Category: Guardian

Proactive Legal Strategies for Cognitive Decline

Proactive Legal Strategies for Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline is a concern many of us may face as we age. However, it’s something to face head-on. Planning for this possibility is not about expecting the worst but being prepared. Whether you or a loved one are already experiencing early signs of cognitive decline or want to be proactive, an elder law attorney can help protect your future. There are some proactive legal strategies for cognitive decline.

According to Assured Assisted Living, the best time to start planning for cognitive decline is before it happens. Working with an elder law attorney can create a legal framework that safeguards your wishes, even if you face cognitive impairment later in life. Above all, the two critical legal tools to leverage are powers of attorney and advance healthcare directives.

One of the most essential legal documents is a durable power of attorney. This document allows you to appoint someone you trust to handle your financial and legal affairs if you cannot do so. Choosing this person ahead of time can prevent court intervention and ensure that your finances remain secure.

In addition to financial matters, it’s important to consider your healthcare decisions in an emergency. By using an advance healthcare directive, you can outline your wishes if you ever become incapacitated. Just because you can’t speak for yourself doesn’t mean you have to lose agency in your care.

Managing day-to-day tasks, such as paying bills or understanding complex legal documents, can become problematic as cognitive decline progresses. For some, the decline may occur gradually, giving time to plan and adjust. For others, it may be more sudden. With a plan in place, your family could avoid the stress of navigating the court system to gain control over your finances or healthcare.

Proactively creating legal protections protects yourself from potential complications, allowing your loved ones to act quickly and efficiently when needed.

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be experiencing cognitive decline, it’s essential to seek medical advice early. As discussed in a recent reflection from an attorney facing cognitive impairment, many health conditions, such as vitamin deficiencies or sleep disorders, can mimic symptoms of cognitive decline. Addressing these issues early can slow or even reverse specific symptoms. If your cognitive decline is more advanced, early diagnosis allows for more effective legal planning.

Building a support team to help manage legal and healthcare issues is essential when planning for cognitive decline. An elder law attorney can assist in preparing the necessary documents to ensure that trusted individuals can step in to manage your affairs, if needed. Having a reliable primary care physician and specialists, such as neurologists or geriatricians, can also help identify health-related concerns early.

Establishing proactive legal strategies for cognitive decline is also about protecting your family. Your family could face emotional and financial strain without the proper legal documents. Legal battles over guardianship, medical decisions, or asset management can be stressful and time-consuming. By acting now, you can help avoid these challenges and ensure that your family is cared for in a way that reflects your wishes.

The future is unpredictable, but your legal plans don’t have to be. Whether you’re already noticing early signs of cognitive decline or want to be proactive, now is the time to meet with an elder law attorney. If you would like to learn more about managing incapacity, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: AssuredAssistedLiving (Sep. 20, 2024) Legal and Financial Planning and Cognitive Impairment

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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren need Specialized Estate Planning

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren need Specialized Estate Planning

Grandparents raising grandchildren need specialized estate planning. Navigating these issues can feel overwhelming. A skilled lawyer can help you understand your estate planning options and secure your grandchild’s future.

According to AARP, grandparents responsible for their grandchildren must often establish a legal relationship to care for them fully. Without this, you may face difficulties enrolling them in school, getting medical care, or making important decisions on their behalf. Here are the primary options to consider:

  1. Guardianship: This legal arrangement allows grandparents to decide about their grandchildren’s health, education and welfare. However, it is important to note that guardianship doesn’t always sever legal parenthood and may leave the biological parents with some authority.
  2. Grandparent Power of Attorney: A power of attorney (POA) for grandparents is much more flexible than guardianship. This makes it suitable as a temporary solution. It confers the power to make decisions, such as enrolling a child in school or seeking medical treatment.
  3. Adoption: Adoption is the most permanent option, since it legally transfers all parental rights to the grandparents. Once completed, all legal rights to the child transfer from the biological parents to you.

Each of these legal tools comes with specific responsibilities and levels of authority. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult with an estate planning attorney to choose the best path for your family.

