Category: Asset Protection

Revising Estate Planning Ensures Assets Are Protected Post-Divorce

Revising Estate Planning Ensures Assets Are Protected Post-Divorce

Divorce changes not only a person’s financial and personal life but also the way their assets will be handled after death. Many people overlook the importance of updating estate planning documents after a divorce, which can result in unintended beneficiaries receiving inheritances or former spouses retaining control over critical financial and medical decisions. Revising your estate planning ensures that assets are protected and aligned with post-divorce goals.

How Divorce Affects Your Estate Plan

Divorce changes personal and financial circumstances and how assets will be distributed after death. Many forget to update their estate plans, leaving former spouses as beneficiaries or decision-makers. Without revisions, an ex-spouse could inherit assets, manage finances, or make medical decisions in an emergency.

Key documents that need immediate attention include wills, trusts, powers of attorney and beneficiary designations on life insurance and retirement accounts. Updating these ensures that assets go to intended heirs and that financial and medical decisions remain in trusted hands.

Updating Wills and Trusts

A divorce does not automatically remove an ex-spouse from an estate plan. If a will or trust still names the former spouse as a primary beneficiary or executor, they may inherit assets or retain authority over the estate. Updating key documents includes:

  • Revising a will to name new beneficiaries and executors
  • Amending or revoking any revocable trusts that include the former spouse
  • Reviewing state laws, some jurisdictions automatically void spousal provisions upon divorce, while others do not

Failing to update these documents may lead to unnecessary legal battles or the distribution of assets against the person’s wishes.

Changing Beneficiary Designations

Many financial assets pass directly to named beneficiaries outside of a will, making beneficiary updates essential after divorce. Documents to review include:

  • Life insurance policies and retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs
  • Payable-on-death (POD) and transfer-on-death (TOD) accounts
  • Jointly held assets or real estate with right of survivorship

If an ex-spouse remains listed as a beneficiary, they may still receive these assets, regardless of the divorce decree. Updating beneficiary designations ensures that assets go to the intended individuals.

Adjusting Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives

Divorce often necessitates appointing new individuals to manage financial and medical decisions in case of incapacity. Changes to consider include:

  • Naming a new power of attorney for financial matters
  • Revising a healthcare proxy to designate a trusted individual for medical decisions
  • Ensuring that living wills and advance directives reflect current wishes

Leaving a former spouse in control of these decisions can lead to unintended complications, particularly in medical emergencies.

Secure Your Legacy with an Updated Estate Plan

Divorce requires more than financial separation—it demands a complete estate plan review to prevent unintended consequences. Revising your estate planning to reflect your current wishes is critical to protecting your assets post-divorce. If you would like to learn more about planning post-divorce, please visit our previous posts. 

References: Investopedia (June 25, 2024) “Rewriting Your Will After Divorce” and Justia (September 2024) Estate Planning After Divorce

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Estate Planning for Americans Living outside the U.S.

Estate Planning for Americans Living outside the U.S.

There are many nuances to estate planning for Americans living outside of the U.S. While the current federal estate tax levels are extremely high, there are different rules in other countries, and a clear understanding is needed, as reported in the Tax Management International Journal/Bloomberg Tax article, “Americans Living Overseas Need Cross-Border Estate Planning.”

At the very least, expatriates will want to understand the federal estate tax and how it works with state-level taxes and how European taxes work, which are very different than the American model.

The current 2025 federal estate tax exemption is $13.99 million per individual, and estates below this threshold don’t pay federal taxes. The exemption will likely remain at elevated levels in the foreseeable future. Estates exceeding this level are taxed at rates up to 40%. However, most high-net-worth individuals have strategic estate planning to minimize their tax liability. Lifetime gifting, charitable donations and trusts shelter assets and pass wealth on to future generations.

Several states have their estate taxes, which are typically far lower than the federal level. Oregon, Rhode Island and Massachusetts have the lowest exclusions at $2 million or less. New York State’s estate tax exclusion is $7.16 million. However, there’s a so-called “cliff tax” if the estate value exceeds the exemption even slightly. In most states, the estate tax ranges from 0.8% to 20%. Your estate planning attorney will know what your state’s exemptions are.

