Category: Estate Tax

What You Should Know about Inherited IRAs

What You Should Know about Inherited IRAs

Here’s what you should know about inherited IRAs. Inheriting an Inherited IRA can be even more complicated than the already complex world of inherited Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Understanding the rules and regulations about inheriting an inherited IRA is critical to avoid major tax pitfalls, according to a recent article from yahoo! finance, “What Happens When I inherit an Annuity?”

After the passage of the SECURE Act, the rules concerning inherited IRAs became quite restrictive. Working with an estate planning attorney knowledgeable about IRAs can be the difference between a healthy inheritance or an unexpected huge tax liability.

An inherited IRA is an IRA left to a beneficiary following the death of the original account owner. The beneficiary who inherits the IRA can pass it to a successor beneficiary upon death. This creates the “inheriting an inherited IRA” scenario.

If the line of succession is not set up correctly, there is the potential for inherited assets to go through probate for a judge to rule on the rightful owner.

The original beneficiary is the first person to inherit the IRA. Once they have inherited the account, they may name their successor beneficiary. There are rules for the original beneficiary and the successor beneficiary.

The SECURE Act changed the timeline for inherited IRAs. It eliminated the “stretch” IRA strategy, which allowed beneficiaries to take distributions over their lifetime, stretching out the tax-deferred growth of the IRA over decades. Now, most non-spouse beneficiaries must withdraw all assets from an inherited IRA within ten (10) years of the original account holder’s death. This change presents new implications with regard to taxes, especially if the beneficiary is in their peak earning years.

Inheriting an inherited IRA can involve complex tax rules and pitfalls. There are timelines for taking required withdrawals and zero flexibility for mistakes.

You’ll also need to be sure the inheritance is documented correctly to avoid potential probate.

The rules differ for spouses inheriting an IRA since they shared assets with their deceased spouse. The SECURE Act allows spouses to treat the IRA as their own, providing more flexibility in distributions and potential tax implications.

Understanding the concept of Year of Death Required Distributions is essential. Let’s say the original owner was over a certain age at death. In this situation, a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) may need to be taken in the year of death, which could impact the heir’s taxes for that year.

Knowing potential tax breaks related to inherited IRAs will also help with financial management. Non-spouse beneficiaries can deduct the estate tax paid on IRA assets when calculating their income tax.

These are complex issues requiring the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. Ideally, the attorney will help you understand what you should know about inherited IRAs. This conversation should occur while creating or revising your estate plan. If you would like to learn more about IRAs, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: yahoo! finance (Sep. 5, 2023) “What Happens When I inherit an Annuity?”


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Estate Planning can be a Powerful Part of a Financial Strategy

Estate Planning can be a Powerful Part of a Financial Strategy

Estate planning can be a powerful part of a financial strategy to ensure the smooth transfer of assets to the next generation while yielding significant tax savings, as explained in a recent article, “Maximizing wealth: The power of strategic estate planning in tax savings” from Thomasville Times-Enterprise.

Estate planning generally involves arranging assets and personal affairs to facilitate an efficient transfer to beneficiaries. However, there’s a tax angle to consider. Estates are subject to various taxes, including estate, inheritance and capital gains taxes. Without a good estate plan, taxes can take a big bite out of any inheritance.

Using tax-free thresholds and deductions effectively is one way to save on taxes. Depending upon your jurisdiction, there may be a state estate tax exemption in addition to the federal estate tax exemption. By strategically distributing assets to beneficiaries or using trusts, individuals can keep the value of their estate below these thresholds, leading to reduced or eliminated estate taxes.

Equally important is planning to take advantage of allowable deductions, further decreasing the tax burden facing heirs.

Trusts are valuable tools for estate and tax planning. They offer a legal framework to hold and manage assets to benefit individuals or organizations and provide asset protection and tax advantages. A revocable living trust transfers assets seamlessly to beneficiaries without passing through probate. Irrevocable trusts shield assets from estate taxes while allowing the person who created the trust—the grantor—to direct their distribution when the trust is established.

