Category: Beneficiaries

Understanding the differences between ABLE Account and Special Needs Trust

Understanding the differences between ABLE Account and Special Needs Trust

Planning for the financial future of a loved one with special needs is crucial. Two essential tools in special needs planning are ABLE accounts and Special Needs Trusts (SNTs). Understanding the differences between an ABLE Account and Special Needs Trust will help you make the right choice.

An Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account is a valuable tool for people with disabilities. As Special Needs Answers reports, they can use it to save up to $18,000 annually starting in 2024. Unlike other accounts, this doesn’t deprive people of means-tested benefits.

ABLE account holders can save up to $100,000 tax-free and spend the funds on disability-related expenses. This covers assistive technology, transportation, education and even leisure activities. Account administration occurs at the state level, and eligibility is set to expand. While anyone disabled before age 26 qualifies now, the threshold will increase to 46 in 2026.

Likewise, individuals can open and manage their ABLE accounts. This provides much more financial independence than a Special Needs Trust (SNT).

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) is a legal document that provisions funds for disabled loved ones. Like the ABLE account, these funds don’t impact eligibility for Medicaid or SSI. An SNT can pay for items that government benefits don’t cover, including therapy, medical care, recreation and travel.

However, there are some limits. Without affecting benefits, SNTs generally can’t be used for essentials, like food and shelter. A Special Needs Trust also can’t cover cash payments or gift cards. Unlike an ABLE account, a trustee manages the SNT. This trustee works with special needs planners to maximize the trust’s value.

One of the main differences between ABLE accounts and Special Needs Trusts is their contribution limits. ABLE accounts are capped at $18,000 annually, with a total savings limit of $100,000. SNTs have no set contribution or savings limits but have tighter controls.

An individual manages their ABLE account. In comparison, a trustee manages an SNT in the name of a disabled individual.

Another critical difference is eligibility of the disabled person. For now, ABLE accounts are only available to people who became disabled before age 26. This is in contrast to SNTs, which have no age restrictions. An SNT is ideal for long-term asset management, while ABLE accounts offer flexibility.

Consult with an elder law attorney to have a full understanding of the differences between an ABLE Account and a Special Needs Trust. Choosing between the two depends on your family’s goals and needs. If you’re looking for a quick, easy, flexible way to save for a loved one’s disability-related expenses, an ABLE account might be ideal. However, a Special Needs Trust is better for long-term planning with no savings limits.

Key Takeaways:

  • ABLE Account: Offers flexibility and direct control for disabled individuals, with a $100,000 savings limit.
  • Special Needs Trust: Offers greater flexibility and long-term security but requires a trustee for oversight.
  • Planning is a Must: An ABLE Account or SNT may better fit your situation. Either way, you should begin planning sooner rather than later to protect your loved one.
  • Plan Ahead: Work with an estate planning attorney to decide which tool is best for your family.

If you would like to learn more about special needs planning, please visit our previous posts.

References: Special Needs Answers (Nov. 13, 2023) “ABLE Accounts in 2024: Save Up to $18,000 Annually”

Special Needs Answers (February 12, 2019) “What Can a Special Needs Trust Pay For?”

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Updating Beneficiaries after Gray Divorce

Updating Beneficiaries after Gray Divorce

Navigating the complexities of estate planning after a mid- to late-life divorce, or “gray divorce,” requires meticulous attention to detail and proactive measures, according to Kiplinger’s article, Don’t Forget to Update Beneficiaries After a Gray Divorce. Updating beneficiaries after a gray divorce is critical to estate planning. This article explores essential considerations for those undergoing a gray divorce, emphasizing the importance of reevaluating estate plans to reflect current intentions and relationships.

While family law attorneys primarily focus on asset division during divorce proceedings, it’s imperative to consider the fate of these assets post-divorce, particularly concerning beneficiaries. Updating beneficiaries on investment accounts, retirement funds and life insurance policies is paramount. Failure to do so could result in unintended consequences, potentially leaving assets to a former spouse.

Many states have statutes that automatically revoke a former spouse as a beneficiary post-divorce. However, these laws vary, and some exceptions exist, notably under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) plans. Understanding the nuances of state laws and ERISA regulations is vital to ensure compliance and avoid costly mistakes.