In some states, consent laws allow you to enroll a child in school or access medical care without a formal legal relationship. These laws allow caregivers to sign an affidavit confirming they are the primary caregiver, which may be enough to get the child’s medical services or educational enrollment. However, these laws vary by state, so you must check the rules in your area or consult an attorney.

Many grandparents worry about the financial burden of raising grandchildren, especially without formal legal arrangements. Public benefits are fortunately available for children that don’t require grandparents to have custody or guardianship. Programs such as Social Security benefits, child support, or foster care payments can help ease the financial strain. Your income may sometimes not even be counted when determining the child’s eligibility for assistance.

An article from the Chillicothe Gazette discusses an interview with Southeastern Ohio Legal Services attorney Sierra Cooper, where she covered adoption by grandparents. Among other topics, Sierra discussed how the power of attorney or caretaker authorization could provide a quicker route to gaining legal rights.

Sierra also discussed guardianship and adoption as complex but more permanent options. While the process can be challenging, legal tools are available to provide simple, short-term answers as well as enduring solutions.

Estate planning goes beyond simply caring for your grandchild while you’re alive. A solid estate plan will make all the difference if something happens to you. You can outline a guardian and backup guardian to take over raising them or establish a trust to manage their inheritance.

Grandparents may also want to consider durable powers of attorney and advance healthcare directives for themselves. These documents outline your wishes in case of an emergency.

If you are a grandparent raising grandchildren. or anticipate that you may need to take on this role, it’s essential to have specialized estate planning in place. By acting now, you can protect your grandchildren’s future and ensure that they have the support they need. If you would like to learn more about planning for grandparents, please visit our previous posts. 

References: AARP (Aug. 11, 2011) “Raising Grandkids: Legal Issues” and Chillicothe Gazette (Oct. 8, 2018) “Need to help care for grandchildren? Here’s some legal tips

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Ensure your Child's Future is Protected with Estate Planning

Ensure your Child’s Future is Protected with Estate Planning

Becoming a parent is an exciting journey filled with dreams and plans for the future. Amidst the joy and anticipation, you also need to consider your child’s future security. While no one wants to think of it, the worst could happen to you, and you could become unable to care for your child. Without an estate plan, your assets could go through a lengthy probate process, and the court would decide on guardianship for your children. Ensure your child’s future is protected with estate planning.

Estate planning involves organizing your financial affairs to ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes after you pass away. It includes creating a will, assigning power of attorney and considering trusts. According to Experian, planning ahead can avoid potential legal complications and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of. Estate planning can also help minimize taxes and protect your assets from creditors.

Without a will, state laws determine the distribution of your assets and the guardianship of your children. This could mean that your child ends up with a relative you haven’t spoken to in years or foster care. An estate plan allows you to choose guardians and ensure that your child’s future is secure.

A will is the foundation of your estate plan. It should:

  • Name a guardian for your children.
  • Name an executor to manage your estate.
  • Specify who inherits your assets.

Power of attorney allows someone to make financial and health care decisions on your behalf, if you become incapacitated. This includes:

  • Financial Power of Attorney: Give someone the power to manage your finances and property.
  • Health Care Power of Attorney: Empower someone you trust to make medical decisions for you.

The best time to start estate planning is now. Waiting until your baby arrives can lead to delays and potential financial hardships. Building an emergency fund, contributing to a health savings account and setting up automatic savings transfers are great first steps. Proactively managing your finances can help reduce stress and ensure a smoother transition into parenthood.  Starting early also allows you to make informed decisions and adjust your plan.

When Joyce Marter, a financial therapist and author, was expecting her first daughter, she found herself living paycheck to paycheck with substantial student loans. In an article by the NY Post, she reflects and explains how she realized the immense value of having a solid financial plan before transitioning into parenthood. Marter recalls a conversation with her pregnant supervisor, who advised her that no one is ever truly ready for a baby: “None of us are really ever truly ready — you just take the plunge and figure it out as you go.”

