Category: Remarriage

Post-Nuptial Agreement can help Couples avoid Conflicts

Post-Nuptial Agreement can help Couples avoid Conflicts

Marriage later in life—often called a “gray marriage”—is becoming increasingly common as people remarry after divorce or the loss of a spouse. While love and companionship are at the heart of these unions, financial and legal complexities should not be overlooked. A post-nuptial agreement can help couples align their financial goals, protect assets and avoid potential conflicts, ensuring long-term security for both partners.

What Is a Postnuptial Agreement?

A postnuptial agreement is a legally binding contract created between spouses after marriage (as opposed to a prenuptial agreement, which the parties create before marriage). It outlines how to handle assets, debts and financial responsibilities during the marriage and in the event of divorce or death. Unlike a prenuptial agreement signed before marriage, a post-nuptial agreement allows couples to adjust their financial arrangements as circumstances evolve.

Why Postnuptial Agreements Matter in Later Life

For couples in a gray marriage, a post-nuptial agreement can clarify financial rights, protect inheritances for children from previous relationships and establish expectations regarding healthcare and estate planning.

Protecting Retirement Assets

Many older couples enter marriage with substantial retirement savings, real estate and other financial assets. Without explicit agreements, these assets may be subject to division in the event of divorce, potentially jeopardizing retirement security. A post-nuptial agreement can specify how these funds will be managed and allocated.

Ensuring Inheritance for Children and Heirs

In second or later marriages, spouses may have children from prior relationships. A post-nuptial agreement can ensure that specific assets or family heirlooms remain designated for biological children or grandchildren rather than automatically passing them to the surviving spouse. This arrangement helps prevent inheritance disputes and aligns estate planning goals.

Managing Debt Responsibility

Later-in-life marriages often involve individuals who have accumulated debts, including mortgages, business obligations, or personal loans. A post-nuptial agreement can clarify which debts are jointly shared and which remain the responsibility of the original borrower, preventing unexpected financial burdens.

Addressing Healthcare and Long-Term Care Costs

As couples age, medical expenses and long-term care costs become increasingly relevant. A post-nuptial agreement can outline how these costs will be covered, whether through shared finances, separate assets, or long-term care insurance. It can also specify healthcare decision-making responsibilities, if one spouse becomes incapacitated.

Clarifying Financial Expectations and Support

Some spouses in gray marriages may choose to keep their finances separate, while others prefer joint accounts. A post-nuptial agreement can establish clear expectations about how expenses, investments and financial support will be handled, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.

How to Create a Post-Nuptial Agreement

Couples should begin by discussing their financial goals, individual assets and any concerns about estate planning or debt. It’s important to be transparent about existing financial obligations and expectations for the future.

Work with an Attorney

A post-nuptial agreement should be drafted with an experienced attorney who understands family law and estate planning. Each spouse should have their own legal counsel to ensure that the agreement is fair and enforceable.

Ensure Full Disclosure

For a post-nuptial agreement to be legally valid, both spouses must fully disclose their assets, debts and financial interests. Any attempt to hide financial information could lead to the agreement being challenged in court.

Review and Update as Needed

As financial circumstances change, reviewing and updating the agreement periodically is important. Major life events like retirement, health changes, or new financial goals may warrant revisions.

Are Post-Nuptial Agreements Legally Enforceable?

Post-nuptial agreements are legally recognized in most states. However, courts will assess them based on fairness, financial disclosure and whether both spouses entered into the agreement voluntarily. If an agreement is unfair or was signed under duress, a court may choose not to enforce it.

Strengthening a Marriage through Financial Clarity

A post-nuptial agreement is not just about protecting assets – it can also help couples avoid conflicts and strengthen a marriage by fostering open communication and reducing financial uncertainty. By addressing financial concerns proactively, couples in gray marriages can focus on building a secure and fulfilling future together. If you would like to learn more about post-nuptial agreements, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: AARP (Nov. 15, 2024) “The Marriage Agreement Every Gray Couple Should Sign (and It’s Not a Prenup)

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Women should Plan for a Second Retirement

Women should Plan for a Second Retirement

Many spouses design their retirement finances and estate plans with their spouses. However, planning for the second phase of retirement and estate plans also needs to be done. Women should plan for a second retirement. When the first spouse dies, the surviving spouse would be well served by a plan for the “second retirement,” as explored in a recent article from Nasdaq, “I’m a Financial Expert: 7 Ways Ever Woman Can Prepare for a ‘Second Retirement.’”