Strategic gifting during one’s lifetime is another way wealth is transferred. Using the annual gift tax exclusion, you may gift a certain amount per person yearly without triggering gift taxes. This allows for the gradual transfer of assets, reducing the taxable estate while helping loved ones. Gifting appreciated assets can result in significant capital gains tax savings for both the person making the gift and the recipient.

Estate planning is necessary for business owners to protect a family business from being stripped of capital because of hefty estate taxes. Different ownership structures, including a Family Limited Partnership (FLP) or a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can facilitate the smooth transition of the business to the next generation, while using valuation discounts to reduce estate tax liabilities further.

Estate planning can be a powerful part of a financial strategy. Given the complexity of estate and tax laws, working with an experienced estate planning attorney, accountant, and financial advisor is essential to ensure that all aspects of an estate plan meet legal requirements. Every situation and every family is different, so the estate plan needs to be designed to meet the unique needs of the individual and their family. If you would like to learn more about tax planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Thomasville Times-Enterprise (Sep. 3, 2023) “Maximizing wealth: The power of strategic estate planning in tax savings”

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich


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Tools to Minimize or Avoid Estate Taxes

Tools to Minimize or Avoid Estate Taxes

The tax cuts of 2017 temporarily doubled the amount individuals could give away without paying taxes. However, those cuts are due to expire in 2026, pushing well-to-do Americans to move fast, says a recent article from The Wall Street Journal, “The Moves Wealthy Families are Making to Skirt Estate Taxes.” According to recently published stats from the Internal Revenue Service, wealth transfer began to escalate in 2021, with more than $182.6 billion given away. Nearly $100 billion went into trusts, some of which can last for generations. A total of roughly $14.8 went to charity. There are tools available to minimize or avoid estate taxes.

For Americans with a net worth over $10 million, it’s urgent to consider a range of moves before these tax cuts expire. There are a number of options, from simple gifts to heirs to setting up complex dynasty trusts to protect wealth over generations. The macabre alternative is to die before these cuts expire.

The $10 million figure in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was indexed for inflation. For 2023, the combined gift and estate tax exemption is $12.9 million per individual, or $25.84 million per married couple. This is the amount you may give away during your life or at death tax-free.

Next year, the amount will be adjusted to $13.61 million. For 2025, it may be as high as $14 million per person. But in 2026, it will drop by half to about $7 million.

The tax cuts expire after December 31, 2025. Anyone facing an estate tax bill who hasn’t made any preparations will likely have a somber New Year’s Eve.

A couple who transfers their full exemption amount of $28 million by 2025, before the law sunsets, will benefit from $5.6 million in tax savings, if they die in 2026. If they make a gift to grandchildren, skipping a generation, there would be nearly $9 million in tax savings.

These tax savings might become significantly larger over time. The appreciation is exempt from the transfer tax system when money grows in trusts. Therefore, if the trust value goes up to $100 million at the time of death, the family could save $40 million in estate taxes at the current 40% rate. This is just the federal tax savings. There are also state estate-tax savings in states like New York that continue to levy their own estate taxes.

According to UBS and Credit Suisse’s global wealth report, about 1.5 million Americans have a $10 million to $50 million net worth, and nearly 125,000 worth even more.

Direct gifts of cash or securities are the simplest way to make gifts to reduce your estate. The limit on annual tax-free gifts is $17,000 for 2023. It is expected to increase to $18,000 in 2024. Anyone can make tax-free gifts of up to $17,000 to an unlimited number of people. These gifts don’t count against the larger $12.92 million combined gift and estate tax exemption. Gifts made over $17,000 require reporting to the IRS using Form 709.

Making gifts to a dynasty trust can preserve more wealth for children. The trust removes the assets from both your estate and your children’s estates, benefiting children, grandchildren, and future generations.