In some divorces, waivers might be used in decrees to address survivorship benefits related to retirement plans. The effectiveness of these waivers relies on adherence to plan documents and detailed planning. Consulting with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney and incorporating specific language in property settlement agreements can mitigate risks and ensure comprehensive protection of assets.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proactive Approach: Do not wait until after your divorce is finalized to update your beneficiaries. Proactively review and revise beneficiary designations on all relevant accounts.
  • Understanding State Laws: Familiarize yourself with your state’s automatic revocation laws and how they affect beneficiary designations. Ensure that these laws align with your post-divorce intentions.
  • Consulting with Professionals: Consult with an experienced estate planning attorney to navigate the complexities of beneficiary updates and ensure compliance with state laws and ERISA regulations.
  • Detailed Planning: Use specific language in property settlement agreements to address survivorship benefits associated with retirement plans and other assets. Attention to detail is essential to avoid potential conflicts and ensure that your wishes are upheld.

In conclusion, updating beneficiaries after a gray divorce is critical to estate planning. By taking proactive measures, understanding relevant laws and seeking professional guidance, you can protect your assets and secure the financial future of your loved ones. Ready to embark on your post-divorce estate planning journey? Schedule a consultation today and gain peace of mind knowing that your assets are in trusted hands. If you would like to learn more about divorce and reevaluating your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (April 15, 2024) Don’t Forget to Update Beneficiaries After a Gray Divorce

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Key Estate Planning Strategies for Executives

Key Estate Planning Strategies for Executives

Executives manage complex financial landscapes while striving for professional success, creating unique estate planning goals and challenges. Central Trust Company shared insights in the article “Estate Planning For Executives,” which focused on liquidity concerns, tax efficiency and beneficiaries for certain assets. This article explores key estate planning strategies for executive’s unique goals.

Executives often face liquidity challenges and may have a significant portion of their wealth tied up in company stock. Diversifying investments and implementing strategies to manage concentrated stock positions are critical to mitigate risk and enhance financial security.

Navigating tax-efficient giving strategies is essential for executives looking to give back to their communities or support charitable causes. Estate planning considerations, including lifetime gifts and the transfer of vested stock options, play a crucial role in preserving wealth and minimizing tax liabilities.

Transitioning from a successful career to retirement can be exciting and daunting for executives. Planning for retirement involves forecasting complex benefits, managing investment portfolios and ensuring a smooth transition from the accumulation phase to the distribution phase of their financial life.

Comprehensive estate planning for executives includes strategies that address their income tax bracket, estate tax rates and various types of investments. Strategies such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney (POAs) and advance directives are central to protecting an executive’s assets and support building wealth.

A knowledgeable and experienced estate planning attorney is central to a holistic plan that meets an executive’s goals, including:

  • Reducing taxes and taxable estate values.
  • Transferring stock options and other nuanced investments to heirs.
  • Preserving or building their wealth.

Key Estate Planning Strategies For Executives:

  • Address Unique Challenges: Consider liquidity, stock options, estate taxes and beneficiaries.
  • Maximize Tax-Efficiency: Explore tax-efficient strategies to preserve wealth.
  • Build a Comprehensive Plan: Include wills, trusts, and POAs to address diverse financial needs and goals.
  • Define Personal Objectives: Define personal philosophies and objectives to create a comprehensive plan that aligns with your vision for the future.

Given the complexities of their careers and wealth management needs, executives face unique financial and estate planning challenges. Addressing key concerns and defining personal objectives helps executives secure a financial future for themselves and their families. If you would like to learn more about estate planning for wealthy couples and families, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference:  Central Trust Company (July 19, 2023) “Estate Planning For Executives”

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Maximizing Tax-Free Giving to Children

Maximizing Tax-Free Giving to Children

In the ever-evolving landscape of wealth management, affluent estate owners choose to support their children and grandchildren financially during their lifetimes. While the desire to make a positive impact is evident, navigating the tax implications of such generosity can be complex. Fortunately, several strategies exist to facilitate tax-efficient giving, while maximizing the benefits for donors and recipients. Based on Kiplinger’s article, “Three Ways to Give to Your Kids Tax-Free While You’re Still Alive,” we explore three strategies that can maximize tax-free giving to children in your estate planning.

One estate planning strategy leverages possible tax breaks on capital gains.  Beneficiaries of assets that increase in value have traditionally received a break if the IRS calculates capital gains tax based on the inherited value, not when the decedent purchased the asset. The inherited asset’s higher valuation is considered a “stepped-up cost basis” and lowers capital gains tax on any increase in value.

