Category: Assets

Ways to use a No-Contest Clause in your Planning

Ways to use a No-Contest Clause in your Planning

There are different ways to defend a last will and testament from a claim filed by an individual or a group of individuals who want to alter the terms you put into your will. One way is to hope your executor or, if the issue concerns a trust, your trustee, can effectively defend your choices, says a recent article from Kiplinger, “What Do No-Contest Clauses Have to Do With Undue Influence?” Another is to include a no-contest clause, which would disinherit all heirs if they lose their challenge or for even filing a challenge in the first place. There are ways to use a no-contest clause in your planning.

A no-contest clause can be a strong deterrent for a beneficiary who believes they are entitled to more than the amount provided if they know that just by filing a challenge, they’ll forfeit their share. However, it may not be powerful enough for someone completely omitted from the estate plan altogether. Many estate planning attorneys recommend leaving something for even a disliked heir to give them a reason not to challenge the will.

There are more reasons than disgruntled heirs to have a no-contest clause in your will. A no-contest clause can help if your will omits any heirs at law not specifically mentioned in the document or revoke the share provided for anyone seeking to claim a share in your estate, increase their share, or claim certain assets in your estate.

A no-contest clause is also useful if an heir is trying to invalidate your will, or any provision in it or to take part of your estate in a way not specifically described in your last will and testament.

Many no-contest clauses treat a challenger as having predeceased you or having predeceased you leaving no heirs, thereby passing their share according to other terms in the document. In certain states, it is very important to include a specific direction as to what should happen to these forfeited shares. Your estate planning attorney will know how your state’s laws work and how best to include this language in your will.

However, what if the person challenging the will has a good reason to do so? For instance, numerous cases have been brought to court because probable cause existed where the decedent was subjected to undue influence and even elder abuse by a caregiver or a relative in charge of their finances.

In many cases, family members only learn of the abuse after discovering the depletion of the estate and the admission of a new last will to favor the elder abuser over the decedent’s family. The no-contest clause could cause a complete disinheritance for a family member seeking to protect the estate and any other heir who appears in court to support the petition.

Not all states treat the no-contest clause the same. Some refuse to enforce them as a matter of public policy. Others strictly construe the clause because they disfavor any forfeitures. Your estate plan should be created with a no-contest clause aligning with the laws of your state. Your estate planning attorney will explain the ways to use a no-contest clause in your planning, and create a will designed to avoid punishing a challenge brought in good faith. If you would like to learn more about no-contest clauses, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (Sep. 1, 2023) “What Do No-Contest Clauses Have to Do With Undue Influence?”

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The safe way to Pass on Family Heirlooms

The Safe way to Pass on Family Heirlooms

Family feuds are more likely over Aunt Josephine’s jewelry than the family home. Putting sticky notes on personal items before you die or expecting heirs to figure things out after you’ve passed often leads to ugly and expensive disputes, says a recent article from The Wall Street Journal, “Pass On Your Heirlooms, Not Family Drama. The safe way to pass on family heirlooms is via a trust of will.

Boomers handling parents’ estates and assessing their personal property are having more conversations around inheritance and heirlooms. However, there are better ways to plan and distribute property to avoid family fights over cars, jewelry, furniture and household items.

The person you name to handle your estate, the executor, typically distributes personal property. Therefore, pick that person with care and clarify how much power they will have. An example of this comes from a police officer in Illinois who has been settling his father’s estate for nearly two years. His father owned more than twelve vehicles, a water-well drill rig and two semitrailers of car parts and guns dating back to the Civil War. He also listed 19 heirs, including stepchildren and friends. He told his son he knew he could handle everyone and the stress of people who “aren’t going to be happy.”

If you want a particular item to go to a specific person, make it clear in your will or trust. Describe the item in great detail and include the name of the person who should get it. A sticky note is easily removed, and just telling someone verbally that you want them to have something isn’t legally binding.

Without clear directions, one family with five siblings used a deck of cards and played high card wins for items more than one sibling wanted. Only some families have the temperament for this method.

