Category: Medicaid

Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with Long Term Care Costs

Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with Long Term Care Costs

The numbers are clear: 70% of Americans expect to need long-term care at some point in their retirement. Many people aren’t aware of the importance of long-term care until they are uninsurable because of health conditions or can’t afford the premiums. How can you plan? A Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with long term care costs.

Depending upon where you live and the type of care needed, long-term care costs anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 per year. With an average stay of two to five years, it’s a hefty financial burden without long-term care insurance, a MAPT, and good planning.

Creating a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust requires the help of an experienced estate planning attorney to be sure you obtain all of the benefits of such a trust. Long-term care costs are one of the biggest financial worries for retirees, as noted in a recent article, “This Trust Can Protect Your Assets From Long-Term Care Costs,” from Kiplinger.

The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) moves money out of your estate into a trust, so it becomes uncountable for Medicaid means-testing purposes. It has to be created and funded at least five years before the applicant can be deemed eligible for Medicaid funding, known as the “Medicaid look-back.”

The trust needs to be set up by an experienced estate planning attorney because there are many fine points to consider. The MAPT won’t serve its intended purpose if it’s not set up correctly.

The MAPT must be an irrevocable trust, meaning the grantor (who set up the trust) no longer has access to those assets. This can be a little unnerving. You’ll also want to speak with your estate planning attorney about your plans for the near and distant future. How will you access funds if you’re putting funds into the trust? Who will be able to access them?

This trust will also benefit families with assets closer to the old estate tax levels. In 2024, the gift and estate tax exemptions are still very high—$13.61 million. However, if the law sunsets without Congress acting, the estate tax could revert to around $5 million or lower if the federal government decides more wealth needs to be taxed. Assets in a trust are not part of the taxable estate, so having a trust also protects assets from federal and state estate taxes.

Trusts are also powerful means of controlling asset distribution. Your MAPT could distribute a set amount of money to a beneficiary throughout their lifetime, or a minor grandchild could be given a certain amount after they’ve completed four years of college or achieved a particular goal.

Consult an estate planning attorney to learn how a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with long term care costs, if they’re right for you, and how to get started. If you would like to learn more about managing assets for long term care, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (July 11, 2024) “This Trust Can Protect Your Assets From Long-Term Care Costs”

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Planning for Retirement with a Special Needs Child

Planning for Retirement with a Special Needs Child

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy life after years of hard work. However, parents of children with special needs will need to handle this transition with care. Planning for retirement with a special needs child is critical to your child’s long-term care and your own financial future.

Beginning your retirement planning early is crucial. Likewise, this process should be an extension of your existing financial planning. Starting early allows you to anticipate state and federal benefits changes and adjust your strategies accordingly.

For instance, Medicaid waivers and other support systems can be unpredictable. Just because these benefits systems can supplement your needs today doesn’t mean they’ll be able to do so tomorrow. Flexible, far-sighted financial preparation can help you absorb changes in benefits programs.

Open communication between both parents is vital. It’s common for parents to prioritize their child’s needs over their own retirement savings. However, finding a balance is key. Both parents should be on the same page regarding their goals for retirement and their child’s future. Involving a financial planner and a special needs attorney can help align these goals and create a comprehensive plan.

Two professionals with Special Needs Alliance weighed in on planning for retirement with a special needs child. One, Jeff Yussman, emphasizes the importance of honest discussions about assets, liabilities, and the desired retirement lifestyle.

Another advisor, Emily Kile, highlights the need to leave an advocate for their child in advance. It may be smart to move a child with special needs to a future housing option while parents are still alive. This can reduce the pain and uncertainty of making such moves when the parents pass away.

The first step is reviewing the titles on your accounts, beneficiary designations and estate plans. Ensuring that the chosen trustees and agents align with the goals for your child with special needs is critical. You should consider the financial security available through life insurance policies, such as second-to-die life insurance.

Parents must also plan for the long-term care of their child with special needs. This includes preparing for the potential loss of private health insurance and understanding the longevity of their financial plans. It is important to have regular estate planning meetings that account for these factors.