Trusts also offer asset protection. If assets are given to children directly, and they are sued or divorced, they could lose some or all of their assets. If gifts are made to a trust, it’s harder for a creditor to go after assets in the trust.

There are tools available to minimize or avoid estate taxes. Do a careful analysis with your estate planning attorney before you design a gifting program. Make sure that you have enough to maintain your lifestyle. There are instances where people are so eager to gift their assets they don’t plan for the impact of inflation or volatile markets. If you would like to learn more about estate taxes, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Wall Street Journal (Aug. 19, 2023) “The Moves Wealthy Families are Making to Skirt Estate Taxes”

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich


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Avoid a Tax Nightmare with your Trust

Avoid a Tax Nightmare with your Trust

The other message is to be certain that the person serving as a trustee has the knowledge to administer the trust properly or the wisdom to retain an experienced estate planning attorney who will know how to administer a trust. Avoid a tax nightmare with your trust with the correct forms. Not every CPA has detailed knowledge about trust taxation, reports the recent article, Trust’s Incorrect Tax Form Forfeited large Tax Refund Claim: A Lesson For Trustees,” from Forbes.

For income tax purposes, there are several types of trusts. “Grantor trusts” are those whose income is taxed to the person, the settlor, who created the trust. The trust at issue was a grantor trust. However, when the taxpayer who created the trust died, the trust became a non-grantor trust. These are also called “complex” trusts. The income is not reported by the person creating the trust. Complex trusts usually pay their own income taxes. The beneficiaries receiving distributions then report the income for tax purposes included in the income received from the trust. This is referred to as the trust’s Distributable Net Income or “DNI.”

In this case, the trust is the remainder trust after the termination of a Qualified Personal Residence Trust or “QPRT.” This is a trust used to transfer a valuable house from the taxpayer’s estate to descendants or to a trust for them at a discount from the trust’s current value.

The trust had income to report for income tax purposes, which will be done on Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts. The trust felt it was entitled to a refund of some of the taxes it paid, so it filed for a refund. Refund claims are supposed to be filed by amending the trust income tax return, but the trust filed Form 843, a form to claim a refund. The wrong form led the Court to determine that the trust failed to take appropriate action, and the refund was lost. The trust’s filing did put the IRS on notice that the claim was the wrong action.

The IRS said the taxpayer’s filing of Form 843 was insufficient as a formal claim because an amended Form 1041 is the proper form. The Court found that the IRS is authorized to demand information in a particular form and to insist that the form is observed. The instructions on Form 853 advise that the form is for a refund of taxes other than income tax, while the instructions on Form 1041 indicate that it must be used to claim a refund.

What happened in this case? Someone managing the trust didn’t know enough about trust taxation. The family may not have had regular meetings with their estate and trust attorney who created the trust. The deceased taxpayer in this case was a judge, and the trustee was the son of the judge. The taxpayer died in 2015, and the house was sold for $1.8 million the next year. The IRS demanded $930,127 in taxes, penalties, and interest from the Trust. The Trust paid that amount assessed on September 24, 2021. The court opinion was handed down on August 7, 2023. The amount of costs in accounting and legal fees must have been enormous.

This is an excellent example of why families need to have regular, ongoing meetings with their estate planning attorneys and tax advisors to be sure everyone is on the same page. Annual reviews and an estate planning attorney focusing on trust taxation could avoid a tax nightmare with your trust. It would have saved this family money, time, and the stress of an unresolved IRS issue. If you would like to learn more about taxation in estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Aug. 19, 2023) Trust’s Incorrect Tax Form Forfeited large Tax Refund Claim: A Lesson For Trustees”

Image by Steve Buissinne

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Cancelling Irrevocable Trust can cause Tax nightmare

Cancelling Irrevocable Trust can cause Tax nightmare

Cancelling an irrevocable trust can cause a tax nightmare. For those in the high-income bracket, the potential tax consequences of canceling an irrevocable trust could be a major deterrent. And for those from middle-income backgrounds, the immediate financial impact, like the possible loss of income from the trust, the ramifications may be more, says Yahoo Finance’s recent article entitled, “Will Terminating an Irrevocable Trust Affect My Taxes?”