In one estate, two sisters wanted the same ring. However, there were no directions from their late parents. An estate settlement officer at their bank had a creative solution: a duplicate ring was made, mixed up with materials from the original ring, and each daughter got one ring.

The safe way to pass on family heirlooms is via a trust of will. Ask your estate planning attorney how to address personal heirlooms best. In some states, you can draft a memo listing what you want to give and to whom. It is legally binding, if the memo is incorporated into a will or trust. If not, the personal representative can consider your wishes. Make sure to sign and date any documents you create.

Get heirlooms appraised to decide how to divide items equitably, which to sell and what to donate. If heirs don’t want personal property, they can donate it and use the appraisal to substantiate a tax deduction. Appraisals will also be needed for estate tax and capital gains tax purposes. If you would like to learn more about personal property, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Wall Street Journal (July 30, 2023) “Pass On Your Heirlooms, Not Family Drama”

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Complexities of Determining Who is a Descendant

Complexities of Determining Who is a Descendant

Not using specific names and terms open to definition could significantly impact who might inherit from your estate or trust. The complexities of determining who is a descendant can make beneficiary distribution more difficult. There are situations where some people may choose to deliberately restrict or expand the definition of the group, which might be included in these definitions, explains the article “Who Is Your Descendant: Intentional Limitations Or Broadening Of Definitions In Your Will Or Trust” from Forbes. For some people, creating a new role of a special trust protector who holds a limited or special power of appointment to determine who should be included or removed from the definition of “issue” or descendant is worth considering.

What might arise if the wish only considers children descendants if they belong to a particular faith? Is this type of legal restriction permitted? Clauses limiting heirs to members of a particular faith or a sect within the faith may raise questions about the constitutionality of the clause. Potential heirs excluded under such provisions have argued that a religious restriction on marriage violates constitutional safeguards under the Fourteenth Amendment protecting the right to marry.

Courts have held clauses determining if potential beneficiaries qualify for distributions based on religious criteria enforceable, if the potential beneficiaries have no vested interest in the assets. Another court upheld the provisions of a will conditioning bequests to their sons as long as they married women of a particular faith.

These decisions are narrowly tailored to the specific fact patterns of the cases, since individuals are generally allowed to disinherit an heir with the exception of a spousal elective share or a community property interest. The courts have reasoned that the restriction is not on the heir to marry but on the right of the testator to bequeath property as they wish.

An alternative approach to addressing the complexities of determining who is a descendant is to create a single trust for all heirs, mandating the funds in the trust be used for the cost of religious education, attending religious summer camps, taking relevant religious studies, religious institutional membership, etc. The trust could use the assets to encourage religious observance. However, it may only partially address the question. What about the remainder of the assets—should it be used for all heirs regardless of religious affiliations?

An estate plan compliant with Islamic law may involve a different determination of who is a descendant. The Sharia laws of inheritance are similar to the intestacy statute. One-third of the estate may be distributed as the decedent wishes. However, the remainder must be distributed as mandated under Islamic law. The residuary inheritance shares after the first third are restricted to Muslim heirs. Additional laws prescribe specified shares of the estate to be distributed to certain heirs, depending upon which heirs are living at the moment of the decedent’s death.

Suppose you or a family member is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ). The law may not address the unique considerations regarding who may be considered a descendent. Special steps may be needed to carry out your wishes as to who your descendants are. What if you view a particular child as your own, but share no genetic material with a child? Children may be adopted or born through surrogacy, so neither parent nor only one parent is biologically related to the child. While some states may recognize an equitable parent doctrine, this may be limited and not suffice to protect the testator.

The many new complexities of determining who is a descendant are complicated and evolving. Changing family structures and religious beliefs based on different values all impact estate planning. A special trust protector may make decisions when uncertainty arises from provisions in a will designed to carry out the wishes. This is a relatively new role and not permitted in some states, so speak with your estate planning attorney to protect your wishes and heirs. If you would like to learn more about beneficiary designations, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Aug. 4, 2023) “Who Is Your Descendant: Intentional Limitations Or Broadening Of Definitions In Your Will Or Trust”

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How an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust Protects Wealth

How an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust Protects Wealth

Most parents want their children to inherit as much wealth as possible, which drives their focus to shield heirs from unnecessary taxes when they inherit. As of this writing, federal gift and estate tax laws are very friendly for building generational wealth, says a recent article from Kiplinger, “One Way to Secure Your Child’s Inheritance in an Uncertain Tax Future.”  The article discusses how an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust protects wealth.

