Category: Elder Care

Legal Planning is Important for the Sandwich Generation

Legal Planning is Important for the Sandwich Generation

Adults of the sandwich generation find themselves responsible for both their children and their aging parents, an increasingly common situation with struggling youth and a growing elderly population. As someone ages and faces growing health issues, caregivers face increasing workloads, stress and burnout. Legal planning is important for the sandwich generation to reduce uncertainty and make future challenges easier.

The sandwich generation often faces a tricky balancing act. People born in the 1940s and 1950s live longer. However, many are experiencing more health issues than previous generations. According to research from University College London and Oxford University, today’s older adults are more likely to suffer from multiple health problems, such as diabetes or obesity, which complicate their care needs.

At the same time, parents today face new demands from their children, including issues like mental health challenges and children staying in the family home longer due to financial reasons. Caring for both generations can feel like an overwhelming responsibility.

Without proper planning, the emotional and financial costs of caring for aging parents can be enormous. One solution is to work with an elder law attorney to create legal documents and plans that provide peace of mind. These legal plans may include:

  • Powers of attorney: Ensuring someone can make financial and medical decisions if your parent or loved one cannot.
  • Health care directives: Ensure that your loved one’s wishes for medical care are respected.
  • Guardianship and conservatorship: Appointing a trusted person to care for someone who can no longer decide for themselves.

Legal planning ensures that your parents are protected and helps avoid family disputes about who will care for them and how their finances will be managed.

Legal issues can arise unexpectedly for many families if no planning is in place. A lack of legal documents can lead to disputes, confusion and expensive court battles over care. Without proper planning, adult children may end up shouldering the financial burden of their parent’s care and their children’s needs.

Some sandwich generation members face a situation where they care for their children, aging parents and grandparents. This “club sandwich” generation is responsible for four generations, which increases the pressure and makes planning even more critical.

It’s never too early to start planning. Waiting until a health crisis strikes can limit your options. Early planning gives you time to consider your loved one’s future care needs carefully and ensures that their wishes are followed. An elder law attorney can guide you through essential decisions before emergencies, helping you avoid unnecessary stress and financial strain.

An elder law attorney can assist you in making decisions regarding your parents’ long-term care and financial well-being. They can create a customized plan that meets your family’s unique needs, ensuring that everything is in place before significant life changes occur. With the guidance of an attorney, you can focus on spending time with your loved ones instead of worrying about legal and financial details.

Key Takeaways:

  • Protect your parents’ wishes: Ensure that healthcare and financial decisions align with your loved ones’ preferences.
  • Avoid family conflict: Legal planning helps prevent disputes over caregiving responsibilities and financial matters.
  • Plan for health crises: Preparing in advance provides peace of mind and reduces stress during emergencies.
  • Secure legal authority: Powers of attorney and healthcare directives ensure that trusted individuals can act on your behalf.
  • Ease financial burdens: Careful planning helps manage care costs and prevents unexpected financial strain on your family.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by caring for both your parents and your children? Legal planning for the sandwich generation is important because it can help you regain control and bring peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning for caregivers, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Guardian (Oct. 13, 2024) Guilt, Worry, Resentment: How the ‘Club Sandwich’ Generation Juggles Caring for Parents, Children and Grandparents

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Proactive Legal Strategies for Cognitive Decline

Proactive Legal Strategies for Cognitive Decline

Cognitive decline is a concern many of us may face as we age. However, it’s something to face head-on. Planning for this possibility is not about expecting the worst but being prepared. Whether you or a loved one are already experiencing early signs of cognitive decline or want to be proactive, an elder law attorney can help protect your future. There are some proactive legal strategies for cognitive decline.

According to Assured Assisted Living, the best time to start planning for cognitive decline is before it happens. Working with an elder law attorney can create a legal framework that safeguards your wishes, even if you face cognitive impairment later in life. Above all, the two critical legal tools to leverage are powers of attorney and advance healthcare directives.

One of the most essential legal documents is a durable power of attorney. This document allows you to appoint someone you trust to handle your financial and legal affairs if you cannot do so. Choosing this person ahead of time can prevent court intervention and ensure that your finances remain secure.