In 2021, data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows that 30% of all older women were widows. There were also more than three times as many widows as widowers.

How do you plan? It depends on your age and financial situation. For instance, becoming a widow in your 60s is very different from becoming widowed in your 80s. If your network of friends and family was through your spouse, this may also change dramatically after their death.

The most important question is what the household income will be upon losing the first spouse. This must be considered if the decedent had a pension, annuity, or other income source that stopped upon their death. A surviving spouse can’t claim a deceased spouse’s Social Security benefits in addition to their own. You can only receive one of two benefits—either your retirement or survivor benefit.

Some pensions end upon the account owner’s death, while some allow for survivor benefits. These are usually a percentage of the original amount, or they may offer a lump sum payment.

Living costs will change when the first spouse dies. The surviving spouse may be able to move to a smaller home or sell a second car. However, certain costs will go away. Meanwhile, other costs may occur, like one-time taxes on inherited IRAs and taxes on the sale of property and vehicles. Losing the spouse might mean some services, like home maintenance, will need to be paid for.

The death of a spouse will incur certain legal and administrative costs. If there was no will, probate is expensive and will be necessary. An estate planning attorney may be needed to help settle an estate if there was no will, while costs will be less if a will and trusts were created before the spouse died.

Major changes in circumstances like the death of a spouse can throw even the highest functioning people into a difficult emotional state. Women should plan for a second retirement that will help make the transition into their new life easier, or at least as easy as possible.

Speak frankly with an estate planning attorney about revising your estate planning documents and preparing for the second retirement. There will be more than enough to deal with at the time; it will be better if planning can be done in advance. If you would like to learn more about retirement planning for women, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Nasdaq (August 17, 2024) “I’m a Financial Expert: 7 Ways Ever Woman Can Prepare for a ‘Second Retirement’”

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Diverse Family Structures Have Unique Estate Planning Challenges

Diverse Family Structures Have Unique Estate Planning Challenges

American family law has traditionally focused on the nuclear family. However, Forbes reports that only 18% of American adults now fit this model. There are many new types of families today, such as blended families, single-parent households and LGBTQ+ families. Dated legal definitions of family could be a hurdle in your estate planning. Diverse family structures have unique estate planning challenges. However, it’s a hurdle you can overcome with knowledge and legal guidance.

Most legal protections and rights cater to the assumption that a family is a married couple with blood children. This alone creates obstacles for many families, even those that look traditional. Many heterosexual couples have children but haven’t yet married. This can deprive them of various rights and may exclude partners from inheritance.

Blended families with stepchildren also frequently struggle with inheritance. If the parents fail to lay out the rights of the children, it can go to a lengthy probate process. Likewise, the children of single parents face a uniquely uncertain future should their parents die unexpectedly. Another diverse family type that frequently struggles with family law is LGBTQ+ families. The rights of same-sex couples vary widely by state, which makes estate planning especially important for them.

These diverse families and more can find themselves underserved by laws that don’t have them in mind. However, that doesn’t mean that their wishes must go un-respected. There are many estate planning tools available that can help people clarify and execute their wishes once they’re gone.

Advanced estate planning techniques can give anyone greater control of their estate.  Everyone with a significant estate or minor children should have an estate plan. However, diverse families need to use these tools to safeguard their wishes.

  • Wills: A well-drafted will is Step One. It makes it far easier to ensure that your assets go to your inheritors as you wish.
  • Trusts: Trusts offer greater control over asset distribution while avoiding will-related pitfalls. Living trusts can be adjusted during one’s lifetime, while irrevocable trusts protect assets but are permanent.
  • Powers of attorney: Financial and healthcare powers of attorney let a trusted person decide if the primary individual is incapacitated.
  • Testamentary guardianship: Single-parent, blended families and same-sex couples should appoint guardians for minor children in their wills.
  • Beneficiary Designations: Designate the beneficiaries for life insurance, retirement and investment accounts. This ensures that the executor of your will transfers assets according to your wishes.

The evolving definition of family challenges conventional estate planning. Unmarried couples, blended families and other non-traditional arrangements often need tailored estate plans. However, untangling estate law on your own isn’t easy.