However, this is temporary, as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will expire in 2025. When it does, gift and estate tax exemptions will be cut in half. How can you transfer the most wealth possible to heirs? The best tool is often the Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust or IDGT.

The incentive to take advantage of the current tax laws is even greater for those living in one of the 17 states with their own estate or inheritance taxes, especially considering those states’ exemptions are considerably lower than the federal estate taxes.

The IDGT, despite its name, is not at all defective. Removing assets from an estate lowers or eliminates taxation on the estate and heirs. By selling assets from the estate to a grantor trust, they are no longer subject to estate taxes. The trust then pays an installment note over a number of years, which is designated when the trust is created.

So, why is it called Intentionally Defective? The term refers to the fact that the trust is not responsible for paying its own income taxes. Instead, they pass to the grantor or person who created the trust. Consider an estate with $20 million placed in an IDGT. This might generate a $500,000 tax bill, paid by the grantor. This accomplishes two things: The $500,000 paid in taxes is removed from the estate, lowering the estate’s value and the estate tax. Second, the trust is not responsible for paying income taxes on the appreciation of assets so that it can grow faster.  Since the trust is not subject to estate taxes, any appreciation of assets inside the trust won’t add to any estate taxes due upon the grantor’s passing.

IDGTs and S Corporations. Many family-owned businesses are S-corporations that shield personal assets from business-related liabilities. If someone successfully sues the business, any judgment will be placed on the business, not the family’s assets. S corp owners hold shares in the corporation, which can be transferred to the IDGT. When family members move their stock into the trust, business ownership is transferred to heirs free of estate tax. If the business grows between the time the trust is established and your death, the growth happens separately from the estate, so there is no estate tax implication to continued business growth.

What’s the downside? The IDGT removes assets from the estate and provides cash flow in installment payments to fund retirement.  However, if you die before the installment term ends, the trust pays out the rest of what it owes to your estate, which increases the value of your estate and the estate taxes owed. However, there’s a remedy for this. The IDGT can be set up with a self-canceling installment note or SCIN. The SCIN automatically cancels the trust’s obligation to pay installments upon your death.

Remember that you will be responsible for the trust’s tax liability, so don’t gift so many assets to the trust that you’re scrambling to pay the tax bill.

IDGTs are complex and require the help of an experienced estate planning attorney to ensure that they follow all IRS requirements. He or she will explain how an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust protects wealth and if it is a useful planning tool for your family situation. If you would like to learn more about Trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (July 28, 2023) “One Way to Secure Your Child’s Inheritance in an Uncertain Tax Future”

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When Life Insurance becomes Taxable

When Life Insurance becomes Taxable

A life insurance policy benefit is usually paid to the beneficiary in a lump sum, which isn’t taxable. However, there are situations when life insurance becomes taxable.

A life insurance beneficiary may receive the policy amount in installments. If so, the benefit is placed into an account that can accrue interest. While the beneficiary won’t pay taxes on the benefit itself, they’ll be responsible for paying income taxes on any interest accrued.

Fed Manager’s recent article, “When Is Life Insurance Taxable? Four Scenarios to Consider,” gives the example of Jenny being the beneficiary of a $500,000 death benefit that earns 10% interest for one year before being paid out. She’ll owe income taxes on the $50,000 in interest growth.

The death benefit of a life insurance policy is usually paid directly to the beneficiaries named. If the benefit is included in the estate, it’s subject to potential federal and state estate taxes if it is above the tax exemption amount. About a dozen states have state estate taxes with exemptions, so if the death benefit amount is above these exemptions, any amount above the threshold would be subject to estate taxes.

