Category: Heirs

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Raising a child or children by yourself is challenging on many levels. Single parents have very little spare time or resources. Estate planning is critical for a single parent, even more than if another parent was involved, as discussed in a recent article from The News-Enterprise, “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning.”

Two key decisions to be made with minor children are who to name in a will as their guardian, the person who will raise them if the parent dies or is incapacitated, and who will be in charge of their finances. If another biological parent is involved in their care, things can get complicated.

Whether or not the other parent will be named as a guardian who will take custody of the child(ren) depends on whether or not they have any legal custody of the children. If the parents were married at one time but the marriage ended after the child was born, there is likely to be a separation agreement addressing custody.

If both parents share custody, the surviving parent would take custody of the child. This is standard practice, regardless of who has primary custody.

But if the parents never married and no one pursued an order of paternity or entered a custody order recognizing the legal rights of the noncustodial parent, or if a parent has lost any legal rights to the child, the parent needs to name a guardian and an alternate guardian.

Even if there is a surviving parent, you’ll want to name at least one guardian and one contingent guardian. There are instances when the noncustodial parent prefers not to become the custodial parent, even if the child’s other parent has died. There are also cases where the noncustodial parent is not fit to raise a child, so having other potential guardians named is a better idea.

Separate from the guardianship issue is the decision of who should manage the assets left for the child. You have a right to name the person of your choice to oversee these funds, regardless of whether or not the other parent is living. In most cases, there are two general options:

Conservator: This is a court-appointed person who is responsible for any assets left outside of a trust or any income received by the child. The conservator can be the same person as the guardian, but it does not have to be the same.

Trustee: A best practice in estate planning for a child is to leave the property in trust to be distributed for specific purposes, like education, health care, and general support. Assets can be left in trust through a last will and testament or through a trust set up while the parent is living to benefit the child.

Estate planning is critical for a single parent. An estate planning attorney should be consulted to determine how best to structure planning when there is only one parent. This protects the child and gives the parent peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning as a single parent, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The News-Enterprise (July 5, 2024) “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning”

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If you are Leaving Property Behind, Consider a Land Trust

If you are Leaving Property Behind, Consider a Land Trust

Estate planning can be complex. However, understanding the available tools can make it easier to protect your assets and provide for your beneficiaries. If you are leaving property behind, consider a land trust.

A land trust is a legal agreement where one party (the trustee) holds the title to the property for the benefit of another party (the beneficiary). This setup can offer privacy, ease of transfer and protection from creditors.

Land trusts offer several benefits:

  • Privacy: The property owner’s name isn’t on public records.
  • Control: The beneficiary can direct how the property is managed.
  • Protection: It can shield assets from certain legal actions.

A land trust can name virtually anyone as a beneficiary, including individuals, businesses and even other trusts. This flexibility makes land trusts a valuable tool for personalized estate planning strategies. Almost any type of real estate can be placed in a land trust. The eligible real estate types include residential homes, commercial buildings, farmland and vacant land.

Creating a land trust involves several steps:

  • Consult an Attorney: Get professional advice to ensure that a land trust fits your needs.
  • Draft the Trust Agreement: Outline the terms, including who will be the trustee and beneficiaries.
  • Transfer the Property: Deed the property to the trustee.

When Mr. and Mrs. Wilson decided to buy a vacation home, they wanted to keep their ownership private and ensure that the property would easily pass to their children. They opted for a land trust. The trust kept their names off public records, providing the privacy they desired. When Mr. Wilson faced a personal lawsuit, the vacation home was protected because it was held in the trust. Their children, named as beneficiaries, will smoothly inherit the property since it will avoid probate.

If you value privacy and have property, a land trust might be right for you. It’s especially useful for those who own multiple properties or wish to keep their ownership details confidential.

A land trust could be the solution if you want to protect your privacy, shield your property from creditors, or ensure a smooth transfer to your beneficiaries. It offers flexibility and control, making it a valuable tool in estate planning.