Diverse family structures have unique estate planning challenges. Schedule a consultation with an estate planning attorney, who will address local laws and your unique family structure, to craft a comprehensive estate plan. If you would like to learn more about planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (April 2, 2024) How Expanding The Legal Definition Of Family Helps Us All

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Topics You need to Address before a Mid-Life Marriage

Topics You need to Address before a Mid-Life Marriage

Today’s wedding couple is as likely to be 30 or 50 years old as they are to be in their twenties. This trend underscores the importance of having open discussions about finances and retirement before exchanging vows. A recent article from Next Avenue, “The Talk Over-50s Should Have Before Tying the Knot.” Whether you’re getting married for the first time or the second, being closer to retirement has major financial implications. There are topics you need to address before a mid-life marriage.

The most important thing is to disclose each person’s financial situation completely. For some people, this includes their retirement goals and lifestyle choices. What are the potential healthcare issues? Is there debt to be considered? How are each managing their investments?

If both people own homes, a plan for going forward needs to ask a simple question: where will the couple live? Will one sell their home or turn it into a rental property? If it is sold, will the seller retain all the income, or will they buy into ownership of the joint residence? Emotional attachments to homes can make this a difficult discussion, but it needs to be addressed.

Getting married changes each spouse’s legal status, meaning estate plans must be updated. If both have an existing estate plan, it needs to be reviewed. Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, and other estate planning documents must also be updated.

While reviewing and revising estate plans, don’t neglect to check on any accounts with named beneficiaries. More than a few ex-spouses have received insurance proceeds or accounts because someone neglected to update these accounts. The named beneficiary overrides anything in your will, which is critical to updating the estate plan.

If you both have children from prior marriages, meeting with an estate planning attorney to determine how to manage property distribution is another critical step before getting married. You may wish to create and fund trusts before marriage, so assets remain separate property. There are as many different types of trusts as there are family situations, from keeping assets separate to providing for a surviving spouse while ensuring biological children receive their inheritance (SLAT), or family trusts where assets are moved into the trust for the surviving spouse to allocate assets to heirs based on their needs.

Social Security planning should also be part of the discussion. If one spouse is a widow who was receiving survivor benefits, they could lose those benefits when they get married.

Talk with an estate planning attorney to address these topics before a mid-life marriage. That way you fully understand your situation and ensure you and your spouse are ready for the changes and challenges of your senior years together. If you would like to learn more about mid-life or second marriages and estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Next Avenue (March 14, 2024) “The Talk Over-50s Should Have Before Tying the Knot”

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Do You Pay Taxes on Wedding Gifts?

Do You Pay Taxes on Wedding Gifts?

You are a father whose son is getting married. You want to provide a wonderful wedding gift that your son and his bride will cherish and enjoy. Do you pay taxes on wedding gifts? A generous gift for a child’s wedding doesn’t necessarily cause a tax problem unless your lifetime gifts are over the lifetime exclusion limit, which is extremely high right now. A recent article from Yahoo! Finance, “Do I Need to Worry About the Gift Tax If I Pay $60,000 Toward My Daughter’s Wedding?” says most Americans won’t have to worry about the gift tax.

In 2024, the lifetime exclusion is $13.61 million per person and $27.22 million for a married couple. Unless you’ve gone above and beyond these limits, you can make as many gifts as you like to anyone you choose without worrying or paying the 18% to 40% federal gift tax.

But there’s one thing to remember: if you make a gift over the annual gift limit, which is $18,000 per person in 2024 or $36,000 for a married couple, you need to send the IRS Form 709. The form should be submitted even if no gift taxes are due. It’s a simple and smart move.

How do gift taxes work? The federal gift tax doesn’t come into play often. Most gifts are tax-free simply because of the size of both the annual and lifetime gift exclusions. You can gift freely if you keep the limit in mind.

The lifetime exclusion for gift and estate taxes is so high right now that few Americans need to worry about it. If you are generously minded, you may gift $13.61 million (individual) and $27.22 million (married couple). The lifetime exclusion is just as it sounds: the number of gifts you may give during your life or as part of your federal estate.

If you are charitable-minded, you may make many contributions. There are no gift taxes levied on charitable donations, gifts to spouses or dependents, or gifts to political parties. As long as you pay directly to the institutions, there are no taxes on college tuition or healthcare expenses.