You can give to your children during your lifetime and get capital gains tax breaks if the recipient’s taxable income falls below certain thresholds. If a single child’s taxable income is below $47,025 or a married child’s is below $94,050, they may pay zero capital gains tax upon selling the asset. Note that these tax breaks apply to capital gains. Estate taxes are a different story.

The gift tax exclusion allows individuals and married couples to give money to a child and maximize tax efficiency. Individuals can contribute money to a child’s college education or the down payment on a home as a gift. In 2024, the exclusion amount is $18,000 per recipient or $36,000 for married couples engaging in split gifts. With the lifetime federal exclusion set at $13.61 million per person, most individuals can engage in tax-free giving without exceeding their lifetime allowance.

Specific expenditures, such as educational or medical expenses and direct payments to institutions, are excluded from the annual gift limit and lifetime exclusion. This direct payment strategy allows donors to support significant financial obligations, such as college tuition or medical bills, without impacting their gifting allowances. Donors can provide meaningful support to their children and grandchildren while minimizing tax implications.

While maximizing tax-free giving is essential, assessing the broader impact of financial support on recipients is essential. By incorporating gifts into a comprehensive financial plan, donors can align their generosity with their financial objectives and ensure sustainable support for future generations.

Key Tax-Free Giving to Children Takeaways:

  • Giving to a Child Tax-Free: Take advantage of tax breaks to give to a child in your lifetime.
  • Giving in Your Lifetime: Maximize the tax advantage of giving money to a child during your lifetime.
  • Paying for College: Transferring money directly to a child’s college does not impact the gift tax exclusion limit.

Maximizing tax-free giving allows affluent parents to support their children and grandchildren, while minimizing tax liabilities. Implement gifting strategies and consider the broader financial impact to leave a lasting legacy and support loved ones. If you would like to learn more about minimizing taxes in your estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Kiplinger (April 10, 2024) “Three Ways to Give to Your Kids Tax-Free While You’re Still Alive,”

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Topics You need to Address before a Mid-Life Marriage

Topics You need to Address before a Mid-Life Marriage

Today’s wedding couple is as likely to be 30 or 50 years old as they are to be in their twenties. This trend underscores the importance of having open discussions about finances and retirement before exchanging vows. A recent article from Next Avenue, “The Talk Over-50s Should Have Before Tying the Knot.” Whether you’re getting married for the first time or the second, being closer to retirement has major financial implications. There are topics you need to address before a mid-life marriage.

The most important thing is to disclose each person’s financial situation completely. For some people, this includes their retirement goals and lifestyle choices. What are the potential healthcare issues? Is there debt to be considered? How are each managing their investments?

If both people own homes, a plan for going forward needs to ask a simple question: where will the couple live? Will one sell their home or turn it into a rental property? If it is sold, will the seller retain all the income, or will they buy into ownership of the joint residence? Emotional attachments to homes can make this a difficult discussion, but it needs to be addressed.

Getting married changes each spouse’s legal status, meaning estate plans must be updated. If both have an existing estate plan, it needs to be reviewed. Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, and other estate planning documents must also be updated.

While reviewing and revising estate plans, don’t neglect to check on any accounts with named beneficiaries. More than a few ex-spouses have received insurance proceeds or accounts because someone neglected to update these accounts. The named beneficiary overrides anything in your will, which is critical to updating the estate plan.

If you both have children from prior marriages, meeting with an estate planning attorney to determine how to manage property distribution is another critical step before getting married. You may wish to create and fund trusts before marriage, so assets remain separate property. There are as many different types of trusts as there are family situations, from keeping assets separate to providing for a surviving spouse while ensuring biological children receive their inheritance (SLAT), or family trusts where assets are moved into the trust for the surviving spouse to allocate assets to heirs based on their needs.

Social Security planning should also be part of the discussion. If one spouse is a widow who was receiving survivor benefits, they could lose those benefits when they get married.

Talk with an estate planning attorney to address these topics before a mid-life marriage. That way you fully understand your situation and ensure you and your spouse are ready for the changes and challenges of your senior years together. If you would like to learn more about mid-life or second marriages and estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Next Avenue (March 14, 2024) “The Talk Over-50s Should Have Before Tying the Knot”

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Avoiding Trouble with Your Trustee

Avoiding Trouble with Your Trustee

Estate planning and elder law considerations linger in the background of our senior years. We plan for senior living, incapacity, and Medicaid. We create an estate plan to protect and preserve your wealth and provide for heirs after you are gone. Trusts are a smart and well-known estate planning tool that names or appoints a trustee to administer and distribute the assets according to the terms. However, how often do estate owners ask, “What if something goes wrong and the trustee breaches their duties?” This blog offers tips on avoiding trouble with your trustee.