A life insurance death benefit would be subject to taxes in the event of a taxable gift. This happens when three people serve three different roles in connection to the policy:

  • The policyholder is the individual who bought the policy and is responsible for payment of the premiums
  • The insured is the person whose life is covered by the policy and
  • The beneficiary who receives the death benefit when the insured passes away.

Assume that Tommy buys a life insurance policy for his wife, Tilly. They designate their son Teddy as the beneficiary. If Tilly dies and Teddy receives the death benefit, the IRS considers this a taxable gift from Tommy to Teddy because Tommy was the policyholder. In this situation, Tommy may have to pay gift taxes for any benefit amount that exceeds federal gift tax exemption limits.

The annual gift exclusion is $17,000 per individual. The lifetime limit is $12.92 million per individual. (These “numbers” are for 2023 and are adjusted for inflation.) To avoid this, Tilly could purchase and make payments on a policy herself, with Teddy still named as the beneficiary. Work closely with your estate planning attorney and financial advisors to understand when a life insurance policy becomes taxable and how to avoid the unnecessary financial headache. If you would like to learn more about life insurance and estate planning, please visit our previous posts.  

Reference: Fed Manager (April 25, 2023) “When Is Life Insurance Taxable? Four Scenarios to Consider”

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Important to Evaluate your Planning before a Second Marriage

Important to Evaluate your Planning before a Second Marriage

Second marriage, goes the saying, is the triumph of hope over experience. It’s a happy event for everyone, but different from the first time around. You might have created an estate plan during your first marriage. Still, chances are your life is a lot more complicated this time, especially if you both have children from prior marriages and more assets than when you were first starting out as a young adult. It is important to evaluate your planning before a second marriage. This is why a recent article from The Bristol Press is aptly titled “Plan your estate before you remarry.”

Here are some pointers to protect you and your new spouse-to-be:

Take an inventory of all assets and liabilities. This includes assets and debts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, credit card debt and anything you own. It’s important to be open and honest about your debts and assets, so that both people know exactly what they are marrying. Once you are married, you may be liable for your partner’s debts. Your credit scores may be impacted as well.

Decide how you are going to handle finances. Once you know what your partner is bringing to the marriage, you’ll want to make clear, unemotional decisions about how you’ll address your wealth. Are you willing to combine all of your assets? Do you want to keep your investment accounts separate?

For example, if one person is selling a home to move into the home owned by the other person, what costs, if any, will they contribute to the cost of the house? If one person has significant debt, do you want to combine finances or make joint purchases? These are not always easy issues. However, they shouldn’t be ignored.

Decide what you want to happen when you die. You and your future spouse should meet with an experienced estate planning attorney to create a will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and other documents. This lets you map exactly where you want your assets to go when you die. If there are children from prior marriages, you’ll want to ensure they are not disinherited when you die. This can be addressed through a number of options, including creating a trust for your children, making them beneficiaries of life insurance policies, or giving children joint ownership of property.

Even if there are no children, there may be family heirlooms or items with sentimental value you want to keep in the family, perhaps passing to a cousin, nephew, or niece. Discuss this with your future spouse and ensure that it’s included in your will.

Meet with an estate planning attorney. You should take this step even if you don’t have many assets. If you have children, it’s even more important. You’ll want to update your will and any other estate planning documents. If you have significant assets, you may decide to have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. The estate planning attorney will also help you determine whether you need a trust to protect your children.

If you had planning done in the past, it is important to sit down with an estate planning attorney to evaluate it in before to a second marriage. If you would like to learn more about estate planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: The Bristol Press (July 14, 2023) “Plan your estate before you remarry”

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Estate Tax Exemptions available for Married Couples

Estate Tax Exemptions available for Married Couples

Estate tax avoidance and mitigation are central considerations for financial security for surviving spouses. Estate tax exemptions are available for married couples to help ensure a surviving spouse is cared for. According to a recent article from The National Law Review, “Basic Estate Tax Planning for Married Couples: Opportunities For Use Of Estate Tax Exemptions,” the first spouse may leave property of unlimited value to the surviving spouse without incurring any estate tax upon the death of the first spouse. This unlimited marital deduction shields assets from estate taxes and helps support the surviving spouse. Assets can be distributed directly to the surviving spouse or through an indirect transfer to a qualifying trust for the surviving spouse’s benefit.