For example, if the trust holds significantly appreciated assets like real estate or vintage cars, the beneficiaries could face a large tax bill upon dissolution and may benefit from an alternative strategy. So, instead of dissolving the trust, it might be worth looking at ways to alter it better to fit the beneficiaries’ current needs and circumstances. This may include decanting—moving assets from one trust to another with more favorable terms— or moving the trust to a state with more favorable laws.

Income Taxes. An irrevocable trust may hold assets that generate income, including bank accounts, bonds, and dividend-paying stocks whose profits are taxed as ordinary income. Note that distributions from a trust’s principal aren’t subject to income taxes – only the gains. But if an irrevocable non-grantor trust is terminated, the income the assets have generated will presumably be distributed to the beneficiaries. It will be their responsibility to pay the taxes on the money. However, if the trust that’s dissolved is a grantor trust, the income tax liability will stay with the person who created the trust.

Capital Gains Taxes. Assets that appreciate within an irrevocable trust are subject to capital gains taxes. When these profits are realized and distributed at the termination of a trust, the beneficiaries will be required to pay the tax rate that corresponds with their income level.

Estate Taxes. When assets are transferred to an irrevocable trust, they’re removed from the grantor’s taxable estate, lowering the person’s potential estate tax liability when they die. Only large estates worth more than $12.92 million are subject to the federal estate tax in 2023, so it’s not an issue for most people. But in March 2023, the IRS announced that the step-up in basis doesn’t apply to assets held in irrevocable grantor trusts. For those assets to receive the step-up, they must be included in the grantor’s gross estate and be subjected to the federal estate tax. As a result, the termination of an irrevocable grantor trust could trigger the estate tax if assets return to their taxable estate.

Cancelling an irrevocable trust can cause a tax nightmare that may take years to resolve. Discuss your situation with your estate planning attorney for viable alternatives that may be less risky. If you would like to learn more about irrevocable trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Yahoo Finance (Aug. 13, 2021) “Will Terminating an Irrevocable Trust Affect My Taxes?”

Image by Shannon Lawford


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The Estate of The Union Season 4|Episode 1

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 9 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 9 is out now!

All good musicians eventually have a Greatest Hits album. We’ve got one too!

We send our blog out most business days and we track which blog entries are the most popular. The posts we did on the new tax rules regarding “Grantor Trusts” and our article on “How to Leave Assets to Minors” were the BIG Winners. Given how popular each of the posts were, we have dedicated an entire episode of our podcast to them.

In this edition of The Estate of the Union, Brad Wiewel expands on both of these topics in a way that makes them a bit easier to understand and perhaps implement.



In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 9 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links below to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 4 – How To Give Yourself a Charitable Gift is out now!


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

Estate Tax Exemptions available for Married Couples

Estate Tax Exemptions available for Married Couples

Estate tax avoidance and mitigation are central considerations for financial security for surviving spouses. Estate tax exemptions are available for married couples to help ensure a surviving spouse is cared for. According to a recent article from The National Law Review, “Basic Estate Tax Planning for Married Couples: Opportunities For Use Of Estate Tax Exemptions,” the first spouse may leave property of unlimited value to the surviving spouse without incurring any estate tax upon the death of the first spouse. This unlimited marital deduction shields assets from estate taxes and helps support the surviving spouse. Assets can be distributed directly to the surviving spouse or through an indirect transfer to a qualifying trust for the surviving spouse’s benefit.

Most couples use trusts for asset protection, most commonly for the preservation of assets for children from a prior marriage and asset management help for the surviving spouse. The marital deduction is a valuable estate tax avoidance tool for married couples.