Planning your estate involves making important decisions about your assets and beneficiaries. If you are leaving property to your loved ones, consider a land trust as a valuable tool to leverage. If you would like to learn more about different types of trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Investopedia (April11, 2024) Land Trust: What It Is, How It Works, Types, and Examples

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Sometimes, a Professional Trustee is a Good Idea

Sometimes, a Professional Trustee is a Good Idea

A couple in their 70s are trying to complete their estate plan but can’t determine who should be their trustee or executor. It’s a second marriage for both. They each have an adult child, but neither child can serve. There are no other living relatives, and all their friends are also in their 70s. Sometimes, a professional trustee is a good idea. A professional trustee or company can provide administrative services for the trust without the potential headache with family members.

The couple gets kudos for tackling this complex issue, according to the article “We’re in our 70s and don’t trust our family to handle our estate. What can we do?” from Market Watch. Most people give up at this point and then run into problems in the future, either because of incapacity or because the death of the first spouse leaves the surviving spouse in a difficult situation.

The first place to start is conversing with your estate planning attorney. They will likely know of a professional trustee or company providing “estate administration services.” It may be possible that they offer this service in their own office, too.

If this isn’t satisfactory, speak with a major financial institution, which will likely be insured and subject to state and federal regulations. They may handle your financial and personal information, such as distributing assets, closing down accounts, handling digital assets and filing income and estate tax returns.

Consider the window of time. You’ll want to be sure the person or bank will still be operating in ten to twenty years. You’ll also want to be sure they are a fiduciary. This means they are legally bound to put your interests above their own, which a court can enforce.

The fees will depend upon the size of your assets and the entity you choose. A large bank will usually charge a certain percentage of your assets. Some use a sliding scale, like 5% on the first $100,000 and a lower percentage as the asset level rises. A $1 million estate could cost around $30,000 to administer.

If a professional trustee is the same person who is administering your trusts, there will be additional fees. The assets in the trust will need to be managed, including investing, making distributions and paying taxes. Many professional trustees handle special needs trusts, where parents have left money for disabled adult children, and administer trusts for family members.

Sometimes, a professional trustee is a good idea, even when family members are available. Naming a professional, whether an institution or an individual, can alleviate concerns about family dynamics interfering with your wishes. If you would like to learn more about being an executor, or trustee, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Market Watch (June 15, 2024) “We’re in our 70s and don’t trust our family to handle our estate. What can we do?”

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Inheriting Foreign Assets is Complex

Inheriting Foreign Assets is Complex

An inheritance is almost always a mixture of happiness and sadness. You’re grieving the loss of a loved one at the same time you’ve received a financial bequest. Inheriting foreign assets from someone who lives outside of the country or from a non-U.S. citizen makes matters complex, says this recent article, “U.S. Tax: 4 Tips For Americans Receiving A Foreign Inheritance,” from Forbes.

There are certain IRS reporting requirements to be aware of, in addition to knowing what taxes you’ll be responsible for. Here are four top issues.

If the deceased person was a former American citizen and met specific requirements as a “covered expatriate” or “CE,” anyone receiving an inheritance must pay the IRS 40% of the inheritance. An estate planning attorney with experience in CE inheritances can help avoid or minimize this admittedly high level of taxes.

Even if the inheritance is not taxable, it must be reported to the IRS by the American recipient. If it is found to have been unreported, a 25% penalty will be levied. Your estate planning attorney will know how to report the inheritance using IRS Form 3520.

Depending on the type of asset inherited, there may be other reporting obligations. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires IRS Form 8938 to be filed if the total value of foreign financial assets is more than a specific threshold. The annual thresholds are lower for citizens who live in the U.S. than for Americans living abroad.

The U.S. tax basis must be accurately valued and documented when inheriting a foreign asset. The basis of a foreign asset from a CE will be “stepped up” to its fair market value as of the decedent’s death date. However, there are many nuances to this, and in some situations, there is no step-up.

Inheriting foreign assets is complex and requires the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney to avoid significant taxes and penalties. If you know you’ll be inheriting assets from a CE, speak with an estate planning attorney to figure out what to do before and after the inheritance. If you would like to learn more about inheriting assets, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (June 3, 2024) “U.S. Tax: 4 Tips For Americans Receiving A Foreign Inheritance”

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Creating a Trust to Avoid Probate Nightmares

Creating a Trust to Avoid Probate Nightmares

Good estate planning ensures that your loved ones receive what you leave them without unnecessary delay or expense. However, that can go out the window when the procedure freezes your estate for months or years. Creating a trust to avoid probate nightmares can go a long way to help your loved ones once you pass.