In addition to financial matters, it’s important to consider your healthcare decisions in an emergency. By using an advance healthcare directive, you can outline your wishes if you ever become incapacitated. Just because you can’t speak for yourself doesn’t mean you have to lose agency in your care.

Managing day-to-day tasks, such as paying bills or understanding complex legal documents, can become problematic as cognitive decline progresses. For some, the decline may occur gradually, giving time to plan and adjust. For others, it may be more sudden. With a plan in place, your family could avoid the stress of navigating the court system to gain control over your finances or healthcare.

Proactively creating legal protections protects yourself from potential complications, allowing your loved ones to act quickly and efficiently when needed.

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be experiencing cognitive decline, it’s essential to seek medical advice early. As discussed in a recent reflection from an attorney facing cognitive impairment, many health conditions, such as vitamin deficiencies or sleep disorders, can mimic symptoms of cognitive decline. Addressing these issues early can slow or even reverse specific symptoms. If your cognitive decline is more advanced, early diagnosis allows for more effective legal planning.

Building a support team to help manage legal and healthcare issues is essential when planning for cognitive decline. An elder law attorney can assist in preparing the necessary documents to ensure that trusted individuals can step in to manage your affairs, if needed. Having a reliable primary care physician and specialists, such as neurologists or geriatricians, can also help identify health-related concerns early.

Establishing proactive legal strategies for cognitive decline is also about protecting your family. Your family could face emotional and financial strain without the proper legal documents. Legal battles over guardianship, medical decisions, or asset management can be stressful and time-consuming. By acting now, you can help avoid these challenges and ensure that your family is cared for in a way that reflects your wishes.

The future is unpredictable, but your legal plans don’t have to be. Whether you’re already noticing early signs of cognitive decline or want to be proactive, now is the time to meet with an elder law attorney. If you would like to learn more about managing incapacity, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: AssuredAssistedLiving (Sep. 20, 2024) Legal and Financial Planning and Cognitive Impairment

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Estate Planning When You’re Single

Estate Planning When You’re Single

Estate planning when you’re single can be daunting when there is no one to assist you. For one woman, the wake-up call arrived when listening to a friend explain all the tasks she needed to perform for her 91-year-old mother, whose needs were increasing rapidly. Solo agers, people who are growing older without spouses, adult children, or other family members, are now a significant part of the older population, says the article “Going Solo: How to Plan for Retirement When You’re on Your Own” from The New York Times.

Seniors who are married or have adult children have many of the same retirement planning issues as their solo ager counterparts. However, figuring out the answers requires different solutions. Managing future healthcare issues, where to live and how to ensure that retirement savings lasts needs a different approach.

Options must be addressed sooner rather than later. Estate planning is a core part of the plan. While you can’t plan everything, you can anticipate and prepare for certain events.

Determining who you can count on in a healthcare crisis and to handle your financial and legal issues is key. This is challenging when no obvious answers exist. However, it should not be avoided. You’ll need an estate plan with advance directives to convey your wishes for medical treatment and end-of-life care.

An estate planning attorney will help draw up a Power of Attorney, so someone of your choice can step in to make legal and financial issues if you become incapacitated. You’ll also want a Healthcare Proxy to name a person who can make medical decisions on your behalf if you can’t communicate your wishes. While it’s comfortable to name a trusted friend, what would happen if they aren’t able to serve? A younger person you know and trust is a better choice for this role.

A Last Will and Testament is needed to establish your wishes for distributing property. Your will is also used to name an executor who administers the will. Think about people you trust who are a generation or two younger than you, like a niece or nephew or the adult child of someone you know well. You’ll need to talk with them about taking on this role; don’t spring it on them after you’ve passed. Just because someone is named an executor doesn’t mean they have to accept the role.

Where you age matters. From safety and socialization standpoints, aging alone in a single-family home may not be the best option. Having a strong network of friends is important for the solo ager. Moving to a planned community with various support systems may be better than aging in place. Explore other housing options while you are still able to live on your own, so you can make an informed choice if and when the time comes for community living.