However, estate tax law is not generous for non-spouse beneficiaries. Legislation passed in 2013 allowed individuals to leave assets totaling $5 million in value (indexed to inflation since 2011) to non-spouse, non-charitable beneficiaries and then doubled this amount following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to $10 million. However, if additional legislation is not passed before the sunset date of January 1, 2026, this amount will be cut in half.

In 2013, Congress made the portability of a spouse’s estate tax exemption permanent. This allows the surviving spouse to capture and use the first decedent spouse’s remaining estate tax exemption and the surviving spouse’s own exemption. To capture this estate tax exemption, an estate tax return must be filed in a timely manner after the death of the first spouse.

If spouses have a total estate exceeding available exemptions, they may use what is known as the “Credit Shelter Trust Planning” or “Optimal Marital Deduction Planning.” A trust is established, funded with assets of the first spouse to die, to use the spouse’s estate tax exemption. Assets in the trust are available to the surviving spouse for life but are not included in the survivor’s taxable estate upon their death. The goal benefits the surviving spouse and reduces any estate tax to maximize benefits for the children and grandchildren.

Another frequently used tool is the “disclaimer” plan, which allows the survivor to move certain assets into a trust for the survivor’s benefit rather than receiving assets directly. For married couples with estates valued at less than their available estate tax exemptions, a disclaimer plan provides the “all to spouse” plan and the option to implement a tax-advantaged trust. All assets are left to the survivor; then, based on the value of the first spouse’s estate, the surviving spouse may choose to disclaim the first spouse’s assets and divert them to a tax-advantaged trust.

Married couples should take advantage of the estate tax exemptions available to them to help protect a surviving spouse financially. It must be noted that there is no “one-size-fits-all” plan for married couples who wish to care for their surviving spouse, children, and grandchildren. It’s important to understand the basic estate tax avoidance or mitigation tools to create an estate plan to consider the couple’s planning goals and values. An experienced estate planning attorney can create a comprehensive estate plan to suit each family’s needs. If you would like to learn more about the estate tax, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The National Law Review (June 24, 2023) “Basic Estate Tax Planning for Married Couples: Opportunities For Use Of Estate Tax Exemptions”

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Family Vacation Home need Planning for Future

As terrific as it may be to have a family vacation home, the same reasons it’s a wonderful thing can make it one of the most complex assets to pass to future generations. Everything’s great when the parents are alive and well. Still, over time this changes, as explained in a recent article, “Do family vacation homes foster closeness or animosity?” from The Press-Enterprise. The family vacation homes needs planning if you want it to be around for future generations to love and enjoy.

When parents are relatively young and hosting their children and visitors, life at the family vacation home is easy. Everyone knows the routines of the day, who cooks, who cleans, who is in charge of the barbeque, and where the best swimming is. Parents envision their children’s children coming every summer and enjoying the same relaxed bonding experience.

But life changes, especially as generations pass on. Leaving the family vacation home to all children in equal shares in a will or even in a trust could be a prescription for a family disaster. An idyllic place could turn into a family feud.

Who will be in charge of the vacation home? The eldest child, or the one who lives closest to it? Is one child wealthier than the others and more able to shoulder the costs of maintaining a second home? And as grandchildren grow up and have families of their own, deciding who will have access to the house during peak summer weeks can become acrimonious.

Start by having a family conversation to determine if the children (and grandchildren, if appropriate) want the vacation home to remain in the family. Do they all want it, and how do they expect to use it? Are they considering tearing it down and building a larger home, or could it become rental property?

If only one child wants the home, do they want to inherit it instead of receiving any other inheritance? Are there enough assets to equalize the gift? If not, you could give the child who wants the property the right to buy it from the others or your trust upon your death.

If more than one child is interested in the property, you’ll want to talk with an experienced estate planning attorney to plan the property’s future.