There are some strategies to manage the gift tax. One would be to split your $60,000 gift between your daughter and her fiancé. Both gifts would be under the 2024 $36,000 per person exclusion, assuming you are married, so there would not be a gift tax.

Another tactic is to spread the gift out over a few years. Let’s say you’re a single parent. You could gift your daughter and her fiancé $15,000 each this year and next, keeping you below the $18,000 annual gift tax exclusion.

If you’ve already given a gift of $60,000 to your daughter and made gifts over and above the $13.61 million lifetime exclusion, speak with your estate planning attorney to determine where you fall in the gift tax brackets and how much you’ll need to pay.

The easiest way to avoid gift taxes is to pay the vendors directly, but this depends on your overall situation. For instance, where is the money coming from—tax-deferred accounts or investment accounts? It would be wise to talk with your estate planning attorney before making a large gift. Do you pay taxes on wedding gifts? If you have a wedding coming up and are concerned about gift taxes, you can pay the vendors directly rather than giving money directly to the happy couple. If you would like to read more about the gift tax, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Yahoo! Finance (March 14, 2024) “Do I Need to Worry About the Gift Tax If I Pay $60,000 Toward My Daughter’s Wedding?”

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Understanding Marital Trusts in Your Estate Plan

Understanding Marital Trusts in Your Estate Plan

Married couples looking to secure their financial future and provide for the surviving spouse tax-efficiently may consider a marital trust.  This article will provide an understanding of marital trusts, how they work and their role in an your estate plan.

A marital trust is a legal arrangement in estate planning used predominantly by married couples. It is designed to provide financial benefits to a surviving spouse and can be a crucial part of an estate plan. Marital trusts ensure that upon the death of one spouse, the surviving spouse receives assets held in the trust. This arrangement not only offers financial security but also involves estate tax considerations.

In an estate plan, a marital trust comes into play upon the death of the first spouse. It’s created to transfer assets to the surviving spouse in a manner that is often exempt from immediate estate taxes, thanks to the unlimited marital deduction. This mechanism allows the surviving spouse to utilize the trust assets and potentially the income generated by these assets.

The unlimited marital deduction is a key component in how marital trusts operate. It allows for the transfer of an unrestricted amount of assets to the surviving spouse without incurring federal estate tax at the time of the first spouse’s death. This exemption is a significant advantage of using a marital trust in estate planning.

There are several types of marital trusts, each with specific features and benefits. A commonly used type is the Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) trust, which allows the first spouse to control how the trust’s assets are distributed after the death of the surviving spouse. Another type is the B Trust or credit shelter trust, which can help maximize estate tax exemption limits.

A marital trust offers numerous benefits to a surviving spouse. It ensures that the spouse can access trust assets and income, providing financial security. The trust can also stipulate how assets are managed and distributed, offering a layer of control and protection over the family’s financial legacy.

Estate tax plays a crucial role in the functioning of marital trusts. By utilizing a marital trust, you can defer the federal estate tax until the death of the surviving spouse. This deferral can result in significant tax savings, especially if the estate exceeds the federal estate tax exemption threshold.

While marital trusts offer many benefits, there are downsides to consider. One such drawback is their irrevocable nature; once established, the terms are generally set and cannot be easily altered. The surviving spouse’s estate may also be subject to increased estate taxes upon their death, depending on the trust’s structure and the value of the assets.

Establishing a marital trust involves careful planning and legal expertise. Consulting with an estate planning attorney will provide an understanding of martial trusts and ensure that the trust aligns with your estate plan. Staying informed and periodically reviewing your estate plan with an attorney is advisable to ensure that it continues to meet your objectives and complies with current laws.

There are different types of spousal trusts, each designed for specific situations and objectives. Apart from marital trusts, other options include Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) and bypass trusts, each offering unique advantages and serving different estate planning goals.

In conclusion, understanding marital trusts are a versatile and powerful tool will go a long way in your estate plan. They offer financial security for the surviving spouse and tax advantages and can be tailored to suit individual estate planning needs. If you would like to learn more about marital trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Photo by Rocsana Nicoleta Gurza

Divorce Impacts your Estate Plan

Divorce Impacts your Estate Plan

Divorce is a life-altering event that significantly impacts various aspects of life, including your estate plan. Clients either going through a divorce or have recently finalized one often feel uncertain about how the divorce will affect their estate. This article shares crucial aspects of revising your estate plan after a divorce, ensuring that your assets and loved ones are protected according to your current wishes.