Inheritance taxes are levied only by a few states, including Iowa, Nebraska, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Maryland, known as a corporate haven for its low business taxes, imposes both estate and inheritance taxes. These taxes are based on the value of the inheritance and the relationship to the decedent.

In Europe, U.S. citizens are subject to more inheritance taxes, where exemptions tend to be lower, and rates are far higher than in the U.S. If you live overseas, you’ll need to consider the cost of your exposure to two tax systems. U.S. federal estate taxes apply wherever you live, in or outside of the U.S., and European inheritance taxes are based on where the decedent lived.

Estate planning for expats requires a multi-national approach. Find out if your country has a U.S. Estate and Gift Tax Treaty, which may allow credits to offset taxes paid in one country against those owned in another.

American citizens may gift up to $19,000 per person every year tax-free. Some European countries have a similar situation where lifetime gifting is based on the relationship between the grantor and the recipient.

Trusts recognized in the U.S. may not be recognized in other countries, so be sure the structure works in both the U.S. and your country of residence to avoid unexpected taxes.

The will you created in the U.S. may not be in compliance with another country and could lead to problems in estate administration.

Estate planning for Americans living outside of the U.S. can be complicated and difficult. Speak with an experienced estate planning attorney who can help you navigate the estate taxes and estate planning needs for living outside of the U.S. You’ll need to plan strategically to navigate American and your adopted nation’s estate tax structures. If you would like to learn more about planning for those outside the U.S, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Tax Management International Journal/Bloomberg Tax (Jan. 28, 2025) “Americans Living Overseas Need Cross-Border Estate Planning”

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Post-Nuptial Agreement can help Couples avoid Conflicts

Post-Nuptial Agreement can help Couples avoid Conflicts

Marriage later in life—often called a “gray marriage”—is becoming increasingly common as people remarry after divorce or the loss of a spouse. While love and companionship are at the heart of these unions, financial and legal complexities should not be overlooked. A post-nuptial agreement can help couples align their financial goals, protect assets and avoid potential conflicts, ensuring long-term security for both partners.

What Is a Postnuptial Agreement?

A postnuptial agreement is a legally binding contract created between spouses after marriage (as opposed to a prenuptial agreement, which the parties create before marriage). It outlines how to handle assets, debts and financial responsibilities during the marriage and in the event of divorce or death. Unlike a prenuptial agreement signed before marriage, a post-nuptial agreement allows couples to adjust their financial arrangements as circumstances evolve.

Why Postnuptial Agreements Matter in Later Life

For couples in a gray marriage, a post-nuptial agreement can clarify financial rights, protect inheritances for children from previous relationships and establish expectations regarding healthcare and estate planning.

Protecting Retirement Assets

Many older couples enter marriage with substantial retirement savings, real estate and other financial assets. Without explicit agreements, these assets may be subject to division in the event of divorce, potentially jeopardizing retirement security. A post-nuptial agreement can specify how these funds will be managed and allocated.

Ensuring Inheritance for Children and Heirs

In second or later marriages, spouses may have children from prior relationships. A post-nuptial agreement can ensure that specific assets or family heirlooms remain designated for biological children or grandchildren rather than automatically passing them to the surviving spouse. This arrangement helps prevent inheritance disputes and aligns estate planning goals.

Managing Debt Responsibility

Later-in-life marriages often involve individuals who have accumulated debts, including mortgages, business obligations, or personal loans. A post-nuptial agreement can clarify which debts are jointly shared and which remain the responsibility of the original borrower, preventing unexpected financial burdens.

Addressing Healthcare and Long-Term Care Costs

As couples age, medical expenses and long-term care costs become increasingly relevant. A post-nuptial agreement can outline how these costs will be covered, whether through shared finances, separate assets, or long-term care insurance. It can also specify healthcare decision-making responsibilities, if one spouse becomes incapacitated.

Clarifying Financial Expectations and Support

Some spouses in gray marriages may choose to keep their finances separate, while others prefer joint accounts. A post-nuptial agreement can establish clear expectations about how expenses, investments and financial support will be handled, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings.

How to Create a Post-Nuptial Agreement

Couples should begin by discussing their financial goals, individual assets and any concerns about estate planning or debt. It’s important to be transparent about existing financial obligations and expectations for the future.

Work with an Attorney

A post-nuptial agreement should be drafted with an experienced attorney who understands family law and estate planning. Each spouse should have their own legal counsel to ensure that the agreement is fair and enforceable.