Waiting months for probate can worsen the grief of losing a loved one. Look no further than the story of Penelope Ormerod, as told by The Guardian.

When Penelope Ormerod applied for probate on her late aunt’s estate, she expected a smooth process. Instead, she waited for seven months due to severe delays in the probate system. Recent reforms and centralization efforts had made the system more unresponsive and left her waiting. Beneficiaries, like her daughter Jessica, had dreams of funding their education on hold. This is one example of the turmoil that can ensue when your estate doesn’t avoid probate.

Trusts are powerful tools in estate planning that can prevent your family from going through similar probate ordeals. Setting up a trust means transferring your assets smoothly and quickly to your loved ones. While the traditional will process often requires probate, a trust operates outside this framework. In many cases, this saves time and reduces stress for your inheritors.

Trusts offer flexible, tailored methods for asset distribution. You can use a trust to give assets under various conditions or for specific purposes. You can establish trusts to provide your beneficiaries with lump sums or structured payouts. This ensures that beneficiaries like the Ormerod’s can avoid probate instead of waiting to receive their inheritance. Preventing delays in accessing an estate’s assets is particularly important for young families supporting minor children or ensuring that a family does not have to change their living arrangements due to court scrutiny of home ownership.

By avoiding probate, trusts can save your family stress, time and money. Probate fees and legal costs add up; setting up a trust can be a cost-effective way to pass on your assets.  Trusts can also reduce tax liabilities and get more of your money to your loved ones.

Consider creating a trust so your family can receive their inheritance when you want them to, and avoid the nightmares of a probate. If you want to get started, contact an estate planning attorney. They’ll guide you through the options and help you ensure that your loved ones get what you leave them.

Key Takeaways:

Avoid Probate Delays: Trusts can bypass the lengthy and stressful probate process. As a result, your beneficiaries will receive assets sooner and without undue stress.

Flexible Distribution Options: Trusts provide various ways to distribute assets. Choose from lump sums, structured payouts and other options that best serve your loved ones.

Cost and Time Efficiency: Trustees can save on legal fees and court costs by avoiding probate through a trust. Trusts may also reduce tax liability for your beneficiaries.

Secure Your Legacy: Setting up a trust with the help of an estate planning attorney helps safeguard your wishes when you’re gone.

If you would like to learn more about probate, and how to avoid it, please visit our previous posts.

References: The Guardian (May 2, 2021) “Grieving relatives despair at months of waiting for probate”

SmartAsset (August 25, 2023) “How Does a Beneficiary Get Money From a Trust?

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Maximizing Tax-Free Giving to Children

Maximizing Tax-Free Giving to Children

In the ever-evolving landscape of wealth management, affluent estate owners choose to support their children and grandchildren financially during their lifetimes. While the desire to make a positive impact is evident, navigating the tax implications of such generosity can be complex. Fortunately, several strategies exist to facilitate tax-efficient giving, while maximizing the benefits for donors and recipients. Based on Kiplinger’s article, “Three Ways to Give to Your Kids Tax-Free While You’re Still Alive,” we explore three strategies that can maximize tax-free giving to children in your estate planning.

One estate planning strategy leverages possible tax breaks on capital gains.  Beneficiaries of assets that increase in value have traditionally received a break if the IRS calculates capital gains tax based on the inherited value, not when the decedent purchased the asset. The inherited asset’s higher valuation is considered a “stepped-up cost basis” and lowers capital gains tax on any increase in value.

You can give to your children during your lifetime and get capital gains tax breaks if the recipient’s taxable income falls below certain thresholds. If a single child’s taxable income is below $47,025 or a married child’s is below $94,050, they may pay zero capital gains tax upon selling the asset. Note that these tax breaks apply to capital gains. Estate taxes are a different story.

The gift tax exclusion allows individuals and married couples to give money to a child and maximize tax efficiency. Individuals can contribute money to a child’s college education or the down payment on a home as a gift. In 2024, the exclusion amount is $18,000 per recipient or $36,000 for married couples engaging in split gifts. With the lifetime federal exclusion set at $13.61 million per person, most individuals can engage in tax-free giving without exceeding their lifetime allowance.