When you get divorced, updating your estate plan is imperative, as your ex-spouse may still be entitled to certain benefits. Your estate, which includes all assets owned, might still be accessible to your ex-spouse unless changes are made. Revising your estate plan ensures that your assets are distributed according to your updated preferences. Updating your will is essential after a divorce. Your ex-spouse may still be named as the executor or beneficiary. By revising your will, you can ensure that your estate is administered by someone you trust and that your assets are distributed according to your latest intentions.

Revoking your power of attorney is a critical step post-divorce. Your ex-spouse may be able to make financial and care decisions on your behalf. It’s advisable to appoint someone you trust to handle these matters, ensuring that your affairs are managed according to your current preferences.

Beneficiary designations are often overlooked during estate planning after divorce. It’s crucial to revise these as your ex-spouse might still be listed as a beneficiary on life insurance policies, retirement accounts and other financial instruments. Updating these designations is a simple yet essential step in ensuring that your estate is distributed according to your current wishes. Your ex-spouse is likely named as a trustee or beneficiary if you have a living trust. Post-divorce, you need to revise this document to reflect your current wishes. This might include appointing a new trustee or changing the beneficiaries.

If you have minor children, your estate plan probably includes guardianship designations. Post-divorce, reassess these choices. You might want to name someone other than your ex-spouse as the guardian, ensuring that your children’s care aligns with your current wishes.

State law and the terms of your divorce decree can impact your estate plan. Understanding these implications and ensuring that your estate plan complies with legal requirements is important. An experienced estate planning attorney can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Don’t wait until the divorce is finalized. Start updating your estate plan as soon as the divorce is pending. This proactive approach ensures that your interests are protected throughout the divorce process.

Divorce significantly affects your estate plan, and it’s crucial to take timely action to revise it. Remember, updating your estate plan post-divorce is not just a legal necessity; ensuring that your assets and loved ones are protected according to your current wishes is crucial. Don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to navigate this complex process. If you would like to read more about estate planning post divorce, please visit our previous posts. 

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Marital Trusts Help Protect Blended Families

Marital Trusts help protect Blended Families

Marital trusts help protect blended families from complicated family dynamics. Understanding marital trusts is crucial for couples looking to secure their financial future and provide for the surviving spouse tax-efficiently. This article is a guide to marital trusts, how they work and their advantages and disadvantages. With the potential to safeguard assets and ensure that they reach the intended beneficiaries, marital trusts can be an effective part of a comprehensive estate plan, particularly for those in a second marriage or a blended family.

What Is a Marital Trust?

A marital trust is a type of irrevocable trust and is crafted to benefit the surviving spouse. It allows for the managed distribution of assets, potentially safeguarding against financial imprudence or external influences.

Consider that while many couples are just fine with everything going to the surviving spouse directly and outright after one spouse dies, in some cases, there may be concerns related to the surviving spouse not being able to manage the money effectively. What would happen to the money if the surviving spouse is not good with money or is vulnerable to financial predators? Perhaps giving the entire estate outright to the spouse would run the risk that all of the money would be spent irresponsibly. A marital trust allows for both tax benefits and protections for the couple’s estate to prevent these issues from happening.

How Do Marital Trusts Work?

There are three parties involved in setting up, maintaining and ultimately passing along the trust, including a grantor, who is the person who establishes the trust; the trustee, who’s the person or organization that manages the trust and its assets; and the beneficiary. That person will eventually receive the assets in the trust once the grantor dies. The surviving spouse must be the sole beneficiary of a marital trust. Once the surviving spouse dies, the assets in the trust typically pass to surviving children. A marital trust also involves the principal, which are assets initially put into the trust.

How Do Marital Trusts Assist Blended Families?

For blended families, using a marital trust is becoming more popular as a means to help protect assets to a surviving spouse, and the inheritance of children from previous marriages. If one or both spouses in a second marriage have children from a prior marriage, both spouses typically want to ensure that their kids get an inheritance at some point in the future. While most married couples prioritize their spouse as the primary beneficiary, after the surviving spouse passes away, if the couple’s estate plan gives everything directly to the surviving spouse, that arrangement would run the risk that the children from a prior marriage of the deceased spouse would be cut off from receiving an inheritance.