Estate planning when you’re single doesn’t have to be a headache. A combination of professional help will make the solo aging journey better. An experienced estate planning attorney, financial advisor and health insurance source can help you navigate the legal and business side of your life. Check with your town’s senior center for available social services and activities resources. If you would like to learn more about planning as a single person, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The New York Times (Sept. 21, 2024) “Going Solo: How to Plan for Retirement When You’re on Your Own”

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Safeguarding Wealth is an Essential Strategy for Senior Women

Safeguarding Wealth is an Essential Strategy for Senior Women

Women are living longer and facing unique financial challenges. With life expectancy for women being higher than men, senior women need their retirement savings to stretch further. According to JP Morgan, they often find themselves with less saved due to career breaks for caregiving and the persistent gender pay gap. Safeguarding wealth is an essential strategy for senior women to ensure financial security in their later years.

Retirement planning for women should consider their longer life expectancy and potential career interruptions. A well-crafted financial plan, designed with the help of knowledgeable advisors, can help address these concerns.

Women should actively participate in creating a plan that aligns with their lifestyle needs and future goals, factoring in anticipated and unplanned career breaks. It is also essential to regularly assess savings and investments to ensure that they are on track for a comfortable retirement.

Many women find themselves in the role of caregiver for aging parents. This responsibility often comes with both emotional and financial burdens. Women are more likely than men to leave their jobs to take care of aging parents, impacting their own retirement savings.

Beyond financial concerns, women should also consider the time and energy required for caregiving. Planning with family discussions about responsibilities can help ensure that these roles are agreed upon and manageable.

The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Foundation highlighted the importance of women’s estate planning with the story of Huguette Clark, a wealthy woman who became isolated in her later years. Despite her wealth, Clark spent the last 20 years of her life alone in a hospital room, away from her multiple luxurious homes. She was fearful that everyone was after her money and chose to remain secluded.

Clark’s relatives challenged her will, claiming she was not of a sound mind when it was created. The case was settled. However, it illustrates how vital it is for senior women to protect their wealth and ensure that their wishes are respected.

Women should actively engage in estate planning to protect their wealth and ensure their financial security. This includes creating a will, setting up trusts and naming trusted individuals to manage their estate in case of incapacity. Understanding and participating in these decisions are crucial for senior women to prevent potential disputes and ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes.

Estate administration is another critical aspect of wealth planning for women. When a loved one passes, the burden of administering their estate often falls on women. This role includes locating assets, paying off debts and distributing inheritances, which can be a complex and time-consuming process. By planning ahead and discussing estate administration with family members, women can ensure that they are prepared to take on this role or appoint someone else who is better suited.

Safeguarding wealth is an essential strategy for senior women. If you are looking to secure their financial future, assembling a team of trusted advisors is a crucial first step. This team should include a financial advisor, an estate planning attorney and a tax professional who understand women’s unique challenges.

These advisors can help develop a comprehensive plan that aligns with a woman’s financial goals, family responsibilities and long-term needs. Regular communication with this team ensures that the plan adapts to changing circumstances, providing peace of mind and financial security. If you would like to learn more about planning for women, please visit our previous posts. 

References: J.P. Morgan (Mar. 20, 2024) “Wealth Planning Is a Women’s Issue” and The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) Foundation (Mar. 20, 2024) “Balancing Independence and Vulnerability of Older Adults: What if Granny Wants to Gamble?

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Prepare for Unexpected Medical Events with Estate Planning

Prepare for Unexpected Medical Events with Estate Planning

Estate planning is more than the distribution of property after a person dies. You can prepare for unexpected medical events with estate planning. In fact, a large part of an estate planning attorney’s practice concerns helping people prepare for the unexpected. A recent article from Merrill Foto News, “Know Your Legal Rights: Advance Care Planning Paves The Way For Future Medical Decisions,” explains what steps should be taken.

Anyone over 18 should have certain advance care plan documents in place, although these documents become even more critical as one reaches their later years. People who have been admitted to the hospital for emergency care, treatment for illness, or surgery all need someone else to speak with medical personnel on their behalf.

Having an Advance Directive, which is also known as Health Care Power of Attorney in some states, is necessary for another person to be able to be involved with your medical care. The healthcare law has become very restrictive, and simply being a person’s spouse or child may not be enough to allow you to make critical decisions on their behalf.

It’s best to name two people as your health care power of attorney—a primary and a backup in case the primary is unable or unwilling to act. If you and your spouse are both in a car accident, for instance, you’ll need someone else to advocate for both of you.