Specific expenditures, such as educational or medical expenses and direct payments to institutions, are excluded from the annual gift limit and lifetime exclusion. This direct payment strategy allows donors to support significant financial obligations, such as college tuition or medical bills, without impacting their gifting allowances. Donors can provide meaningful support to their children and grandchildren while minimizing tax implications.

While maximizing tax-free giving is essential, assessing the broader impact of financial support on recipients is essential. By incorporating gifts into a comprehensive financial plan, donors can align their generosity with their financial objectives and ensure sustainable support for future generations.

Key Tax-Free Giving to Children Takeaways:

  • Giving to a Child Tax-Free: Take advantage of tax breaks to give to a child in your lifetime.
  • Giving in Your Lifetime: Maximize the tax advantage of giving money to a child during your lifetime.
  • Paying for College: Transferring money directly to a child’s college does not impact the gift tax exclusion limit.

Maximizing tax-free giving allows affluent parents to support their children and grandchildren, while minimizing tax liabilities. Implement gifting strategies and consider the broader financial impact to leave a lasting legacy and support loved ones. If you would like to learn more about minimizing taxes in your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (April 10, 2024) “Three Ways to Give to Your Kids Tax-Free While You’re Still Alive,”

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Estate Planning for Veterans and Active Military Is Important

Estate Planning for Veterans and Active Military Is Important

Your dedication to your country is unwavering as a veteran or active military service member. While you’re committed to your duty, you must protect yourself and your loved ones and preserve your legacy. Veterans and active military personnel can and should create an estate plan to match their unique needs. Based on Trust & Will’s article, “Estate Planning for Veterans & Active Military,” we look at why estate planning for veterans and active military personnel is so important.

Military life is marked by unpredictability and uncertainty for you and your family, making estate planning a vital aspect of preparing for the future. Many individuals have plans to distribute funds and appoint trusted loved ones to handle medical and financial matters if the unthinkable happens. Estate planning is essential to help provide for your loved ones if you pass away or are incapacitated. Knowing that your family will be cared for can give you peace of mind.

A will serves as a cornerstone of your estate plan, allowing you to:

  • Protect Your Family: Specify guardianship for minor children, ensuring they’re cared for by trusted individuals in your absence.
  • Distribute Assets Seamlessly: Designate beneficiaries and outline asset distribution instructions, including real estate, retirement and financial accounts, sentimental items, and other property.
  • Plan for the Unexpected: Outline your preferences for medical care and end-of-life decisions to prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

In the military, adaptability is critical, but so is ensuring your affairs are managed in your absence. Powers of Attorney enable you to:

  • Delegate Your Decisions: If you are incapacitated, designate trusted individuals to handle your legal, financial, and medical decisions.
  • Manage Your Affairs: Maintain continuity in managing assets, paying bills, and making critical decisions, even during deployments or periods of incapacity.
  • Mitigate Financial Risk: Protect against financial exploitation and past-due bills by appointing reliable agents to act in your best interests.

For military families, asset protection and efficient wealth transfer are paramount. Trusts offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Asset Preservation: Safeguard assets during incapacity or deployment, ensuring financial stability for your family.
  • Probate Avoidance: Streamline the distribution of assets to beneficiaries, bypassing the lengthy and costly probate process.
  • Tax Efficiency: Minimize estate taxes and maximize tax savings, preserving more of your hard-earned assets for future generations.

Your dedication and sacrifice are unmatched as a veteran or active military service member. That is why estate planning is so important for veterans and active military personnel. By prioritizing estate planning and including will, trust, and power of attorney strategies, you can protect your loved ones and preserve your legacy for generations. Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney for peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning for veterans, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Trust & Will “Estate Planning for Veterans & Active Military,”

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Avoiding Trouble with Your Trustee

Avoiding Trouble with Your Trustee

Estate planning and elder law considerations linger in the background of our senior years. We plan for senior living, incapacity, and Medicaid. We create an estate plan to protect and preserve your wealth and provide for heirs after you are gone. Trusts are a smart and well-known estate planning tool that names or appoints a trustee to administer and distribute the assets according to the terms. However, how often do estate owners ask, “What if something goes wrong and the trustee breaches their duties?” This blog offers tips on avoiding trouble with your trustee.