While well-intentioned family members might offer to care for your child, their circumstances can change. Marriages, divorces, and other life events can impact their ability to provide consistent care. Plan for these variables to ensure your child’s stability.

Planning for retirement with a special needs child can be challenging. However, you don’t have to do it alone. If you would like to learn more about special needs planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Special Needs Alliance (Oct. 7, 2022) “retirement planning steps you need to take

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Integrating Irrevocable Trust into Medicaid Planning

Integrating Irrevocable Trust into Medicaid Planning

When planning, especially under the umbrella of elder law and Medicaid, one tool often considered is the irrevocable trust. While reviewing the advantages and challenges of integrating an irrevocable trust into Medicaid planning, it’s important to consider the broader implications of asset management for elder care. This article helps to clarify how these trusts work, their benefits and their limitations.

An irrevocable trust serves a strategic role in Medicaid planning. By transferring assets into an irrevocable trust, these assets are generally not counted as personal assets for Medicaid eligibility purposes. This arrangement allows individuals to qualify for Medicaid, while preserving their wealth for future beneficiaries. This aspect of asset protection is paramount, as the trust shields the assets from creditors and legal claims, ensuring that the beneficiaries’ inheritance remains intact and secure.

Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPTs) are one type of irrevocable trust specifically designed to safeguard a Medicaid applicant’s assets from being counted towards Medicaid eligibility, as explained by Very Well Health. This is crucial for those whose assets would otherwise disqualify them from receiving Medicaid benefits for long-term care, which is often necessary for custodial care in nursing homes or at home.

Very Well Health notes that Irrevocable Funeral Trusts and Medicaid Compliant Annuities are also used to shield assets to enable seniors to become eligible for Medicaid benefits.

The primary advantage of using an irrevocable trust in Medicaid planning lies in its ability to protect and preserve assets. Since the assets placed in the trust are no longer under the direct control of the individual, they are effectively shielded from many forms of legal recovery efforts, including those from creditors and lawsuits. This protective measure ensures that the assets can be passed on to loved ones without being depleted by external claims or excessive taxation.

Despite their benefits, irrevocable trusts are not without their drawbacks. The most significant of these is the loss of control over the assets. Once assets are placed into an irrevocable trust, the terms of the trust cannot be easily changed, nor can the grantor retrieve the assets. This lack of flexibility can pose a problem if the financial situation of the grantor changes unexpectedly. The Medicaid five-year “look-back” period also applies, meaning that any assets transferred into the trust within five years before applying for Medicaid can incur penalties, potentially affecting Medicaid eligibility.

Setting up and maintaining an irrevocable trust involves navigating complex legal and financial planning landscapes. The trust must be structured correctly to comply with Medicaid regulations and to align with personal estate planning goals. This often requires sophisticated legal and financial advice to ensure that all aspects of the trust serve the intended purpose without unintended consequences.

Key Takeaways:

  • Asset Protection: Irrevocable trusts, including MAPTs, protect assets from being counted towards Medicaid eligibility, allowing individuals to qualify while preserving wealth for beneficiaries.
  • Benefits of Irrevocable Trusts: Assets placed in an irrevocable trust are protected from creditors and lawsuits, ensuring that the beneficiary’s inheritance remains secure.
  • Disadvantages of Irrevocable Trusts: Once assets are transferred into an irrevocable trust, the grantor cannot alter the trust terms or retrieve the assets, reducing flexibility. Transferring assets into a trust less than five years before applying for Medicaid can incur penalties due to the look-back period, potentially affecting eligibility.
  • Complex Setup Requires Legal Guidance: Establishing and maintaining an irrevocable trust requires careful legal and financial planning to ensure compliance with Medicaid rules and alignment with personal goals.

If you have the goal of integrating an irrevocable living trust into Medicaid planning, work closely with your estate planning and elder law attorneys to ensure you have covered all of the complexities of this law. If you would like to learn more about Medicaid planning, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Very Well Health (Feb. 11, 2024) How Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts Work

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Considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?

Considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?

Medicaid, a joint state and federal program, provides health coverage to low-income individuals of all ages. Qualifying for Medicaid requires meeting strict income and asset limits, which vary by state and the type of Medicaid coverage sought. If you are considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, there are a few things to know.

These limits pose a significant hurdle for many, especially those needing long-term care. According to an ElderLawAnswers article, this is where Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPTs) come into play. MAPTs offer a legal avenue to protect assets, while preserving eligibility for Medicaid benefits.

A MAPT is an irrevocable trust established during your lifetime that transfers ownership of assets to a trust, so Medicaid excludes them from the resource limit during eligibility qualification. Once transferred, you no longer own the assets directly, which helps you to meet Medicaid’s eligibility criteria. Appoint a trustee other than yourself to manage the trust and to transfer the assets, such as real estate or stocks, into the trust’s name correctly.

Key Considerations:

  • Timing is Crucial: A MAPT must be created and funded with Medicaid’s 60-month lookback period in mind. Assets transferred into the trust within this period may penalize your Medicaid eligibility.
  • Living Arrangements: Transferring your home into a MAPT doesn’t mean you have to move out. You can still reside in your home, although the trust technically owns it.
  • Income and Benefits: You can receive income from the trust’s assets. However, this income may affect your Medicaid eligibility.

Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts are a valuable strategy for individuals looking to qualify for Medicaid without sacrificing their assets. If you are considering Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, work with an attorney to understand how these trusts work and the financial considerations involved, so you can make informed decisions about your long-term care planning. If you would like to learn more about elder law, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: ElderLawAnswers: What Are Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts?

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Selling the Family Home when a Loved One needs Nursing Care

Selling the Family Home when a Loved One needs Nursing Care

When an aging relative decides the time is right to move into an assisted living or continuing care facility, families face many decisions. This is often a difficult but necessary step for older individuals with trouble living independently or planning for their future needs. Selling the family home when a loved one needs nursing care can be a challenge. A recent article from Herald—Standard, “How to handle selling a home when moving into an assisted living facility,” offers suggestions to help families navigate the process.

First, speak with an estate planning attorney to have a trusted, responsible family member be named Power of Attorney. Individuals moving into assisted living may not have any cognitive problems at the time of the move. However, selling a home for a family member who develops dementia can present complex challenges. Only a person with legal capacity may transfer their home to a new owner. Having a Power of Attorney allows a family member to step in and manage the transaction without needing to go to court and have a guardian named.

Talk about the situation and the sale with the aging family member. They will need time to process the idea of selling their home and moving. Homeowners make untold sacrifices and compromises to buy and maintain their homes, so the decision to sell a beloved home is almost always very difficult and brings out a range of emotions.

Throughout this process, an open and honest dialogue about what can be achieved by selling the home and improving their quality of life will be helpful.

Sorting through belongings is an extremely hard task. A lifetime of memories and a loss of their independence are all wrapped up in the contents of a home. It will be impossible to take the entire contents into a one or two-bedroom apartment. Take the time to sort through belongings with your family members and select certain items to give them a sense of home in a smaller space.

If possible, try to pass on some items to younger family members. Most importantly, handle this process with as much compassion as possible.

Keep all relevant people involved and current throughout the process. This is particularly important if the family members are scattered in different states. Adult children who live far away and can’t be active participants in this process shouldn’t be dismissed and left out. Open communication with other family members will minimize the chances of objections when the sale and move take place.