Years later, as Marter prepared for her own child, she understood the importance of proactive financial planning. She began by building an emergency fund, contributing to a health savings account and avoiding unnecessary baby registry items. These steps provided a financial safety net and helped reduce stress during her pregnancy.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Ensure that your child’s future is protected and your wishes are honored with proper estate planning. If you would like to learn more about planning for minor children, please visit our previous posts.

References: NY Post (Oct. 18, 2023) “Savvy expecting parents need to start financial planning now” and Experian (Oct. 13, 2020) “How to Plan Your Estate as a New Parent – Experian

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Disability Insurance is a vital Component of Estate Planning

Disability Insurance is a vital Component of Estate Planning

Disability insurance is a vital component of comprehensive estate planning. It ensures that you and your family can maintain financial stability in the event of a disabling condition. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), understanding the essential aspects of disability insurance is vital to choosing the best policy for your needs.

Disability insurance provides income replacement if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. It is a safety net that ensures that you can continue to meet financial obligations, even when you are not earning a regular salary.

Imagine being the primary breadwinner for your family. One day, you suffer a severe injury that prevents you from working. Without disability insurance, the loss of income could lead to significant financial hardship. Disability insurance provides stability by covering these losses while you get back on your feet.

Selecting the right disability insurance policy requires understanding various factors and terms. For one, you need to understand the kind of liabilities you have to choose from to find the most suitable coverage. Combine this with Riders that match your needs to get customized, affordable disability coverage.

  • Own-Occupation: This type provides benefits if you cannot perform the duties of your specific occupation. It’s ideal for professionals, like doctors or lawyers, who have specialized skills.
  • Any Occupation: This type only provides benefits if you cannot work in any occupation suited to your experience and education. It’s less expensive but offers broader coverage.
  • Modified Own-Occupation: You receive benefits if you cannot perform your job and are not working in another job. This is a middle-ground option that balances cost and coverage.

What Riders are Available for Disability Insurance?

  • Residual Disability Rider: Provides partial benefits if you can work part-time but not full-time.
  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Rider: Adjusts benefits according to inflation, maintaining your purchasing power.
  • Future Increase Option Rider: You can increase coverage as your income grows without additional medical exams.

The cost of disability insurance varies based on several factors:

  • Age and Gender: Younger individuals and women typically pay higher premiums.
  • Occupation: High-risk jobs attract higher premiums.
  • Health: Pre-existing conditions can increase the cost.
  • Coverage Amount and Duration: Higher benefits and longer durations cost more.
  • Policy Riders: Additional features, like cost-of-living adjustments, can raise premiums.

Disability insurance is a vital component of comprehensive estate planning. Protecting your future requires careful planning. Once you’re injured, it’s too late to begin planning. That’s why you should contact an experienced attorney and start planning today. If you would like to learn more about disability insurance, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: American Medical Association (AMA) (May 21, 2024) “Evaluating a disability policy | American Medical Association”

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Godparents Lack Legal Rights Unless Named as Guardians

Godparents Lack Legal Rights Unless Named as Guardians

Choosing godparents for your children is an important decision for many families. However, it’s crucial to understand that godparents lack any legal rights, unless named as guardians in your will. If you’d like your children’s godparents to serve as guardians in an emergency, consider if they’re suitable for the responsibility and take the legal steps needed to recognize them as guardians.

Parents often choose godparents to have a religious or spiritual influence on their children. They are typically involved in special ceremonies, such as baptisms, and may play a supportive role in their children’s upbringing. However, being a godparent does not grant any legal rights or responsibilities over the child.

On the other hand, a guardian is legally responsible for the care and upbringing of a minor child if the parents pass away or are unable to care for them. According to Forbes, guardianship is a significant legal role that includes making decisions about the child’s education, healthcare and general welfare.

The main reason godparents cannot automatically become guardians is that the roles are different in nature and responsibility. While godparents are chosen for their moral and spiritual guidance, guardians are chosen to take on the full parental role in case of an emergency. While there is overlap between these roles, a capable spiritual guide will not always have the time and resources to become a parent.