The case discussed in WealthCounsel’s article, Trustee of Living Trust Who Was Beneficiary of Decedent’s Residuary Estate Had Duty to Collect and Protect Assets Not Yet Transferred to Trust,” reminds us to take steps in appointing the right trustee and to draft the trust’s terms carefully.

The case discussed in WealthCounsel’s article involved three beneficiaries, three co-trustees and assets meant for a restated revocable trust. One of the trustees did not collect and protect untransferred trust assets. The deceased’s three children and their mother sued that trustee for breaching fiduciary duty.

The Barash v. Lembo case underscores a critical aspect of trusteeship: the duty to protect and collect assets awaiting transfer into the trust designated for distribution from the trust. Despite the probate process, trustees must proactively preserve trust assets, even before their transfer.

In this case, the Connecticut Supreme Court emphasized that trustees are entrusted with a fiduciary duty from the moment of acceptance. This duty extends to diligently administering the trust in the beneficiaries’ best interests, including the prudent collection and protection of assets.

Central to the trustee’s role is the obligation to uncover and address breaches of fiduciary duty by prior fiduciaries. Whether it’s compelling the transfer of assets or rectifying breaches, trustees must act in the trust’s best interests.

When a testamentary trust emerges as a will beneficiary, trustees are tasked with pursuing reasonable claims against the estate executor. This duty demands due diligence in securing all trust assets and ensuring comprehensive asset management.

While a duty of due diligence binds trustees, evaluating their performance hinges on contextual considerations. All trustee’s actions are scrutinized within the framework of trust administration dynamics, emphasizing the need for meticulous asset management.

In Barash v. Lembo, the court’s ruling underscores the significance of trustees’ proactive engagement in protecting and collecting trust assets. Trustees must exercise diligence and vigilance, leveraging legal avenues to preserve beneficiaries’ interests.

In your pursuit of avoiding trouble with your trustee, partner with a seasoned estate planning attorney who understands the intricacies of trust administration. If you would like to learn more about trustees and trust administration, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: WealthCounsel (Jan 19, 2024) “Trustee of Living Trust Who Was Beneficiary of Decedent’s Residuary Estate Had Duty to Collect and Protect Assets Not Yet Transferred to Trust.”

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Estate Planning should be a Major Consideration for Small Business Owners

Estate Planning should be a Major Consideration for Small Business Owners

Estate planning should be a major consideration for successful small business owners, especially if they intend to build generational wealth and create a legacy. The title of a recent article from Business Insider says it all: “You might not want to think about estate planning, but as a financial planner, I know it’s essential for small-business owners.”

There are more complex issues for business owners than employees for estate planning. Therefore, be sure to work with an experienced estate planning attorney who will create a plan to protect you, your family and your business. As you go through the process, keep these basics in mind:

Last Will and Testament. This document is the foundation of an estate plan, providing directions to the state probate court regarding your wishes for distributing assets. It also names a guardian responsible for minor children upon your passing. If you don’t have a will, assets are distributed according to your state’s intestacy laws, typically based on kinship. You can update and change your will throughout your lifetime, and it should be reviewed every three to five years.

Revocable Living Trust. Having a revocable living trust gives you more control over assets, which could be necessary to distribute business assets. A revocable living trust can be altered while you are living, so changes in your business can be reflected in the directions in the trust.

Financial Power of Attorney. This document is critical if you are the business owner who performs most of the financial tasks of your business. When a business owner becomes incapacitated, having someone named Power of Attorney gives the POA the ability to pay bills, make bank deposits and withdrawals, file business and personal taxes and make any other financial decisions you wish. POA can be limited if you only want someone to pay bills, or they can be broad, allowing the agent to do anything you would do to keep the business running while you are incapacitated. Your estate planning attorney can craft a POA to suit your needs.Benefi

Business Succession Plan. A business succession plan should be in place as soon as your business gains traction and becomes successful. Distributing shares of the business after you pass is fine. However, what if your heirs don’t have a clue how the business works? Do you want them to sell it after you pass or maintain it for the next generation? A succession plan requires the help of an estate planning attorney, CPA and financial professionals to create a management team, define roles, set performance guidelines, etc.