Finally, because this is perhaps the largest and last financial transaction, make sure the sale of their home is done with an eye to their estate plan. Selling the family home when a loved one needs nursing care may cause tax issues. There may be ways to minimize tax exposure for the individual and their estate plan. Confer with an estate planning attorney to avoid any missteps. If you would like to learn more about managing property in your estate plan, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Herald-Standard (Oct. 27, 2023) “How to handle selling a home when moving into an assisted living facility”

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Consider using a Trust Be for Long-Term Care

Consider using a Trust Be for Long-Term Care

More than a few seniors who are retired or nearing retirement lose sleep worrying over being able to afford the expense of long-term care, including nursing home care, which can cost thousands monthly. The fallback option for many Americans is Medicaid; according to a recent article, “Long-Term-Care planning using trusts,” from the Journal of Accountancy., Medicaid is a joint federal-state program requiring spending down assets. One option is to consider using a trust for long-term care.

To be eligible for long-term care through Medicaid, a person’s “countable” assets must fall below an extremely low ceiling—in some states, no more than $2,000, with some provisions in some states protecting the “well” spouse. States vary in terms of which assets are counted, with many exempting a primary residence, for example.

For many people, planning for Medicaid for long-term care may consider the use of an irrevocable trust. The basic idea is this: by transferring assets to an irrevocable trust at least five years before applying for Medicaid for long-term care, the Medicaid agency will not count those assets in determining whether Medicaid’s asset ceiling is satisfied.

If the planning is done wrong, there is a risk of not qualifying, thereby defeating the objective of creating the irrevocable trust. In addition, any tax planning may be undone, causing liquidity and other problems.

Some people plan to qualify for Medicaid even though they have asset levels as high as $2 million or more. Much of this may be the family’s primary residence, especially in locations like New York City, with its elevated real estate market. Costs at nursing homes are equally high, with nursing homes costing private-pay patients upwards of $20,000 a month, or $250,000 per year.

Timing is a key part of planning for Medicaid. Many estate planning attorneys recommend clients consider planning in their mid-to-late 60s or early 70s to move assets into a Medicaid Asset Preservation Trust, also called a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust.

This is because of Medicaid’s five-year lookback period. Most states have a five-year look-back period for both nursing home and home health care. If any transfer of countable assets has been made within the preceding five years of applying for long-term-care Medicaid, there will be a penalty period when the person or their family must pay for the care. The penalty is typically measured by the length of time the transferred assets could have paid for care, based on the average costs of the state or the region.

While there is no way to know when a person will need long-term care, statistically speaking, a person in their mid-to-late 60s or early 70s can expect to be healthy enough to satisfy the five-year lookback.

Why not simply make gifts to children during this time to become eligible for Medicaid? For one reason, there’s no way to prevent a child from spending money given to them for safekeeping. A trust will protect assets from a child’s creditors, and if the child should undergo a divorce, the assets won’t end up in the ex-spouse’s bank accounts.

Using a trust for Medicaid planning could be combined with gifts made to children or assets placed in trust for children, depending on the individual’s financial and familial circumstances.

The creation of a Medicaid Asset Preservation Trust is critical. The estate planning attorney must seek to accomplish two things: one, to say to Medicaid that the settlor, or creator of the trust, no longer owns the assets. At the same time, the IRS must see that the settlor still owns these assets and, therefore, receives a basis step-up at death.

If you are considering a trust for long-term care, an experienced estate planning attorney will be needed to advise you and create a Medicaid Asset Preservation Trust to meet the Medicaid and IRS requirements. If you would like to learn more about long-term care planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Journal of Accountancy (Oc. 9, 2023) “Long-Term-Care planning using trusts”

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Consider Hiring a Lawyer for Medicaid Applications

Consider Hiring a Lawyer for Medicaid Applications

Medicaid can be a complicated and ponderous process to navigate. As with many government programs, it is easy to make mistakes that could potentially devastate your family’s finances. You might consider hiring a lawyer for Medicaid applications. Film Daily’s recent article, “Do You Need a Lawyer to Apply for Medicaid?” says that hiring a lawyer for Medicaid applications can provide many benefits. Let’s look at some of the big ones:

Expert Knowledge: Attorneys specializing in Medicaid are well-versed in the complex rules and regulations of the program. They stay updated with policy changes and can provide accurate guidance based on your unique circumstances.