Choosing a guardian for your children is a complex and often emotional decision. Here are some key factors to consider:

Lifestyle Fit

Think about the potential guardian’s age and life situation. Asking someone to raise your children is a big request, and choosing someone whose lifestyle can accommodate this responsibility is essential. For example, a guardian with grown children might face a significant lifestyle adjustment if asked to care for young children again.


Ideally, the guardian should live near your home. This minimizes the disruption to your child’s life, allowing them to stay in the same school and community, which can be a source of comfort during a difficult time.

Financial Circumstances

Raising children can be expensive. Make sure that the potential guardian is financially stable, and consider setting up a trust to cover your child’s expenses. This will help avoid placing a financial burden on the guardian and ensure that your child has the resources they need.

Shared Values

Choose a guardian who shares your values and parenting philosophy. While no one will be a perfect match, it’s important that the guardian can provide a similar upbringing to what you would have wanted for your child.

While many consider naming a married couple as co-guardians, it’s often simpler to name a single individual. This helps avoid complications if the couple divorces or disagrees about how to care for your child. You can also name one or more successor guardians who will take over if the primary guardian is unable or unwilling to take on the role when the time comes.

Always ask the person you want to name as guardian if they are willing to accept the role. This way, you can be sure they’re prepared and willing to take on the responsibility. Naming someone without their consent can lead to confusion and complications. In most states, you must include this information in your will to legally name a guardian for your minor children. This is a critical step to ensure that your wishes are followed and to avoid leaving the decision up to the courts.

If you don’t name a guardian in your will, the courts will decide who will take care of your children. This can lead to family disputes and result in a decision that may not align with your wishes. Naming a guardian in your will gives you control over who will care for your children and helps stabilize them during a challenging time.

Remember, godparents lack any legal rights, unless named as guardians for your minor children in your estate plan, Choosing a guardian for your children is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. Consult an experienced estate planning attorney to discuss your options. If you would like to learn more about guardianship, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (May 29, 2018) “Selecting Your Children’s Guardians Is Very Different Than Naming Their Godparents

The Estate of The Union Season 4|Episode 1

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now! We all accumulate stuff as we go through life. When someone dies, what to do with all the stuff the deceased owned can be complex and exhausting.

It can also create fights over Who Gets What. In this edition of The Estate of the Union, Brad Wiewel interviews Ann Lumley, the Director of After Life Care at Texas Trust Law. Ann has seen just about everything that can happen with an estate where stuff (otherwise known as heirlooms and collectibles) can be an issue. Ann helps dissect the problems and highlights some strategies to help avoid collisions that often occur.



In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season |Episode 7


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

Naming Guardians for Minor Children Is Critical for Parents

Naming Guardians for Minor Children Is Critical for Parents

Naming guardians for your minor children is one of the most critical estate planning decisions for parents. It ensures that someone you trust will care for your children in the manner you prefer if you are no longer able to do so. Failing to choose a guardian can make your passing even harder on your children.

An insightful article from Slate tells of an unplanned guardianship situation. As the story goes, a couple in their 60s had decided not to have children but found themselves as the only available guardians for a great-nephew. The child’s mother passed away, his father was in prison and no one else was available. This forced the couple to fill the needs of a grieving 10-year-old from a different socioeconomic background. While they told of doing their best, it was hard for them and their great-nephew. This story emphasizes the unpredictability of life and the critical nature of having a guardianship plan in place.

An article from Forbes highlights a range of considerations for choosing a guardian. You must consider not just who loves your children but also who can handle the responsibility. Consider their lifestyle, location, values, and the potential guardian’s family dynamics. Are they prepared to take on the emotional and financial responsibility of raising children?

Who would be the first to step in and care for your children in an emergency? Sometimes, the best choice for a guardian might not be immediate family but a close friend or someone who has always been part of your children’s lives.

If your child is old enough, their opinion might be helpful. Asking them could provide insights into who they would be comfortable living with should anything happen to you.

Without a will specifying a guardian for minor children, the courts will decide who will care for your children. This situation can lead to outcomes you might never have intended. By choosing a guardian yourself, you control the process and ensure that your children’s future is in the hands of someone you trust.