Who to name as your agent depends upon your situation. If your adult children live nearby, one of them may be the best choice if they can be counted on to follow your wishes. If no family is nearby, naming a trusted friend may work, unless you and the friend are both elderly. What would happen if your friend predeceased you or was unable to come to the hospital in the middle of the night? Your estate planning attorney can discuss your situation and help you determine the best candidates.

While many fill-in-the-blank Health Care Power of Attorney documents are available, it’s best to have one prepared by an estate planning attorney to reflect your wishes.

Your feelings about artificial life support also may have changed. Before COVID, people often said they didn’t want to be put on a respirator. However, respirators now save lives. Your wishes to be kept alive in the presence of different kinds of medical evidence may have changed from ten years ago. What if your heart is still working and a brain scan shows evidence of mental activities? Progress in medicine has led to more complex questions and answers about patients’ prognoses; you want a healthcare power of attorney document to reflect your wishes, given advances in medicine today.

Your feelings about healthcare decisions may have changed over time, so healthcare directives and an estate plan should be updated similarly to reflect changes in your life and circumstances. An estate planning attorney will help you and your family prepare for unexpected medical events with sound, comprehensive estate planning. If you would like to learn more about dealing with medical issues in your planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Merrill Foto News (July 25, 2024) “Know Your Legal Rights: Advance Care Planning Paves The Way For Future Medical Decisions”

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Disability Insurance is a vital Component of Estate Planning

Disability Insurance is a vital Component of Estate Planning

Disability insurance is a vital component of comprehensive estate planning. It ensures that you and your family can maintain financial stability in the event of a disabling condition. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), understanding the essential aspects of disability insurance is vital to choosing the best policy for your needs.

Disability insurance provides income replacement if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury. It is a safety net that ensures that you can continue to meet financial obligations, even when you are not earning a regular salary.

Imagine being the primary breadwinner for your family. One day, you suffer a severe injury that prevents you from working. Without disability insurance, the loss of income could lead to significant financial hardship. Disability insurance provides stability by covering these losses while you get back on your feet.

Selecting the right disability insurance policy requires understanding various factors and terms. For one, you need to understand the kind of liabilities you have to choose from to find the most suitable coverage. Combine this with Riders that match your needs to get customized, affordable disability coverage.

  • Own-Occupation: This type provides benefits if you cannot perform the duties of your specific occupation. It’s ideal for professionals, like doctors or lawyers, who have specialized skills.
  • Any Occupation: This type only provides benefits if you cannot work in any occupation suited to your experience and education. It’s less expensive but offers broader coverage.
  • Modified Own-Occupation: You receive benefits if you cannot perform your job and are not working in another job. This is a middle-ground option that balances cost and coverage.

What Riders are Available for Disability Insurance?

  • Residual Disability Rider: Provides partial benefits if you can work part-time but not full-time.
  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Rider: Adjusts benefits according to inflation, maintaining your purchasing power.
  • Future Increase Option Rider: You can increase coverage as your income grows without additional medical exams.

The cost of disability insurance varies based on several factors:

  • Age and Gender: Younger individuals and women typically pay higher premiums.
  • Occupation: High-risk jobs attract higher premiums.
  • Health: Pre-existing conditions can increase the cost.
  • Coverage Amount and Duration: Higher benefits and longer durations cost more.
  • Policy Riders: Additional features, like cost-of-living adjustments, can raise premiums.

Disability insurance is a vital component of comprehensive estate planning. Protecting your future requires careful planning. Once you’re injured, it’s too late to begin planning. That’s why you should contact an experienced attorney and start planning today. If you would like to learn more about disability insurance, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: American Medical Association (AMA) (May 21, 2024) “Evaluating a disability policy | American Medical Association”

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Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with Long Term Care Costs

Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with Long Term Care Costs

The numbers are clear: 70% of Americans expect to need long-term care at some point in their retirement. Many people aren’t aware of the importance of long-term care until they are uninsurable because of health conditions or can’t afford the premiums. How can you plan? A Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with long term care costs.

Depending upon where you live and the type of care needed, long-term care costs anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 per year. With an average stay of two to five years, it’s a hefty financial burden without long-term care insurance, a MAPT, and good planning.