The case discussed in WealthCounsel’s article, Trustee of Living Trust Who Was Beneficiary of Decedent’s Residuary Estate Had Duty to Collect and Protect Assets Not Yet Transferred to Trust,” reminds us to take steps in appointing the right trustee and to draft the trust’s terms carefully.

The case discussed in WealthCounsel’s article involved three beneficiaries, three co-trustees and assets meant for a restated revocable trust. One of the trustees did not collect and protect untransferred trust assets. The deceased’s three children and their mother sued that trustee for breaching fiduciary duty.

The Barash v. Lembo case underscores a critical aspect of trusteeship: the duty to protect and collect assets awaiting transfer into the trust designated for distribution from the trust. Despite the probate process, trustees must proactively preserve trust assets, even before their transfer.

In this case, the Connecticut Supreme Court emphasized that trustees are entrusted with a fiduciary duty from the moment of acceptance. This duty extends to diligently administering the trust in the beneficiaries’ best interests, including the prudent collection and protection of assets.

Central to the trustee’s role is the obligation to uncover and address breaches of fiduciary duty by prior fiduciaries. Whether it’s compelling the transfer of assets or rectifying breaches, trustees must act in the trust’s best interests.

When a testamentary trust emerges as a will beneficiary, trustees are tasked with pursuing reasonable claims against the estate executor. This duty demands due diligence in securing all trust assets and ensuring comprehensive asset management.

While a duty of due diligence binds trustees, evaluating their performance hinges on contextual considerations. All trustee’s actions are scrutinized within the framework of trust administration dynamics, emphasizing the need for meticulous asset management.

In Barash v. Lembo, the court’s ruling underscores the significance of trustees’ proactive engagement in protecting and collecting trust assets. Trustees must exercise diligence and vigilance, leveraging legal avenues to preserve beneficiaries’ interests.

In your pursuit of avoiding trouble with your trustee, partner with a seasoned estate planning attorney who understands the intricacies of trust administration. If you would like to learn more about trustees and trust administration, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: WealthCounsel (Jan 19, 2024) “Trustee of Living Trust Who Was Beneficiary of Decedent’s Residuary Estate Had Duty to Collect and Protect Assets Not Yet Transferred to Trust.”

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New IRS Tax Rule affects Irrevocable Trusts in Estate Planning

New IRS Tax Rule affects Irrevocable Trusts in Estate Planning

Trusts have been foundational estate planning strategies for decades and are becoming more popular as economic shifts and the aging population highlight unique estate planning goals. An irrevocable trust is one practical estate planning strategy for excluding assets from an estate’s taxable value, safeguarding wealth and helping to meet asset threshold limits for government benefits like Medicaid. The Tax Advisor details how the 2023-2 IRS tax rule has significantly impacted estate planning strategies, particularly irrevocable trusts. We look at how this new IRS tax rule affects irrevocable trusts in your estate planning.

Capital gains taxes are the heart of the IRS Rule 2023-2 changes. Individuals pay taxes on the difference between an asset’s purchase price and a higher sell price as that asset’s value grows over time. The original purchase price is their cost basis or non-taxed value. Amounts over the cost basis are taxed as a capital gain. Assets include property, investments, cars and anything providing income or profit. If you create or update an estate plan, the IRS rule may change your estate planning or updates in 2024. Work with an experienced estate planning attorney to find the right type of trust for your goals and structure it accordingly.

The cost basis for an asset’s beneficiaries significantly impacts capital gains taxes once they sell. Capital gains from the deceased’s date of purchase will be much higher than fair market value on the date of death. An irrevocable trust typically gave heirs a break by calculating an inherited asset’s capital gains from the fair market value at the owner’s death. That tax break has changed.

The IRS issued Rule 2023-2 in early 2023, which impacts an inherited asset’s cost basis for capital gains taxes. The cost basis was calculated on the fair market value on the date of death but is based on the deceased’s date of purchase as of March 2023. Calculating taxes from the date of purchase is considered a “step-down,” meaning a lower cost base and higher capital gains. Conversely, the date of death means fair market value at a higher cost basis and less capital gains.