Absolutely. Your decision today isn’t set in stone. People’s circumstances and relationships change, and your estate plan, including guardianship decisions, should be reviewed and can be revised as needed.

Becoming a guardian on short notice can be overwhelming. It’s crucial to consider the emotional and psychological support the child will need, such as counseling, and the practical aspects, like schooling and healthcare. Understanding the child’s background and needs will help smooth their transition into your family.

It’s never too early to plan for the future of your minor children. Naming guardians for your minor children is critical for parents, and requires thoughtful consideration and difficult conversations. If you would like to learn more about guardianship, please visit our previous posts.

References: Forbes (Jan. 29, 2020) “10 Tips for Choosing a Guardian for Your Minor Child” and Slate (Jan. 17, 2022) “A Child Has Suddenly Come Into My Care”

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Planning for Retirement with a Special Needs Child

Planning for Retirement with a Special Needs Child

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy life after years of hard work. However, parents of children with special needs will need to handle this transition with care. Planning for retirement with a special needs child is critical to your child’s long-term care and your own financial future.

Beginning your retirement planning early is crucial. Likewise, this process should be an extension of your existing financial planning. Starting early allows you to anticipate state and federal benefits changes and adjust your strategies accordingly.

For instance, Medicaid waivers and other support systems can be unpredictable. Just because these benefits systems can supplement your needs today doesn’t mean they’ll be able to do so tomorrow. Flexible, far-sighted financial preparation can help you absorb changes in benefits programs.

Open communication between both parents is vital. It’s common for parents to prioritize their child’s needs over their own retirement savings. However, finding a balance is key. Both parents should be on the same page regarding their goals for retirement and their child’s future. Involving a financial planner and a special needs attorney can help align these goals and create a comprehensive plan.

Two professionals with Special Needs Alliance weighed in on planning for retirement with a special needs child. One, Jeff Yussman, emphasizes the importance of honest discussions about assets, liabilities, and the desired retirement lifestyle.

Another advisor, Emily Kile, highlights the need to leave an advocate for their child in advance. It may be smart to move a child with special needs to a future housing option while parents are still alive. This can reduce the pain and uncertainty of making such moves when the parents pass away.

The first step is reviewing the titles on your accounts, beneficiary designations and estate plans. Ensuring that the chosen trustees and agents align with the goals for your child with special needs is critical. You should consider the financial security available through life insurance policies, such as second-to-die life insurance.

Parents must also plan for the long-term care of their child with special needs. This includes preparing for the potential loss of private health insurance and understanding the longevity of their financial plans. It is important to have regular estate planning meetings that account for these factors.

While well-intentioned family members might offer to care for your child, their circumstances can change. Marriages, divorces, and other life events can impact their ability to provide consistent care. Plan for these variables to ensure your child’s stability.

Planning for retirement with a special needs child can be challenging. However, you don’t have to do it alone. If you would like to learn more about special needs planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Special Needs Alliance (Oct. 7, 2022) “retirement planning steps you need to take

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Alternatives to Avoid Guardianship as You Age

Alternatives to Avoid Guardianship as You Age

Individuals often overlook strategies in their estate planning to avoid restrictive guardianship if they become incapacitated. While guardianship protects individuals who cannot decide or act for themselves, it can inadvertently strip them of their autonomy. There are alternatives to avoid guardianship as you age.

The restrictive nature of a court-appointed guardian acting on behalf of an impaired individual doesn’t account for that person’s wishes. In a video titled “Alternatives to Guardianship,” The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) highlights essential guardianship alternatives that preserve a person’s autonomy. This article discusses the need for protection as we age, what guardianship is and how powers of attorney (POAs) are alternative estate planning strategies that give individuals more control over decision-making.

Aging and estate planning go hand-in-hand. Estate plans with strategies that address cognitive decline and incapacity protect you from financial risks, including misuse of assets or unauthorized withdrawals. When it comes to healthcare, individuals must retain control over medical decisions. They may not be honored if you are incapacitated without legally documented healthcare wishes.

Guardianship involves the legal authority granted to a court-appointed guardian to act and make decisions for a person who is physically or mentally incapable. The guardian oversees the person’s health, medical care and property. When an individual is evaluated and deemed incapacitated, a court will assign a guardian.