Any time more than one person is going to own a property together, they need to have an agreement detailing the rights and obligations of co-ownership. If the decision is made to keep the vacation home in the family, it may be best to leave it in a trust with specific terms for the use of the property, naming a trustee to manage the trust—one or two people, but not everyone in the family. The trust language must address how and when the property can be sold, who will pay for property taxes, utilities, minor and major repairs, and the terms for passing the property through generations.

If the family decides they’d prefer the property to become a rental property to generate income, consider putting it into a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Each of the heirs may have a membership interest in the LLC, one is designated as a manager, and an operating agreement is created to set out the terms for selling or otherwise transferring a membership interest.

An asset as special as a family vacation home needs and deserves planning for the future. Meet with an experienced estate planning attorney to create a plan for the future, then go and enjoy your time with the family. If you would like to learn more about managing real property in an estate plan, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Press-Enterprise (July 2, 2023) “Do family vacation homes foster closeness or animosity?”

Image by Monika Schröder

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The IRS has issued a ruling that will impact grantor trusts

The IRS has issued a Ruling that will impact Grantor Trusts

The IRS has issued a ruling that will impact grantor trusts. Completed gifts to grantor trusts will not receive a Section 1014 step-up in basis upon the grantor’s death. According to the IRS, Revenue Ruling 2023-2 concludes this is the appropriate result because such property is not acquired from a decedent for purposes of Section 1014(a) of the IRC of 1986 as amended in Section 1014(b) of the Code, as reported by Reuters in the article “IRS confirms that completed gifts to grantor trusts are not eligible for Section 1014 step-up.”

Upon their death, assets received from a decedent are afforded a basis step-up under Code Section 1014. These are assets usually included in the taxable estate for estate tax purposes. However, before the Ruling, many practitioners wondered whether the assets of an irrevocable grantor trust would be eligible for the same benefit.

The irrevocable “grantor trust” is an anomaly under the Code. A “grantor trust” is not recognized as a separate taxpayer for income tax purposes during the lifetime of the creator (usually referred to as the “grantor” or the “settlor”). All income earned during the grantor’s lifetime is reported on the grantor’s individual income tax returns. However, if the grantor trust is irrevocable and if transfers to the trusts are deemed to be completed gifts, then when the grantor dies, the assets of the grantor trust are not included in the taxable estate of the grantor for estate tax purposes. Thus, the grantor trust is deemed to be owned by the grantor for income tax but not estate tax. This led to uncertainty over the eligibility of the grantor trust assets for the Code Section 1014 basis step-up on the grantor’s death.

“Intentionally defective” grantor trusts are widely used, where the grantor is treated as the owner of the grantor trust for income tax purposes and is responsible for paying the income taxes incurred by the trust. The payment by the grantor of the grantor trust’s income taxes effectively lets the grantor make additional tax-free gifts to the grantor trust and increases the grantor trust’s rate of return.

However, since the grantor trust is not a separate taxpayer for income tax purposes, there’s no recognition of gain on the sale or interest income on the note. The interest rate on the note can be the lowest rate which will not cause adverse tax consequences. If the interest sold to the grantor trust grows faster than the applicable interest rate, the excess growth passes, transfer-tax-free, to the grantor trust.

The “Sale Technique” has been used many times since the IRS released Revenue Ruling 83-15, supporting the position that a property sale from a grantor to a grantor trust is not a taxable event. If no gain is recognized on such a sale, the grantor trust takes a carryover basis in the grantor’s property.

With the release of Revenue Ruling 2023-2, how should estate planning attorneys advise their clients? There are a few strategies to consider:

Power to Exchange Assets. Many grantor trusts allow the grantor to substitute trust property for other assets of equivalent value. If a grantor trust has an asset with a low basis, during the grantor’s lifetime, they could exercise the Substitution Power to exchange the low-basis asset for property with a higher basis but of equal value. The low basis asset now becomes part of the grantor’s estate and, as long as the grantor retains it until their death, will be eligible for the Code Section 1014 basis step-up.