Most couples use trusts for asset protection, most commonly for the preservation of assets for children from a prior marriage and asset management help for the surviving spouse. The marital deduction is a valuable estate tax avoidance tool for married couples.

However, estate tax law is not generous for non-spouse beneficiaries. Legislation passed in 2013 allowed individuals to leave assets totaling $5 million in value (indexed to inflation since 2011) to non-spouse, non-charitable beneficiaries and then doubled this amount following the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to $10 million. However, if additional legislation is not passed before the sunset date of January 1, 2026, this amount will be cut in half.

In 2013, Congress made the portability of a spouse’s estate tax exemption permanent. This allows the surviving spouse to capture and use the first decedent spouse’s remaining estate tax exemption and the surviving spouse’s own exemption. To capture this estate tax exemption, an estate tax return must be filed in a timely manner after the death of the first spouse.

If spouses have a total estate exceeding available exemptions, they may use what is known as the “Credit Shelter Trust Planning” or “Optimal Marital Deduction Planning.” A trust is established, funded with assets of the first spouse to die, to use the spouse’s estate tax exemption. Assets in the trust are available to the surviving spouse for life but are not included in the survivor’s taxable estate upon their death. The goal benefits the surviving spouse and reduces any estate tax to maximize benefits for the children and grandchildren.

Another frequently used tool is the “disclaimer” plan, which allows the survivor to move certain assets into a trust for the survivor’s benefit rather than receiving assets directly. For married couples with estates valued at less than their available estate tax exemptions, a disclaimer plan provides the “all to spouse” plan and the option to implement a tax-advantaged trust. All assets are left to the survivor; then, based on the value of the first spouse’s estate, the surviving spouse may choose to disclaim the first spouse’s assets and divert them to a tax-advantaged trust.

Married couples should take advantage of the estate tax exemptions available to them to help protect a surviving spouse financially. It must be noted that there is no “one-size-fits-all” plan for married couples who wish to care for their surviving spouse, children, and grandchildren. It’s important to understand the basic estate tax avoidance or mitigation tools to create an estate plan to consider the couple’s planning goals and values. An experienced estate planning attorney can create a comprehensive estate plan to suit each family’s needs. If you would like to learn more about the estate tax, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The National Law Review (June 24, 2023) “Basic Estate Tax Planning for Married Couples: Opportunities For Use Of Estate Tax Exemptions”

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The IRS has issued a ruling that will impact grantor trusts

The IRS has issued a Ruling that will impact Grantor Trusts

The IRS has issued a ruling that will impact grantor trusts. Completed gifts to grantor trusts will not receive a Section 1014 step-up in basis upon the grantor’s death. According to the IRS, Revenue Ruling 2023-2 concludes this is the appropriate result because such property is not acquired from a decedent for purposes of Section 1014(a) of the IRC of 1986 as amended in Section 1014(b) of the Code, as reported by Reuters in the article “IRS confirms that completed gifts to grantor trusts are not eligible for Section 1014 step-up.”

Upon their death, assets received from a decedent are afforded a basis step-up under Code Section 1014. These are assets usually included in the taxable estate for estate tax purposes. However, before the Ruling, many practitioners wondered whether the assets of an irrevocable grantor trust would be eligible for the same benefit.

The irrevocable “grantor trust” is an anomaly under the Code. A “grantor trust” is not recognized as a separate taxpayer for income tax purposes during the lifetime of the creator (usually referred to as the “grantor” or the “settlor”). All income earned during the grantor’s lifetime is reported on the grantor’s individual income tax returns. However, if the grantor trust is irrevocable and if transfers to the trusts are deemed to be completed gifts, then when the grantor dies, the assets of the grantor trust are not included in the taxable estate of the grantor for estate tax purposes. Thus, the grantor trust is deemed to be owned by the grantor for income tax but not estate tax. This led to uncertainty over the eligibility of the grantor trust assets for the Code Section 1014 basis step-up on the grantor’s death.

