed by the IRS. For example, if Michael made the gift in 2018, he could avoid gift taxes on a gift he gave to Jasmine that year with a value of up to $15,000. This gift tax exemption for 2023 is $17,000. Talk with your estate planning attorney to see if a step-up in basis can help avoid or reduce taxes. If you would like to learn more about tax planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (March 28, 2023) “What Is Step-Up In Basis?”

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich


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Frequently Asked Questions about Series I-Bonds

Frequently Asked Questions about Series I-Bonds

With series I bonds in the news lately, it is worth considering if they are beneficial to your estate planning. Kiplinger’s recent article entitled “What Are I-Bonds?” compiled answers to some frequently asked questions about series I bonds.

How is the interest rate determined? The composite rate has two parts: (i) a fixed rate that stays the same for the life of the bond; and (ii) an inflation rate based on the consumer price index (CPI). Each May and November, the U.S. Treasury Department announces a new fixed rate and inflation rate that apply to bonds issued during the following six months. The inflation rate changes every six months from the bond’s issue date.

How does interest accrue? They earn interest monthly from the first day of the month of the issue date, and interest is compounded semi-annually. Interest is added to the bond’s principal value. Note that you can’t redeem an I-Bond in the first year, and if you cash it in before five years, you forfeit the most recent three months of interest. If you check your bond’s value at, within the first five years of owning it, the amount you’ll see will have the three-month penalty subtracted from it. As a result, when you buy a new bond, interest doesn’t show until the first day of the fourth month following the issue month.

How many I-Bonds can I buy? You can purchase up to $10,000 per calendar year in electronic bonds through You can also buy up to $5,000 each year in paper bonds with your tax refund. For those who are married filing jointly, the limit is $5,000 per couple.

How are I-Bonds taxed? I-Bond interest is free of state and local income tax. You can also defer federal tax until you file a tax return for the year you cash in the bond or it stops earning interest because it has reached final maturity (after 30 years), whichever comes first. You can also report the interest every year, which may be a good choice if you’d rather avoid one large tax bill in the future.

If you use the bonds’ proceeds to pay for certain higher-education expenses for your spouse, your dependents, or yourself, you may avoid federal tax. However, you must meet several requirements to be eligible. Among them, the bond owner must have been at least 24 years old by the issue date and have income that falls below specified limits. Discuss these frequently asked questions about series I bonds with your estate planning attorney. If you are interested in learning more about bonds, and other retirements planning options, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (Oct. 11, 2022) “What Are I-Bonds?”

Photo by Vanessa Loring


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Estate Planning should include Consideration of Income Tax

Estate Planning should include Consideration of Income Tax

While estate taxes may only be of concern for mega-rich Americans now, in a relatively short time, the federal exemption rate is scheduled to drop precipitously. Estate planning underway now should include consideration of income tax issues, especially basis, according to a recent article titled “Be Mindful of Income Tax in Estate Planning, Particularly Basis” from National Law Journal.

Because of these upcoming changes, plans and trusts put into effect under current law may no longer efficiently work for income tax and tax basis issues.

Planning to avoid taxes has become less critical in recent years, when the federal estate tax exemption is $10 million per taxpayer indexed to inflation. However, the new tax laws have changed the focus from estate tax planning to coming tax planning and more specifically, to “basis” planning. Ignore this at your peril—or your heirs may inherit a tax disaster.

“Basis” is an oft-misunderstood concept used to determine the amount of taxable income resulting when an asset is sold. The amount of taxable income realized is equal to the difference between the value you received at the sale of the asset minus your basis in the asset.

There are three key rules for how basis is determined:

Purchased assets: the buyer’s basis is the investment in the asset—the amount paid at the time of purchase. Here’s where the term “cost basis” comes from

Gifts: The recipient’s basis in the gift property is generally equal to the donor’s basis in the property. The giver’s basis is viewed as carrying over to the recipient. This is where the term “carry over basis” comes from, when referring to the basis of an asset received by gift.

Inherited Assets: The basis in inherited property is usually set to the fair market value of the asset on the date of the decedent’s death. Any gains or losses after this date are not realized. The heir could conceivably sell the asset immediately and not pay income taxes on the sale.

The adjustment to basis for inherited assets is usually called “stepped up basis.”

Basis planning requires you to review each asset on its own, to consider the expected future appreciation of the asset and anticipated timeline for disposing the asset. Tax rates imposed on income realized when an asset is sold vary based on the type of asset. There is an easy one-size-fits-all rule when it comes to basis planning.

Estate planning requires adjustments over time, especially in light of tax law changes. This is why estate planning should include consideration of income tax issues. Speak with your estate planning attorney, if your estate plan was created more than five years ago. Many of those strategies and tools may or may not work in light of the current and near-future tax environment. If you would like to learn more about tax issues related to estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: National Law Review (July 22, 2022) “Be Mindful of Income Tax in Estate Planning, Particularly Basis”

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich


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Do you need an attorney for probate?

Do You Need an Attorney for Probate?

Do you need an attorney for probate? Having an estate planning attorney manage the probate process can alleviate a great deal of stress for the family, says the recent article “Reasons to hire a lawyer for probate” from The Mercury.

For one thing, the attorney will know what your state requires in the way of executing the will. You may need to pay a state inheritance tax, or you may have to file certain documents specific to your state. Even if the surviving spouse is the only beneficiary and all assets are either jointly titled or are distributed through beneficiary designations, there are other details you may miss.

A surviving spouse will certainly appreciate not having to undertake a mountain of paperwork or electronic forms on their own, especially if there are no adult children living nearby to help. Which beneficiary form needs to be completed, and what will financial institutions need to change accounts to the proper ownership? It can be daunting, especially during mourning.