Second Sale to Trust. If the trust agreement establishing the grantor trust doesn’t grant Substitution Power, the grantor could purchase low-basis assets from the trust for high-basis assets. The grantor may engage in a series of sales to ensure appreciated stock continues to cycle back to the grantor, so the estate may take advantage of the Code Section 1014 basis step-up.

Granting a General Power of Appointment. In certain situations, it may be possible to grant a testamentary general power of appointment over a grantor trust to a parent or other elderly relative, the “Powerholder.” The grant of a general power of appointment results in the assets subject to such power being includable in the estate of the Powerholder for estate tax purposes. The trust assets in the Powerholder’s estate will then be eligible for the Code Section 1014 basis step-up upon the death of the Powerholder.

The grant of the general power of appointment should not exceed the Powerholder’s available estate tax exemption and only apply to assets with built-in gain. This strategy will require consideration of the Powerholder’s creditors and any possible risks to the grantor trust.

The IRS has issued a ruling that will impact grantor trusts. These are complex strategies requiring the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. If you would like to learn more about irrevocable grantor trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Reuters (June 21, 2023) “IRS confirms that completed gifts to grantor trusts are not eligible for Section 1014 step-up”

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Deeding your House to your Child can Backfire

Deeding your House to your Child can Backfire

People often ask estate planning attorneys if it is possible to avoid probate after their passing simply by adding their adult children’s names to their real property deeds while they are living. As explained in the article “Think twice (and read this) before putting your kids on the deed to your home” from Coeur d’Alene/Post-Falls Press, this can theoretically work. However, deeding your house to your child can backfire, in a big way.

Here are the reasons to keep your property deeds in your name:

If your child has any financial problems, your home is vulnerable. Divorce, debt, litigation, or bankruptcy happen, even to the least likely children. You could lose your home. You could also end up needing to spend thousands on legal fees to convince a court that your home should not be part of the assets subject to your child’s legal or financial difficulties. Either way, you lose.

Adding your child’s name to a real property deed is a gift for tax purposes. Unless the value of your home is extremely low, which is unlikely, you’ll need to report this gift to the IRS.

If the child named on the deed passes before you, you may end up owning the home with their spouse, children, or whomever they named in their will. Did you want your daughter-in-law to be the joint owner of your home? Or your grandchildren? The outcome will depend upon the exact language used on the deed, making it vital to have an estate planning attorney draft the deed document if you use this method.

Medicaid look-back includes the transfer of any assets, including property. If you need to apply for Medicaid to help pay for long-term care, you’ll be asked if you have made any gifts or transfers of assets to anyone within the five years before submitting your Medicaid application. Adding another person’s name to a real property deed is considered a gift by Medicaid. This could prevent you from being eligible for Medicaid assistance for months or as many as five years.

Co-owners must agree on decisions about the property. Your co-owner has to agree before you can sell your home, rent it, or take out a loan against the home’s value. Can you be sure that your child or other co-owner will agree to your wishes?

Capital gains taxes as co-owners are different from inherited property. If a child inherits a property after death and then sells it, they will only be responsible for paying capital gains taxes assessed on any increase in value from the date of your death to when the property is sold. However, if their name is on the property deed while you are living, they will be deemed to have acquired their one-half ownership for half the price you originally paid. They will be responsible for the capital gains taxes applied to their half. They’ll have a hefty tax bill, which they would not have had if they inherited the home.

Deeding your house to your child can backfire. There are ways to plan for your estate to minimize probate without adding a child to your property deed. All of this can be done in a way that doesn’t put your property at risk if you or your child runs into financial trouble and protects your eligibility for Medicaid. An experienced estate planning attorney can help create an estate plan to protect you, your home and your heirs. If you would like to learn more about managing property in your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls Press (June 11, 2023) “Think twice (and read this) before putting your kids on the deed to your home”

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