Maximizing Eligibility: An experienced elder law lawyer can help structure your finances and assets to maximize your eligibility for Medicaid. They can also advise you on strategies to protect your assets, while satisfying the program’s requirements.

Streamlined Application Process: A Medicaid application can involve a ton of paperwork and documentation. A lawyer can help you gather the necessary information, complete the application correctly and submit it on time, reducing the chances of delays or mistakes.

Handling Complex Situations: If your situation is complicated, like owning a business or having multiple sources of income, a Medicaid lawyer can work through the intricacies and ensure that all relevant information is presented correctly in your application.

Appeals and Legal Support: If your application is denied or there are other issues, a lawyer can represent you in appeals or hearings. They can advocate for your rights and help resolve any disputes that arise during the application process.

While hiring a lawyer when applying for Medicaid is not mandatory, their expertise can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of the program.

A lawyer specializing in Medicaid can provide guidance, streamline the application process, and help you maximize your eligibility.

Sit down as a family and consider hiring a lawyer for your Medicaid applications. Depending on your circumstances, hiring a Medicaid attorney can be beneficial in complex financial situations, long-term care planning, dealing with denied applications, or staying informed about changing regulations.

With the right legal support, you can also increase your chances of a successful Medicaid application. If you would like to learn more about Medicaid and estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Film Daily (July 25, 2023) “Do You Need a Lawyer to Apply for Medicaid?”

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An Attorney can help when applying for Medicaid

An Attorney can help when applying for Medicaid

Medicaid is a vital program that provides healthcare coverage for individuals and families with limited income and resources.  Hiring an attorney can help when applying for Medicaid. Their expertise can be invaluable in ensuring a smooth and successful application process.

Film Daily’s recent article, “Do You Need a Lawyer to Apply for Medicaid?” says that applying for Medicaid involves gathering the necessary documentation, filling out an application form and submitting it to the state Medicaid agency.

The application typically requires information about your income, assets, household composition and medical expenses. It’s important to provide accurate and complete information to avoid delays or potential issues with your case.

A lawyer specializing in Medicaid can walk you through the application process, ensure that you meet all of the requirements and provide the correct documentation.

A Medicaid planning lawyer can also help you understand any legal implications and address any concerns that may come up during the application process.

Here are some scenarios where hiring a lawyer might be a wise move:

  • Complicated Financial Situations: If you have complex financial arrangements or significant assets, a Medicaid planning lawyer can help you navigate the Medicaid eligibility requirements while protecting your interests.
  • Long-Term Care Planning: If you or a loved one requires long-term care services, a lawyer with expertise in elder law and Medicaid planning can help you develop a strategy to protect your assets while accessing the necessary healthcare services.
  • Denied or Delayed Applications: If your Medicaid application has been denied or delayed, a Medicaid planning lawyer can help you appeal the decision or address any issues that may have caused the delay.
  • Changing Regulations: The program rules and policies can change over time. An experienced Medicaid lawyer can ensure that you stay informed about any updates that may affect your eligibility or benefits.

Consider hiring an Elder Law attorney to help when applying for Medicaid. He or she may be the difference between receiving benefits and being denied. If you are interested in learning more about Medicaid planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference:  Film Daily (July 25, 2023) “Do You Need a Lawyer to Apply for Medicaid?”


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Life Estate may be a good option for Older Homeowners

Life Estate may be a good option for Older Homeowners

A life estate may be a good option for older homeowners, but there are some potential drawbacks you should know. A life estate is an interest in real property that entitles the life estate owner (sometimes called the “life tenant”) to the right to occupy, possess, or otherwise use the property for the lifetime of one or more individuals (usually the lifetime of the person or persons who hold the life estate interest).  A life estate owner has the right to possess and use the property for the duration of the life estate. A “remainderman” has an ownership interest in the real property. However, they have no right to possess or use it until the life estate terminates, typically when the life tenant dies.