Depending upon the state, there may be exemptions, discounts and deductions from the estate. A layperson likely does not know if their state deducts the attorney’s fees and/or the executor fees. Even attorneys who do not practice estate law do not always know about these potential benefits.

An estate planning attorney will also know how long the probate process will take. If the surviving spouse is the executor and is unable to attend probate court, some cases accept a remote process. There are also COVID-specific procedures in some states, which a layperson may not know about.

If there are family disputes between beneficiaries regarding distribution, an estate planning attorney could be a very important resource. There may need to be a settlement agreement created that conforms to the state’s law. If it is not handled properly, the agreement could be deemed invalid if challenged in court.

What if the family home is being sold? Sometimes executors working without an attorney do not realize the requirements from title insurance companies regarding the sale of a property where one of the parties has passed. Failing to make sure that these requirements are met, could delay the settlement of the estate and put the property sale in jeopardy.

If there are health or creditor issues, or disputes over property, an estate planning attorney is invaluable in protecting the surviving spouse and/or executor. In many cases, the estate is left with substantial medical bills, Medicaid claims or related costs. Executors may not know their rights, or how to defend the estate. A knowledgeable estate planning attorney will. You need an attorney to ensure that all of your bases are covered for your probate hearing. If you would like to learn more about probate and trust administration, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Mercury (Feb. 8, 2022) “Reasons to hire a lawyer for probate”



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Creating a legacy plan

Creating a Legacy Plan

Creating a legacy plan is a vital part of the financial planning process, ensuring the assets you have spent your entire life accumulating will transfer to the people and organizations you want, and that family members are prepared to inherit and execute your wishes.

Kiplinger’s recent article entitled “4 Reasons Families Fail When Transferring Wealth” gives us four common errors that can cause individuals and families to veer off track.

Failure to create a plan. It’s hard for people to think about their own death. This can make us delay our estate planning. If you die before a comprehensive estate plan is in place, your goals and wishes can’t be carried out. You should establish a legacy plan as soon as possible. A legacy plan can evolve over time. You should be creating a legacy plan that is grounded in what your or your family envisions today, but with the flexibility to be amended for changes in the future.

Poor communication and a lack of trust. Failing to communicate a plan early can create issues between generations, especially if it is different than adult children might expect or incorporates other people and organizations that come as a surprise to heirs. Bring adult children into the conversation to establish the communication early on. You can focus on the overall, high-level strategy. This includes reviewing timing, familial values and planning objectives. Open communication can mitigate negative feelings, such as distrust or confusion among family members, and make for a more successful transfer.

Poor preparation. The ability to get individual family members on board with defined roles can be difficult, but it can alleviate a lot of potential headaches and obstacles in the future.

Overlooked essentials. Consider hiring a team of specialists, such as a financial adviser, tax professional and estate planning attorney, who can work in together to ensure the legacy plan you have created will meet its intended objectives.

Whether creating a legacy plan today, or as part of the millions of households in the Great Wealth Transfer that will establish plans soon if they haven’t already, preparation and flexibility are uber important to wealth transfer success.

Create a legacy plan early on, have open communication with your family and review philosophies and values to make certain that everyone’s on the same page. As a result, your loved ones will have the ability to understand, respect and meaningfully execute the legacy plan’s objectives. If you would like to learn more about legacy planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (Aug. 29, 2021) “4 Reasons Families Fail When Transferring Wealth”

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failures of do-it-yourself estate planning

Failures of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning

US News & World Report’s recent article entitled “6 Common Myths About Estate Planning explains that the coronavirus pandemic has made many people face decisions about estate planning. Many will use a do-it-yourself solution. Internet DIY websites make it easy to download forms. However, there are mistakes people make when they try do-it-yourself estate planning. There are ways to avoid the failures of do-it-yourself estate planning.

Here are some issues with do-it-yourself that estate planning attorneys regularly see:

You need to know what to ask. If you’re trying to complete a specific form, you may be able to do it on your own. However, the challenge is sometimes not knowing what to ask. If you want a more comprehensive end-of-life plan and aren’t sure about what you need in addition to a will, work with an experienced estate planning attorney. If you want to cover everything, and are not sure what everything is, that’s why you see them.

More complex issues require professional help. Take a more holistic look at your estate plan and look at estate planning, tax planning and financial planning together, since they’re all interrelated. If you only look at one of these areas at a time, you may create complications in another. This could unintentionally increase your expenses or taxes. Your situation might also include special issues or circumstances. A do-it-yourself website might not be able to tell you how to account for your specific situation in the best possible way. It will just give you a blanket list, and it will all be cookie cutter. You won’t have the individual attention to your goals and priorities you get by sitting down and talking to an experienced estate planning attorney.

Estate laws vary from state to state. Every state may have different rules for estate planning, such as for powers of attorney or a health care proxy. There are also 17 states and the District of Columbia that tax your estate, inheritance, or both. These tax laws can impact your estate planning. Eleven states and DC only have an estate tax (CT, HI, IL, ME, MA, MN, NY, OR, RI, VT and WA). Iowa, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have only an inheritance tax. Maryland has both an inheritance tax and an estate tax.

Setting up health care directives and making end-of-life decisions can be very involved. Avoid the failures of do-it-yourself estate planning. It’s too important to try to do it yourself. If you make a mistake, it could impact the ability of your family to take care of financial expenses or manage health care issues. Don’t do it yourself.

If you would like more information on crating an estate plan, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: US News & World Report (July 5, 2021) “6 Common Myths About Estate Planning”

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