The main differentiator with an irrevocable trust is its ability to exclude assets from an estate’s valuation. The person establishing an irrevocable trust technically no longer owns the assets. This type of trust is a strategy that helps older adults applying for Medicaid benefits meet maximum thresholds.

With the new IRS rule, assets in an irrevocable trust are not part of the owner’s taxable estate at their death and are not eligible for the fair market valuation when transferred to an heir. The 2023-2 rule doesn’t give an heir the higher cost basis or fair market value of the inherited asset. Once they sell that asset, capital gains taxes are calculated using the value when the deceased purchased it.

Families increasingly use irrevocable trusts to safeguard assets from spend-down for government benefits, like Medicaid and VA Aid and Attendance.

Future considerations must include reevaluating how irrevocable trusts are structured to navigate the evolving tax landscape effectively. Planning strategies need to adapt to ensure that assets are protected, and taxes are minimized for the benefit of future generations.

This new IRS tax rule raises important considerations about how it might affect irrevocable trust estate planning. While it may seem like irrevocable trust planning could lead to additional taxes for beneficiaries, the reality is more nuanced. Future considerations in estate planning involve setting up irrevocable trusts that align with new IRS rules. If you would like to learn more about irrevocable trusts, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: The Tax Advisor (Nov. 1, 2023) “Rev. Rul. 2023-2’s Impact on Estate Plans.”

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Protect Family Wealth from Third Generation Curse

Have you heard of the “Great Wealth Transfer?” It’s the period when Baby Boomers are projected to pass trillions of dollars to the next generation. Creating or updating an estate plan to protect family wealth from the third-generation curse requires communication between generations centered on the values leading to wealth creation and a financial education on how to preserve and grow wealth.

The anticipated $84 trillion expected to be bequeathed to Generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z beneficiaries sounds enormous, but the third-generation curse may leave heirs with far less than expected. Often, wealth is earned by one generation, grown by the second generation who witnessed firsthand how hard their parents worked to maintain their wealth, and mismanaged or wasted by the third generation members, who are too far from the original wealth creation to respect it.

Many estate plans are structured to address tax planning, but that’s only one aspect of estate planning. Communicating the “why” of the estate plan, including where the money came from, how it has been stewarded over the years, and what needs to happen to protect it, will help beneficiaries have a deeper regard for their inheritance.

Boomer values may differ from their heir’s values, but they may also be similar, as they use different language to describe the same thing. Clarifying these values and communicating with heirs may help to give context to their inheritance and its importance.

Understanding your priorities and values should ideally lead to an estate plan reflecting your wishes. For instance, if the family prizes education, your estate planning attorney may advise you to create a trust to fund advanced education. Such a trust should be accompanied by a letter of intent explaining your wishes and values to both trustees and heirs.

If you’re unsure about mandating the use of funds, you may have your estate planning attorney create a discretionary trust with a similar letter explaining what you’d like them to use the funds for and why it’s important to you. Because circumstances change, the trustee will have the flexibility to distribute the funds as they see fit.

Creating or updating an estate plan to protect your family wealth from the third-generation curse will give everyone the peace of mind they crave. When the estate plan is completed, have a series of conversations with family members about what’s in the plan and why. They don’t need to know every detail, but broad strokes will go a long way in letting them know what you’ve done, your wishes, and your hopes for their future. If you would like to learn more about planning for future generations, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Kiplinger (March 12, 2024) “How Estate Planning Can Thwart the ‘Third-Generation Curse’”

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Risks of Adding a Child as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Risks of Adding a Child as a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Life insurance is a critical part of family financial planning, ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of financially when you’re no longer around. A common approach many parents consider is adding their child’s name as a life insurance beneficiary, believing it to be a straightforward way to secure their child’s future. However, this decision carries unexpected complications and risks that many are unaware of. There are hidden risks of adding your child as a life insurance beneficiary.

At first glance, naming your minor child as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy seems like a caring gesture. It’s natural to want to provide for your children’s future directly. However, this well-intentioned move can lead to unforeseen legal and financial hurdles.

Minors are not legally allowed to receive life insurance benefits directly, says Policygenius in an article titled “Naming a child as a life insurance beneficiary.” If a minor is named as a beneficiary, the death benefit payout is delayed until a court appoints a custodian to manage the funds, which can take months. The surviving parent or a guardian named in your will is often appointed as the guardian. During this time, your child would not have access to the financial support you intended, potentially impacting their immediate needs.