“Intentionally defective” grantor trusts are widely used, where the grantor is treated as the owner of the grantor trust for income tax purposes and is responsible for paying the income taxes incurred by the trust. The payment by the grantor of the grantor trust’s income taxes effectively lets the grantor make additional tax-free gifts to the grantor trust and increases the grantor trust’s rate of return.

However, since the grantor trust is not a separate taxpayer for income tax purposes, there’s no recognition of gain on the sale or interest income on the note. The interest rate on the note can be the lowest rate which will not cause adverse tax consequences. If the interest sold to the grantor trust grows faster than the applicable interest rate, the excess growth passes, transfer-tax-free, to the grantor trust.

The “Sale Technique” has been used many times since the IRS released Revenue Ruling 83-15, supporting the position that a property sale from a grantor to a grantor trust is not a taxable event. If no gain is recognized on such a sale, the grantor trust takes a carryover basis in the grantor’s property.

With the release of Revenue Ruling 2023-2, how should estate planning attorneys advise their clients? There are a few strategies to consider:

Power to Exchange Assets. Many grantor trusts allow the grantor to substitute trust property for other assets of equivalent value. If a grantor trust has an asset with a low basis, during the grantor’s lifetime, they could exercise the Substitution Power to exchange the low-basis asset for property with a higher basis but of equal value. The low basis asset now becomes part of the grantor’s estate and, as long as the grantor retains it until their death, will be eligible for the Code Section 1014 basis step-up.

Second Sale to Trust. If the trust agreement establishing the grantor trust doesn’t grant Substitution Power, the grantor could purchase low-basis assets from the trust for high-basis assets. The grantor may engage in a series of sales to ensure appreciated stock continues to cycle back to the grantor, so the estate may take advantage of the Code Section 1014 basis step-up.

Granting a General Power of Appointment. In certain situations, it may be possible to grant a testamentary general power of appointment over a grantor trust to a parent or other elderly relative, the “Powerholder.” The grant of a general power of appointment results in the assets subject to such power being includable in the estate of the Powerholder for estate tax purposes. The trust assets in the Powerholder’s estate will then be eligible for the Code Section 1014 basis step-up upon the death of the Powerholder.

The grant of the general power of appointment should not exceed the Powerholder’s available estate tax exemption and only apply to assets with built-in gain. This strategy will require consideration of the Powerholder’s creditors and any possible risks to the grantor trust.

The IRS has issued a ruling that will impact grantor trusts. These are complex strategies requiring the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. If you would like to learn more about irrevocable grantor trusts, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Reuters (June 21, 2023) “IRS confirms that completed gifts to grantor trusts are not eligible for Section 1014 step-up”

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Only leave Assets to Minor through a Trust

Only leave Assets to Minor through a Trust

The only way to leave assets to a minor is through a trust. Otherwise, the assets can create a tangled mess for heirs. A recent article from yahoo! finance, “Can I Name a Minor as a Beneficiary?” explains how to address this fairly common issue. An estate planning lawyer will be able to help you set up the right kind of trust.

Property and estate laws are all state specific, with each state having its own laws for property rights, insurance, and estate laws. Even the age at which a person becomes a legal adult varies by state. A local estate planning attorney will be needed to ensure that your wishes comply with your state’s laws.

Four primary documents are used to name a beneficiary:

  • Wills: the beneficiary is someone named to receive assets from the estate.
  • Life Insurance: the beneficiary is the person who receives a payment from the life insurance policy after the policyholder’s death.
  • Retirement Accounts: the beneficiary receives the assets in the account after the account owner’s death.
  • Trusts: the beneficiary receives assets from the trust based on the terms of the trust and the trustee’s management.