A guardian’s responsibilities include making personal care decisions, overseeing living arrangements and handling their financial affairs. They are required to keep detailed records and check in with the court regularly.  However, guardianships are often appointed without considering alternatives, and they strip an individual of all decision-making authority, including where they live, what they eat and whether they will get any medical care. ACTEC notes that guardianship can be hurtful to the family, in addition to being an expensive process.

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that appoints someone you trust to act on your behalf. Only a durable power of attorney is valid if you are incapacitated. There are different POAs to protect your financial interests and medical wishes.

To prevent financial risks if you are incapacitated, a financial power of attorney names an agent with authority over financial matters, such as accessing bank accounts, paying bills and managing retirement accounts, real estate and investments.

A medical power of attorney is a healthcare or advance directive that allows someone else to make medical decisions based on your wishes. Often called a health care agent, this person follows your medical treatment as outlined in the document.

Key Guardianship Alternatives Takeaways:

  • Common Risks as We Age: Financial loss and unwanted medical care.
  • Typical Cons of Guardianship: Total loss of autonomy with court-appointed guardians.
  • Important Benefits of POAs: More control of your wishes and asset protection.

Elder law and estate planning strategies that protect you as you age should not be synonymous with surrendering autonomy through guardianship. Individuals can confidently navigate this terrain by exploring alternatives to avoid guardianship as you age. If you would like to learn more about guardianships, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) (May 13, 2021) “Alternatives to Guardianship”

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Estate Planning for Veterans and Active Military Is Important

Estate Planning for Veterans and Active Military Is Important

Your dedication to your country is unwavering as a veteran or active military service member. While you’re committed to your duty, you must protect yourself and your loved ones and preserve your legacy. Veterans and active military personnel can and should create an estate plan to match their unique needs. Based on Trust & Will’s article, “Estate Planning for Veterans & Active Military,” we look at why estate planning for veterans and active military personnel is so important.

Military life is marked by unpredictability and uncertainty for you and your family, making estate planning a vital aspect of preparing for the future. Many individuals have plans to distribute funds and appoint trusted loved ones to handle medical and financial matters if the unthinkable happens. Estate planning is essential to help provide for your loved ones if you pass away or are incapacitated. Knowing that your family will be cared for can give you peace of mind.

A will serves as a cornerstone of your estate plan, allowing you to:

  • Protect Your Family: Specify guardianship for minor children, ensuring they’re cared for by trusted individuals in your absence.
  • Distribute Assets Seamlessly: Designate beneficiaries and outline asset distribution instructions, including real estate, retirement and financial accounts, sentimental items, and other property.
  • Plan for the Unexpected: Outline your preferences for medical care and end-of-life decisions to prepare for unforeseen circumstances.

In the military, adaptability is critical, but so is ensuring your affairs are managed in your absence. Powers of Attorney enable you to:

  • Delegate Your Decisions: If you are incapacitated, designate trusted individuals to handle your legal, financial, and medical decisions.
  • Manage Your Affairs: Maintain continuity in managing assets, paying bills, and making critical decisions, even during deployments or periods of incapacity.
  • Mitigate Financial Risk: Protect against financial exploitation and past-due bills by appointing reliable agents to act in your best interests.

For military families, asset protection and efficient wealth transfer are paramount. Trusts offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Asset Preservation: Safeguard assets during incapacity or deployment, ensuring financial stability for your family.
  • Probate Avoidance: Streamline the distribution of assets to beneficiaries, bypassing the lengthy and costly probate process.
  • Tax Efficiency: Minimize estate taxes and maximize tax savings, preserving more of your hard-earned assets for future generations.

Your dedication and sacrifice are unmatched as a veteran or active military service member. That is why estate planning is so important for veterans and active military personnel. By prioritizing estate planning and including will, trust, and power of attorney strategies, you can protect your loved ones and preserve your legacy for generations. Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney for peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning for veterans, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Trust & Will “Estate Planning for Veterans & Active Military,”

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