Once an adult custodian is appointed, they can only use the money for court-approved expenses, such as living expenses and education. Your child might only access the funds at age 18. This process delays support and limits how the funds are used, contrary to your wishes.

Setting up a trust is the best way to ensure that your child benefits from your life insurance policy without legal entanglements or delays. Creating a trust for your minor child allows you to control how and when the benefits are distributed. You can specify conditions, such as funds for specific types of education, vacations, or an allowance, ensuring that the money supports your child in the most beneficial ways. This setup avoids the need for court intervention, providing a smoother transition of financial support.

While not all families choose to create a trust, naming an adult custodian or guardian for minor children is an essential step for estate planning. Appointing a guardian ensures that the person(s) you choose will both raise your children according to your wishes and financially manage the insurance policy death benefit on behalf of your child until they reach adulthood. Selecting a trusted individual for this role is crucial, since they will have significant control over your child’s financial and caregiving support.

Naming your spouse as the primary beneficiary, with a trust as the secondary, ensures that your spouse can manage household finances and support your child’s future if you’re no longer there. It’s essential to regularly review and update your life insurance beneficiaries to reflect life changes, ensuring that your policy aligns with your current wishes.

Adding a child’s name as a life insurance beneficiary might seem like a simple way to secure their future, but it comes with risks. By considering alternatives, like trusts or adult custodians, you can ensure that your child receives the support you intend without unnecessary legal hurdles or delays. If you would like to learn more about life insurance and estate planning, please visit our previous post. 

Reference: Policygenius (Aug. 17, 2023) “Naming a child as a life insurance beneficiary”

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When Gift Tax Return Should Be Filed

When Gift Tax Return Should Be Filed

Gift tax returns may be the most misunderstood and overlooked part of estate planning. The first mistake people make, according to the article “Know The Most Misunderstood Part Of Estate Plans: Gift Tax Returns” from Forbes, is not knowing when a gift tax return should be filed. Even if a gift you make is tax-free, you might have to file a return anyway. And there are times when you aren’t required to file a gift tax return, but it’s still a good idea to do so.

The gift tax return is IRS Form 709, which can be downloaded from the IRS website at no cost.

In most cases, the IRS can’t take action on an incorrect gift tax return once more than three years have passed since it was originally filed. There are exceptions for fraudulent returns or if a return is either missing information or substantially misstates information.

However, there’s no statute of limitations if you fail to file a gift tax return, and the IRS can raise questions about the transaction at any time. This includes coming after your heirs or your estate after you’ve passed. At that time, your heirs or executor may not have the evidence to prove you complied with the tax law. The IRS would be within its rights to assess not only the gift tax but also penalties and interest for all the years from the date of the gift tax filing to the current date.

For this reason alone, it’s a good idea to file a gift tax return if there’s even the slightest question of whether it’s necessary.

Form 709 has a section for reporting “non-gift transactions.” Some estate planning attorneys recommend taking advantage of this to start the statute of limitations clock ticking and prevent the IRS from recharacterizing your gift years later as a taxable gift.

Consider this especially when you sell assets to a trust or shift assets from one irrevocable trust to another, known as “decanting” a trust. Consider also filing a gift tax return for a non-gift if you take advantage of the generation-skipping transfer tax exemption through a trust.

Another common mistake is not realizing that certain actions are considered gifts by the IRS, whether in the general sense or not. Let’s say you sell an asset to your children at less than market value. The difference between the selling price and the market value is a gift. So is forgiving or making a loan at a below-market interest rate.

If parents pay bills for adult children, this might be considered a gift if the gifts are valuable or if you also make significant gifts of money or property to the same person in the same year.

A gift tax issue the IRS pays close attention to is valuation. There’s not much question about the value of a publicly traded security, but for many other assets, there’s a lot of room to question the correct value, and the gift tax is based on the asset value at the time the gift is made.

While spouses may make unlimited gifts to each other tax-free, there are times when gifts between spouses must be reported. One time is when the gift is defined in the tax code as a “terminable interest.” Another time is if one spouse is not a U.S. citizen. Gifts to that spouse from the other spouse exceeding a certain amount during the year must be reported on IRS Form 709.

It’s always a good idea to check with your estate planning attorney about when a gift tax return should be filed to protect yourself and your heirs. If you would like to read more about gifting and estate planning, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (Feb. 16, 2024) “Know The Most Misunderstood Part Of Estate Plans: Gift Tax Returns”

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