  • The Property Avoids Probate. Property held in a life estate isn’t required to go through probate but rather transfers ownership to the remainderman. This also eliminates the complications of stating your intentions for your property in a will.
  • The Property is no Longer Part of the Estate. Once your state’s Medicaid look-back period is over, a property transferred through a life estate won’t count against your eligibility for the program.
  • It Keeps Elders in Their Homes. Even though a life estate effectively transfers property ownership to the remainderman, the life tenant has guaranteed residency, if desired, for the rest of their life.

While life estates are helpful tools, they do have several drawbacks:

  • The Property is still Vulnerable to the Debts of the Heirs. Because the life estate transfers property rights to a designated heir, the heir’s creditors may have the right to seize the inherited assets to cover any outstanding debts, contradicting the life tenant’s wishes to pass their assets on directly to the heir.
  • The Heirs’ Rights to the Property Vest at Creation. Once you create a life estate, the property rights vest in the heir(s) and can’t be revoked without the heir’s consent.
  • The Property Can’t Be Sold or Mortgaged. If a life tenant wants to significantly alter the property, convert it into a rental, or even decide to sell, they must have the remainderman’s permission.

A life estate may be a good option for older homeowners because it allows them to set up a straightforward, legal directive for an heir to inherit property without probate. Life estates also let the owner control the property in most respects. If created in a timely manner, a life estate can even help its creator qualify for Medicaid assistance. However, life estates do have some disadvantages. Ask an experienced estate planning attorney if this is a good move for your situation. If you are interested in learning more about life estates, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Quicken Loans (Aug. 9, 2022) “What Is A Life Estate And What Property Rights Does It Confer?”

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SNT can be a Vital Tool for Families

SNT can be a Vital Tool for Families

A special needs trust, or SNT, can be a vital tool for families. It is an important part of planning for the financial security and lifestyle of a family member with special needs. A special needs trust can allow the trust’s beneficiary to receive financial support from the family for supplemental needs without losing public benefits, such as SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and Medicaid. A recent article from The Westerly Sun, “Special needs trust could ease families’ stress,” explains how this works.

A parent typically has the special needs trust created. As the grantor, the parent establishes the trust and names a trustee who will be responsible for managing the trust. The trust may be funded with gifts throughout the parent’s lifetime or from other sources, such as a court settlement or an inheritance.

Life insurance proceeds are often used as the funding mechanism. The trust purchases a life insurance policy on the life of one or both parents of a special needs individual. Government benefits are protected as long as the trust is named the policy beneficiary.

The role of a trustee is important in a special needs trust. They must manage the funds within the trust and ensure that they are only used to supplement SSI and Medicaid, the two government programs that typically cover the costs of housing, food, and medical care. The special needs trust can be used for other qualified expenses, including transportation, travel, education, entertainment, professional services, and personal items.

The parent could serve as a trustee, or a trusted friend or relative may be named. Whoever is chosen as the trustee should be familiar with the family and the needs of the family member with disabilities. You also want to name a person who is competent at managing finances and can be trusted to stay current regarding SSI and Medicaid regulations.

Another option is to hire a professional trust company to manage the special needs trust. This type of company is experienced in both asset management and government regulations and would provide parents with strict recordkeeping of all financial transactions associated with the trust.

Parents should also be familiar with areas of concern about special needs trusts. The trustee controls how and when funds are distributed, which can frustrate beneficiaries if requests for funds are denied.

While third-party special needs trusts are funded by someone other than the beneficiary, the beneficiary’s own assets fund first-party special needs trusts. The trust must pay back Medicaid for money used for the beneficiary after the beneficiary’s death. This repayment could deplete the trust, depriving secondary beneficiaries of any funds they might otherwise receive. Third-party trusts do not require Medicaid repayment.

An SNT can be a vital tool for families, but only if it is properly structured. Speak with an experienced estate planning attorney before establishing a special needs trust to be sure that this is the right solution for your family’s situation. If you would like to learn more about special needs and elder law planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Westerly Sun (June 10, 2023) “Special needs trust could ease families’ stress”

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