Legal minors are children who have not yet reached their state’s age of majority. Most states set the age of majority at 18, although a handful of states use ages 19 or 21 when a child becomes a legal adult. Legal minors may not take legally binding actions, including signing enforceable contracts or participating in financial transactions. They also may not inherit directly through a will or receive assets through a life insurance policy or retirement account.

However, minors may be beneficiaries of a trust, since the trust’s beneficiaries do not participate in contractual or financial transactions. The trustee manages the assets in the trust and distributes them per the trust’s terms. This can range from making college tuition payments or sending assets to the beneficiary in a simple property transfer.

Most people expect that their children won’t inherit from a will or a life insurance policy for many years,.However, what happens if the parent dies while the child is still underage? If this happens, the assets are distributed to an entity that can legally receive the property and hold it on the minor’s behalf until they reach the age of majority.

There are typically three scenarios:

Legal Guardian. The guardian receives the assets and holds them on the minor’s behalf until they reach legal age.

Custodial Account. Assets are placed into an account, and a legal adult is appointed to manage the assets until the minor reaches the age of majority. This varies depending on the nature of the assets and the custodian. A parent or guardian typically acts as the custodian. However, the court will name a guardian if there is no parent or guardian.

Trust. Assets are placed in trust on behalf of the legal minor. A legal adult is named the trustee to manage the trust, with the legal minor named the beneficiary. If no trust has been created, a probate court oversees the creation of a trust and distributes all of the assets when the child reaches majority.

IRA or Retirement Accounts. IRAs or retirement accounts are treated differently. Under the SECURE Act, a minor may only take assets from an IRA and must leave the money in place once they turn 18. Then they must take all assets out within ten years.

Leaving the distribution of assets to a beneficiary without proper planning could place a minor’s financial well-being at risk. Only leave assets to a minor through a trust. A court-appointed custodian is probably the last way any parent wants their child to receive assets. Parents with minor children are advised to meet with an estate planning attorney to ensure that their children are protected should unexpected events occur, such as the death of one or both parents while the child is not yet of legal age. If you would like to learn more about asset distribution, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: yahoo! finance (June 19, 2023) “Can I Name a Minor as a Beneficiary?”

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Dying Intestate can leave Family financially Crushed

Dying Intestate can leave Family financially Crushed

Dying intestate can leave your family financially crushed. Dying intestate can mean either that you didn’t have a will or that you had one, but it was held to be unenforceable for some reason.

Intestate inheritance is governed by state law. Every state has its own set of statutes that stipulates who inherits and in what order. These laws are called the laws of succession or the laws of inheritance. The Uniform Probate Code is a template for inheritance laws, and many states have based their own code on the UPC.

Yahoo’s recent article,  “What Happens If I Die Without a Valid Will?” explains that the probate courts govern intestate estates. An intestate estate goes through the same three-step process as a testate estate. Attorneys get paid first; debts, taxes, administrative fees and other legal liabilities are paid second, then the heirs receive their portions.

Most state probate codes distribute assets based on the closeness of relation to the deceased. The close relatives inherit before distant relatives in “tiers” of inheritance. Most states’ laws say that intestate succession will proceed in the following order:

  1. Spouse
  2. Legal descendants (i.e., children)
  3. Parents of the decedent
  4. Siblings of the decedent
  5. Grandparents of the decedent
  6. Nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and first cousins.

As a general rule, any given category of an heir will inherit the entire estate, which is divided into pro-rata shares among all heirs; for example, if an individual died intestate with no spouse, children, or surviving parents, but two sisters and several aunts and uncles. The two sisters would each receive half of the estate, and the aunts and uncles would get nothing.

The big exception to this rule is spouses. In most cases, a spouse will automatically inherit all non-marital assets. However, the Uniform Probate Code does have exceptions for heirs, such as parents and descendants. This is important when it involves children to whom the surviving spouse is not related.

If someone dies intestate and they have no legal living heirs, their assets go to the state. Dying intestate can leave your family financially crushed. The simplest way to avoid this is by working with an estate planning attorney to craft a Will or Trust. If you would like to learn more about drafting a will, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Yahoo (January 27, 2023) “What Happens If I Die Without a Valid Will?”

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