Creating a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust requires the help of an experienced estate planning attorney to be sure you obtain all of the benefits of such a trust. Long-term care costs are one of the biggest financial worries for retirees, as noted in a recent article, “This Trust Can Protect Your Assets From Long-Term Care Costs,” from Kiplinger.

The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT) moves money out of your estate into a trust, so it becomes uncountable for Medicaid means-testing purposes. It has to be created and funded at least five years before the applicant can be deemed eligible for Medicaid funding, known as the “Medicaid look-back.”

The trust needs to be set up by an experienced estate planning attorney because there are many fine points to consider. The MAPT won’t serve its intended purpose if it’s not set up correctly.

The MAPT must be an irrevocable trust, meaning the grantor (who set up the trust) no longer has access to those assets. This can be a little unnerving. You’ll also want to speak with your estate planning attorney about your plans for the near and distant future. How will you access funds if you’re putting funds into the trust? Who will be able to access them?

This trust will also benefit families with assets closer to the old estate tax levels. In 2024, the gift and estate tax exemptions are still very high—$13.61 million. However, if the law sunsets without Congress acting, the estate tax could revert to around $5 million or lower if the federal government decides more wealth needs to be taxed. Assets in a trust are not part of the taxable estate, so having a trust also protects assets from federal and state estate taxes.

Trusts are also powerful means of controlling asset distribution. Your MAPT could distribute a set amount of money to a beneficiary throughout their lifetime, or a minor grandchild could be given a certain amount after they’ve completed four years of college or achieved a particular goal.

Consult an estate planning attorney to learn how a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust can help with long term care costs, if they’re right for you, and how to get started. If you would like to learn more about managing assets for long term care, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (July 11, 2024) “This Trust Can Protect Your Assets From Long-Term Care Costs”

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Integrating Irrevocable Trust into Medicaid Planning

Integrating Irrevocable Trust into Medicaid Planning

When planning, especially under the umbrella of elder law and Medicaid, one tool often considered is the irrevocable trust. While reviewing the advantages and challenges of integrating an irrevocable trust into Medicaid planning, it’s important to consider the broader implications of asset management for elder care. This article helps to clarify how these trusts work, their benefits and their limitations.

An irrevocable trust serves a strategic role in Medicaid planning. By transferring assets into an irrevocable trust, these assets are generally not counted as personal assets for Medicaid eligibility purposes. This arrangement allows individuals to qualify for Medicaid, while preserving their wealth for future beneficiaries. This aspect of asset protection is paramount, as the trust shields the assets from creditors and legal claims, ensuring that the beneficiaries’ inheritance remains intact and secure.

Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts (MAPTs) are one type of irrevocable trust specifically designed to safeguard a Medicaid applicant’s assets from being counted towards Medicaid eligibility, as explained by Very Well Health. This is crucial for those whose assets would otherwise disqualify them from receiving Medicaid benefits for long-term care, which is often necessary for custodial care in nursing homes or at home.

Very Well Health notes that Irrevocable Funeral Trusts and Medicaid Compliant Annuities are also used to shield assets to enable seniors to become eligible for Medicaid benefits.

The primary advantage of using an irrevocable trust in Medicaid planning lies in its ability to protect and preserve assets. Since the assets placed in the trust are no longer under the direct control of the individual, they are effectively shielded from many forms of legal recovery efforts, including those from creditors and lawsuits. This protective measure ensures that the assets can be passed on to loved ones without being depleted by external claims or excessive taxation.

Despite their benefits, irrevocable trusts are not without their drawbacks. The most significant of these is the loss of control over the assets. Once assets are placed into an irrevocable trust, the terms of the trust cannot be easily changed, nor can the grantor retrieve the assets. This lack of flexibility can pose a problem if the financial situation of the grantor changes unexpectedly. The Medicaid five-year “look-back” period also applies, meaning that any assets transferred into the trust within five years before applying for Medicaid can incur penalties, potentially affecting Medicaid eligibility.

Setting up and maintaining an irrevocable trust involves navigating complex legal and financial planning landscapes. The trust must be structured correctly to comply with Medicaid regulations and to align with personal estate planning goals. This often requires sophisticated legal and financial advice to ensure that all aspects of the trust serve the intended purpose without unintended consequences.