Ensure Full Disclosure

For a post-nuptial agreement to be legally valid, both spouses must fully disclose their assets, debts and financial interests. Any attempt to hide financial information could lead to the agreement being challenged in court.

Review and Update as Needed

As financial circumstances change, reviewing and updating the agreement periodically is important. Major life events like retirement, health changes, or new financial goals may warrant revisions.

Are Post-Nuptial Agreements Legally Enforceable?

Post-nuptial agreements are legally recognized in most states. However, courts will assess them based on fairness, financial disclosure and whether both spouses entered into the agreement voluntarily. If an agreement is unfair or was signed under duress, a court may choose not to enforce it.

Strengthening a Marriage through Financial Clarity

A post-nuptial agreement is not just about protecting assets – it can also help couples avoid conflicts and strengthen a marriage by fostering open communication and reducing financial uncertainty. By addressing financial concerns proactively, couples in gray marriages can focus on building a secure and fulfilling future together. If you would like to learn more about post-nuptial agreements, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: AARP (Nov. 15, 2024) “The Marriage Agreement Every Gray Couple Should Sign (and It’s Not a Prenup)

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A No-Contest Clause can Protect your Planning

A No-Contest Clause can Protect your Planning

While the number of wills being contested may sound small, this number doesn’t include the many wills not contested because of strategies used to discourage litigation. If your family includes people likely to battle over your estate plan, you’ll want to know about how a no-contest clause can protect your planning. A recent article from Think Advisor, “How to ‘Bulletproof’ a Will With a No-Contest Clause,” explains how to protect your wishes.

Tens of thousands of wills are impacted by contested wills yearly, and even the closest families can find themselves fighting over inheritances. One way to prevent this is with no-contest clauses, also known as the in-terrorem clauses, placed in wills and trusts to discourage heirs from voiding their claims to any part of the overall estate if they challenge the will in court proceedings.

Estate battle reasons vary, from sibling rivalry to intergenerational power struggles. The outcome of using a no-contest clause depends on state statutes, evolving case law and how much the warring parties can or want to invest in estate litigation.

Encouraging discussion between all stakeholders in advance of the passing of the parent or grandparent can give time for everyone to work through any disagreements before courts become involved. However, even with the best of intentions, clear communication doesn’t always resolve the issues.

Almost every jurisdiction has addressed whether or not no-contest clauses can be enforced, either by law or by case law. Vermont doesn’t have any laws about enforcement, and Indiana and Florida do not allow the use of no-contest clauses.

A no-contest clause is relatively simple. However, there are limitations to be aware of. No-contest clauses work only for named beneficiaries who have a claim in the will, and they must be given a sufficient interest under the will or trust for the no-contest clause to be useful. Someone who has been cut out of a will entirely has nothing to lose by taking family members to court for their perceived deserved inheritance, while someone who stands to inherit something, albeit a smaller amount than they would have wished, could lose everything if the no-contest clause is enforced.

Many estate litigation matters involve individuals who receive significant interests. However, feel they that did not receive what they see as unequal or non-controlling interests. In these cases, the enforcement may be relatively straightforward.

Challengers who file actions because they believe someone unduly influenced the testator can be problematic. Few people understand how undue influence works in a legal setting. Undue influence can be found when a person makes bad or unfair choices because of an alleged wrongdoer’s behavior towards them, causing the victim to placate the person. However, proving undue influence is not easy.

There are strategies to overcome no-contest clauses, so estate plans must be prepared with these in mind. In some instances, estate administration is challenged, including actions over improper investments, or raising interpretations of ambiguities.

An estate planning attorney with experience will show you how a no-contest clause can protect your planning and create an estate plan to stand up to challenges from dissatisfied family members or others who feel they have been treated unfairly. If you would like to learn more about no-contest clauses, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Think Advisor (Jan. 16, 2025) “How to ‘Bulletproof’ a Will With a No-Contest Clause”

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Financial Blunders Grandparents Should Avoid with Grandchildren

Financial Blunders Grandparents Should Avoid with Grandchildren

Grandparents often find immense joy in supporting their grandchildren, whether by funding education, contributing to major milestones, or simply providing for day-to-day needs. While these gestures can create lasting memories, an article from the AARP explains that financial missteps can lead to unintended consequences. Grandparents can balance generosity with financial security by understanding potential pitfalls and adopting thoughtful strategies. There are some common financial blunders grandparents should avoid with grandchildren.