While couples want to assume that a surviving spouse will protect the rights of children from their spouse’s previous marriage, without legal safeguards, the estate of the surviving spouse can be changed to cut out individuals named as beneficiaries after their spouse’s death. Having a marital trust for the surviving spouse ensures that this change can’t happen.

What Are Other Situations in Which a Couple Should Consider Using a Marital Trust?

Additional situations in which a couple might consider using a marital trust include wanting to prevent undue influence of an outside person or party over the surviving spouse. This usually is a concern for older couples when the surviving spouse is in declining health or may have early onset of dementia, and there’s a concern they may be vulnerable to being taken advantage of financially. Another motivation for a marital trust includes a spouse who has an addiction that prevents them from making sound financial choices.

Did Actor Tony Curtis Disinherit His Children Due to Undue Influence?

In 2010, when Actor Tony Curtis died, his five children were left out of their father’s inheritance in a last-minute decision shortly before his death, notes MoneyWise article, “Hollywood legend Tony Curtis cut his kids out of his will and $60 million fortune when he died. Here’s how to avoid leaving behind messy inheritance disputes.” While Curtis did have a will, he decided to leave the majority of his assets to his fifth wife, Jill, and intentionally disinherit his children. The change to his estate plan came only a few months before his death, which raised suspicions within the family. Some of the Curtis children opened estate disputes in the years following his death to challenge the disinheritance, causing additional pain and separation within their family. If Curtis were subject to the undue influence of his fifth wife, Jill, as some of the Curtis children claimed, then a trust could have protected them from being disinherited.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Marital Trust?

  • Marital trusts are significant in estate planning for high-net-worth individuals, serving as a tool to minimize the estate tax burden by taking advantage of estate tax exemptions. A married couple can significantly reduce or eliminate estate taxes by utilizing a marital trust.
  • The surviving spouse can receive income and financial stability from the trust.
  • Assets are kept in the family, and the inheritance intended for children from previous marriages is protected.

Estate Tax Exemptions with a Marital Trust

One of the most significant benefits of a marital trust is its impact on estate taxes. A marital trust effectively doubles the estate tax exemption for a married couple, ensuring that a more significant portion of their wealth can be transferred tax-free. In the context of the federal estate tax, this can result in substantial tax savings and financial security for the surviving spouse and any other designated beneficiaries.

The Unlimited Marital Deduction in Action

The unlimited marital deduction is a cornerstone of marital trust planning. It allows the first spouse to pass assets to the surviving spouse without incurring estate taxes at the time of the first spouse’s death. This deduction is a critical aspect of marital trusts, ensuring that the income to the surviving spouse provides the necessary financial support without an immediate tax burden.

Are There Disadvantages of Using a Marital Trust?

While a marital trust offers many benefits, it’s essential to consider any limitations or drawbacks, such as loss of flexibility once established.

  • Once established, an irrevocable trust cannot be easily altered or terminated.
  • Estate tax exemption is limited based on the federal estate tax threshold.
  • Marital trusts, like other types of trusts, require that assets be moved into the trust, a process that can be lengthy or overlooked.

Establishing a Marital Trust with an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

Setting up a marital trust is a complicated form of estate planning that involves several steps, including choosing a trustee to manage the trust assets, determining the terms under which the trust assets will be managed and distributed and ensuring that the couple’s property is held in trust. When couples have complex family situations, including blended families or a spouse with vulnerabilities, a marital trust provides for the financial well-being of the surviving spouse. It also ensures that assets are preserved for future generations.

An experienced estate planning attorney can help a couple assess if a marital trust is the right instrument to help protect their blended family as a part of a comprehensive estate plan. If you would like to learn more about planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts. 

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Important to Evaluate your Planning before a Second Marriage

Important to Evaluate your Planning before a Second Marriage

Second marriage, goes the saying, is the triumph of hope over experience. It’s a happy event for everyone, but different from the first time around. You might have created an estate plan during your first marriage. Still, chances are your life is a lot more complicated this time, especially if you both have children from prior marriages and more assets than when you were first starting out as a young adult. It is important to evaluate your planning before a second marriage. This is why a recent article from The Bristol Press is aptly titled “Plan your estate before you remarry.”