Digital Estate Plan. We spend so much time online. However, few have plans for our digital assets. If your business is online, has a website, and uses social media, online finances, and cell phones, you need a digital estate plan to identify assets and provide instructions on what you want to be done with those assets after you have passed.

Review Beneficiary Designations. Any account that can name a beneficiary, such as retirement plans, investment accounts, or life insurance policies, must be reviewed every few years or whenever a trigger event, including birth, death, divorce, or remarriage. Upon your passing, these assets will be passed directly to the beneficiary. Be sure the person you named twenty years ago on your life insurance policy is still the right person to receive proceeds upon your passing.

Estate planning should be a major consideration for successful small business owners. An experienced estate planning attorney can review your current estate plan to ensure that it covers all bases for you and your business. If you would like to learn more about planning for business owners, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Business Insider (March 22, 2024) “You might not want to think about estate planning, but as a financial planner, I know it’s essential for small-business owners”

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Inheritance Trust allows Families to Protect Heirs

Inheritance Trust allows Families to Protect Heirs

Imagine being a teenager and suddenly having $250,000 in your hands the instant you become a legal adult. This isn’t a fairy tale; it’s what happened to a young man in the northwestern suburbs of Illinois who writes about his experience in an article titled, “What blowing a $250K inheritance taught me.” After turning 18, he received a quarter of a million dollars from his mother’s medical malpractice case, which should have set him up for a bright future. Instead, without guidance or a plan, the money was gone in a flash. An inheritance trust allows families to protect heirs from their inheritance and the inheritance from the heirs.

While many people agree that an 18-year-old is too young to receive a sizable inheritance without guidance, unfortunately, many families make the common mistake of not planning to protect their children from their inheritance. By working with an experienced estate planning professional, parents can create a plan for when and how their children should receive their inheritance should the parents pass away suddenly.

The excitement of having so much money at such a young age is understandable. Our young friend, now with access to his trust fund, embarked on a journey that led from enrolling in two separate universities with no clear direction as to which degree to pursue, to making impulsive purchases and, ultimately, to a lifestyle fueled by partying and bad choices. The lack of a structured plan or financial advice saw this significant inheritance dwindle to nothing over a few short years.

This story isn’t unique. It highlights a common mistake in estate and family financial planning: not preparing heirs to manage their inheritance. More than leaving assets to your loved ones, it’s crucial to guide them on using them wisely. “As my children grow into young adults,” writes the former teen who lost his inheritance, “I can’t in a million years imagine handing them a check for $250,000 with absolutely no advice.”

An inheritance trust, also known as a testamentary trust, is essentially a tool to protect and manage assets for beneficiaries. It’s a way to ensure that the money you leave behind is safe and used in a manner that you deem fit and matches your values. Setting up an inheritance trust is a strategic move for families looking to safeguard their wealth and provide for future generations.

An inheritance trust offers a myriad of benefits:

  • Asset Protection: It shields your assets from creditors, lawsuits and even some taxes.
  • Controlled Distribution: You can specify how and when your beneficiaries receive their inheritance, promoting responsible spending and long-term financial security.
  • Privacy: Unlike wills, trusts are not public records, offering your family privacy during the transfer of assets.

Whether it’s protecting your assets from being squandered, as in the cautionary tale of the Illinois teenager, or planning for your family’s future needs, an inheritance trust can be tailored to suit your objectives. It’s about making informed choices today that will support your loved ones tomorrow.

The story of the teenager who lost $250,000 is a powerful reminder of what’s at stake when parents leave their money in outright distributions to children. It’s not just about leaving wealth behind; it’s about leaving a foundation for wise decision-making and financial stability. An inheritance trust allows families to protect heirs from their inheritance. It can be the guiding light for your heirs, helping them navigate their inheritance responsibly. If you would like to learn more about inheritance trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

References: The Week, originally published on (Jan. 10, 2015) “What blowing a $250K inheritance taught me.”

SmartAsset (Sept. 19, 2023) How to Keep Money in the Family With an Inheritance Trust”

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Information in our blogs is very general in nature and should not be acted upon without first consulting with an attorney. Please feel free to contact Texas Trust Law to schedule a complimentary consultation.
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