Overextending Finances and Other Common Financial Mistakes Grandparents Make

One of the most common errors grandparents make is giving more than they can afford. This often happens out of a desire to help with significant expenses, like college tuition or housing. While the intention is noble, overcommitting financially can jeopardize retirement savings and long-term stability. Grandparents must evaluate their financial capacity before making significant commitments. Consulting with a financial advisor can clarify how much they can comfortably give without endangering their financial health.

Co-Signing Loans

Co-signing a loan for a grandchild, whether for a car, education, or personal use, can have serious implications. If the grandchild is unable to make payments, the financial burden falls on the grandparent, potentially damaging their credit score or creating unexpected debt. It’s essential to understand the risks before co-signing any financial agreement. Alternatives, such as contributing smaller amounts directly toward the loan, can provide support without the same level of risk.

Giving Unequally Among Grandchildren

Favoritism, whether intentional or perceived, can strain family relationships. For instance, funding one grandchild’s college tuition while offering no support to others can lead to resentment or conflict. To avoid these issues, grandparents should strive for fairness, considering equitable ways to help all grandchildren. Transparency about financial decisions and the reasoning behind them can also reduce misunderstandings.

Ignoring Tax Implications

Generous gifts can sometimes lead to unintended tax consequences. In 2025, the IRS allows individuals to gift up to $19,000 annually per recipient without triggering gift tax reporting requirements. Exceeding this threshold may require filing a gift tax return or result in tax liabilities. Grandparents should understand these limits and plan their giving accordingly. Contributions to 529 college savings plans or medical expenses paid directly to providers are additional tax-efficient options.

Failing to Prioritize Estate Planning

Large gifts made without considering overall estate planning goals can disrupt long-term plans or unintentionally disinherit certain heirs. Without proper documentation, disputes can arise among family members. Grandparents should incorporate financial gifts into their broader estate plans. Working with an estate planning attorney ensures that gifts align with their goals and minimize potential conflicts.

To avoid financial missteps, grandparents can adopt these thoughtful strategies:

  • Set clear boundaries and determine how much you can give without compromising your financial security.
  • Plan equitable contributions to ensure fairness among grandchildren, while considering individual needs.
  • Focus on education by contributing to tax-advantaged accounts, like 529 plans.
  • Pay for specific expenses directly to avoid triggering gift tax complications.
  • Work with financial and legal professionals to develop a giving strategy that aligns with long-term goals.

The Importance of Communication

Open communication with family members is key to avoiding misunderstandings or conflicts. Discuss your intentions and limitations with both your children and grandchildren, ensuring that everyone understands your approach to financial support. These conversations can strengthen family bonds and provide clarity about your financial role.

Balancing Generosity with Stability

Supporting grandchildren financially can be one of the most fulfilling aspects of grandparenting. Grandparents can avoid financial blunders with grandchildren by implementing thoughtful strategies that can provide meaningful assistance, while safeguarding their financial future. A balanced approach ensures that your generosity strengthens family ties without creating financial or relational strain. If you would like to learn more about estate planning for older couples, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: AARP (Nov. 11, 2024)The 5 Worst Mistakes Grandparents Can Make with Money”

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Leaving Inheritance to a Child with Addiction requires thoughtful Planning

Leaving Inheritance to a Child with Addiction requires thoughtful Planning

Leaving an inheritance to a child with addiction requires thoughtful planning to balance their needs with potential risks. Addiction can compromise a person’s ability to manage finances responsibly, increasing the likelihood of misused funds or exacerbating harmful behaviors. By implementing tailored estate planning strategies, parents can protect their children, while ensuring their legacy is used constructively.

Challenges of Leaving a Lump Sum Inheritance

Directly transferring a lump sum inheritance to a child with addiction poses significant risks. The sudden availability of large amounts of money can intensify addictive behaviors, leading to financial instability, strained family relationships and even legal troubles.

In addition, addiction often results in a lack of financial literacy or accountability, making it difficult for the individual to manage their inheritance responsibly. Parents must consider these challenges when planning their estate to ensure that the inheritance is a source of support rather than harm.