Here are some pointers to protect you and your new spouse-to-be:

Take an inventory of all assets and liabilities. This includes assets and debts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, credit card debt and anything you own. It’s important to be open and honest about your debts and assets, so that both people know exactly what they are marrying. Once you are married, you may be liable for your partner’s debts. Your credit scores may be impacted as well.

Decide how you are going to handle finances. Once you know what your partner is bringing to the marriage, you’ll want to make clear, unemotional decisions about how you’ll address your wealth. Are you willing to combine all of your assets? Do you want to keep your investment accounts separate?

For example, if one person is selling a home to move into the home owned by the other person, what costs, if any, will they contribute to the cost of the house? If one person has significant debt, do you want to combine finances or make joint purchases? These are not always easy issues. However, they shouldn’t be ignored.

Decide what you want to happen when you die. You and your future spouse should meet with an experienced estate planning attorney to create a will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and other documents. This lets you map exactly where you want your assets to go when you die. If there are children from prior marriages, you’ll want to ensure they are not disinherited when you die. This can be addressed through a number of options, including creating a trust for your children, making them beneficiaries of life insurance policies, or giving children joint ownership of property.

Even if there are no children, there may be family heirlooms or items with sentimental value you want to keep in the family, perhaps passing to a cousin, nephew, or niece. Discuss this with your future spouse and ensure that it’s included in your will.

Meet with an estate planning attorney. You should take this step even if you don’t have many assets. If you have children, it’s even more important. You’ll want to update your will and any other estate planning documents. If you have significant assets, you may decide to have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. The estate planning attorney will also help you determine whether you need a trust to protect your children.

If you had planning done in the past, it is important to sit down with an estate planning attorney to evaluate it in before to a second marriage. If you would like to learn more about estate planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: The Bristol Press (July 14, 2023) “Plan your estate before you remarry”

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Who is Authorized to Amend a Trust?

Who is Authorized to Amend a Trust?

Procrastination is the most common mistake in estate planning when people don’t create a will and trusts and when documents are not updated. For one family, a revocable trust created when both parents are living presents some complex problems now, when the surviving wife wants to make changes but is suffering from serious health issues. So who is authorized to amend a trust?

As described in the article “Estate Planning: Who can amend the trust” from NWI Times, this scenario requires a careful review of the trust document, which should contain instructions about how it can be amended and who has the authority to do so. An estate planning attorney must review the trust to ensure it can be amended.

If the trust allows the surviving settlor to amend the trust, the authority to amend it may only be given to the surviving settlor. The mother may be permitted to amend the trust. However, it can’t be anyone acting on her behalf.

If the language in the trust makes the power to amend personal, a guardian or an attorney-in-fact likely won’t be able to amend the trust. Likewise, if the mother is incapacitated and cannot do this herself, the trust may not be amendable while she is ill or disabled.

However, if the trust allows the surviving settlor to amend the trust and the power is not personal, a legal representative, such as a guardian or an attorney-in-fact, may be able to amend the documents for her, if they have the authority to do so under the terms of the trust.

Anyone contemplating this amendment must be aware of any “self-dealing” issues. The legal representative will be restricted to making changes only for the benefit of the beneficiaries and should be mindful before attempting to amend the trust.

Suppose the authority to amend doesn’t exist or other restrictions make it impossible, depending on the state’s laws. In that case, it may be possible to docket the trust with the court and obtain a court order authorizing the trustee to depart from the terms of the trust or even amend the document.

Accomplishing this is far easier if all involved agree with the changes to be made. Unfortunately, if any interested parties object, it may lead to litigation.

Depending upon the desired change, entering into a family settlement agreement may be possible after the mother dies. If everyone is willing to sign off, an agreement can be written authorizing the trustee to deviate from the terms of the trust. This will also require the guidance of an estate planning attorney to ensure that the agreement follows the state’s laws.

If family members disagree with the change, the trustee can refuse to accept the settlement agreement to protect themselves from potential liability. It is wise to sit down with your estate planning attorney and ensure you and your loved ones are familiar with who is authorized to amend a trust. If you would like to learn more about trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: NWI Times (May 7, 2023) “Estate Planning: Who can amend the trust”

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

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