Key Takeaways:

  • Asset Protection: Irrevocable trusts, including MAPTs, protect assets from being counted towards Medicaid eligibility, allowing individuals to qualify while preserving wealth for beneficiaries.
  • Benefits of Irrevocable Trusts: Assets placed in an irrevocable trust are protected from creditors and lawsuits, ensuring that the beneficiary’s inheritance remains secure.
  • Disadvantages of Irrevocable Trusts: Once assets are transferred into an irrevocable trust, the grantor cannot alter the trust terms or retrieve the assets, reducing flexibility. Transferring assets into a trust less than five years before applying for Medicaid can incur penalties due to the look-back period, potentially affecting eligibility.
  • Complex Setup Requires Legal Guidance: Establishing and maintaining an irrevocable trust requires careful legal and financial planning to ensure compliance with Medicaid rules and alignment with personal goals.

If you have the goal of integrating an irrevocable living trust into Medicaid planning, work closely with your estate planning and elder law attorneys to ensure you have covered all of the complexities of this law. If you would like to learn more about Medicaid planning, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Very Well Health (Feb. 11, 2024) How Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts Work

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The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 6 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 6 is out now! When struck with an unexpected illness, many families must travel to get the quality of care required to treat their ailment, but cannot afford the expenses of temporarily living in a new city. That’s where Ronald McDonald House Charities steps in.

Ronald McDonald House Charities serves as a beacon of hope for families facing unimaginable challenges. Their mission, deeply rooted in compassion and community, resonates strongly in Central Texas and beyond. Through their tireless efforts, they provide vital support to families with critically ill or injured children, ensuring they have a home away from home during their time of need.

In our upcoming episode, we delve into the profound impact of Ronald McDonald House Charities on the local Central Texas community. Zachary B. Wiewel had the privilege of speaking with Derrick Lesnau, outgoing Chief Operating Officer, who graciously shared his insights into the organization’s mission and the invaluable services they provide.



In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 6 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season |Episode 5


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

Managing a Big Age Gap in Estate Planning

Managing a Big Age Gap in Estate Planning

Even if it was never an issue in the past, managing a big age gap in your estate planning can present challenges. When one partner is ten or more years younger than the other, assets need to last longer, and the impact of poor planning or mistakes can be far more complex. The article in Barron’s “Big Age Gap With Your Spouse? What You Need to Know” explains several vital issues.

Examine healthcare coverage and income needs. Health insurance can become a significant issue, especially if one partner is old enough for Medicare and the other does not yet qualify. How will the couple ensure health insurance if the older partner retires and the younger depends on the older partner for healthcare? The younger partner must buy independent healthcare coverage, which can be a budget-buster.

Be strategic about Social Security. Experts advise having the older spouse delay taking Social Security benefits if they are the higher-income partner. If the older spouse passes, the younger spouse can get the bigger of the two Social Security benefits. Delaying benefits means the benefits will be higher.

Planning for RMDs—Required Minimum Distributions. Roth conversions may be a great option for couples with a significant age gap. Large traditional tax-deferred individual IRAs come with large RMDs. When one spouse dies, the surviving spouse is taxed as a single person, which means they’ll hit high tax brackets sooner. However, if the couple converted their IRAs to Roths, the surviving spouse could withdraw without taxes.

Estate planning becomes trickier with a significant age gap, especially if the spouses have been married before. Provisions in their estate plan need to be made for both the surviving spouse and children from prior marriages. An estate planning attorney should be consulted to discuss how trusts can protect the surviving spouse, so no one is disinherited. Beneficiary accounts also need to be checked for beneficiary designations.

Couples with a significant age gap need to address their own mortality. A younger partner who is financially dependent on an older partner needs to be involved in estate and finance planning, so they know what assets and debts exist. Life has a way of throwing curve balls, so both partners need to be prepared for incapacity and death.

Managing a big age gap in your estate planning really requires careful and consistent review of your planning. Plans should be reviewed more often than for couples in the same generation. A lot can happen in six months, especially if one or both partners have health issues. If you would like to learn more about estate planning issues for older couples, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Barron’s (May 19, 2024) “Big Age Gap With Your Spouse? What You Need to Know.”

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