Estate Planning Strategies to Protect a Child with Addiction

A trust is one of the most effective tools for managing an inheritance for a child with addiction. Parents can appoint a trustee to oversee distributions and ensure that the funds are used responsibly by creating a discretionary trust.

The trustee, often a professional or trusted family member, can manage payments for essential needs like housing, education, or treatment. This arrangement provides financial stability, while minimizing the risk of misuse.

Include Incentives

Incentive trusts encourage positive behaviors by linking distributions to specific milestones or achievements. For example, a trust might provide additional funds if the beneficiary completes a rehabilitation program, maintains stable employment, or avoids legal troubles.

By structuring the trust this way, parents can promote recovery and self-sufficiency, while ensuring the inheritance aligns with their child’s best interests.

Use Spendthrift Provisions

Spendthrift provisions limit the beneficiary’s access to the trust’s funds, protecting the assets from creditors, lawsuits, or impulsive spending. This legal safeguard is particularly valuable for individuals with addiction, as it prevents external pressures or poor decision-making from depleting the inheritance.

Consider Lifetime Gifting

For parents who prefer to provide financial support during their lifetime, lifetime gifting allows them to contribute smaller, manageable amounts. This approach enables them to monitor how their child uses the funds and adjust future support based on their child’s progress and needs.

Collaborate with Addiction Professionals

Involving addiction specialists or financial therapists in the planning process can help parents design an inheritance strategy tailored to their child’s specific challenges. These professionals can offer guidance on treatment resources, behavioral incentives and effective trust structures.

Communicating the Plan

Open communication about the estate plan can help manage family expectations and reduce potential conflicts. While discussing addiction and inheritance may be difficult, transparency fosters understanding and ensures that other family members are aware of the reasoning behind specific decisions.

Parents should also document their intentions clearly in the estate plan to prevent disputes among heirs. Including a letter of intent can provide additional context and convey the love and support behind the decisions.

The Role of Professional Guidance

Leaving an inheritance to a child with addiction requires thoughtful planning. Working with an estate planning attorney is essential to navigating these complexities. Attorneys can help draft trusts, incorporate spendthrift provisions and ensure that the plan complies with legal requirements. Their expertise ensures that the inheritance strategy aligns with the family’s goals, while protecting the child’s long-term well-being. If you would like to learn more about inheritance planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Guardian (June 19, 2010) “Experience: I blew my million dollar inheritance”



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Strategies to Resolve Disputes Between Beneficiaries

Strategies to Resolve Disputes Between Beneficiaries

Disputes between trust beneficiaries are common, often arising from misunderstandings, perceived inequalities, or conflicting interpretations of the trust’s terms. These disputes can escalate without timely resolution, leading to costly legal battles and damaged relationships. Employing proactive strategies can help resolve disputes between beneficiaries, while safeguarding the trust’s purpose.

Common Causes of Beneficiary Disputes

Many disputes stem from beneficiaries’ lack of understanding of the trust’s terms. Complex legal language or vague provisions can lead to confusion and differing interpretations. For example, disagreements may arise over distribution schedules, asset valuations, or trustee authority.

Perceived Inequity

Beneficiaries may feel that the trust favors certain individuals, particularly if unequal distributions are involved. These perceptions can lead to resentment and claims of unfair treatment, even if the terms align with the grantor’s wishes.

Trustee Mismanagement

Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries. However, allegations of mismanagement or conflicts of interest can trigger disputes. Common issues include failure to provide timely accountings, excessive fees, or favoritism.

External Influences

Family dynamics, personal grievances, or outside pressures can exacerbate disputes. For example, disagreements unrelated to the trust—such as unresolved sibling rivalries—may influence beneficiaries’ perceptions and behaviors.

Strategies for Resolving Beneficiary Disputes

The first step in resolving disputes is ensuring that all beneficiaries understand the trust’s provisions. Trustees or estate planning attorneys can provide detailed explanations, highlighting the grantor’s intent and addressing specific concerns. Providing beneficiaries with a clear accounting of the trust’s assets and distribution plan can also alleviate misunderstandings.

Facilitate Open Communication

Encouraging open and respectful dialogue among beneficiaries can prevent conflicts from escalating. Regular meetings or discussions, mediated if necessary, allow beneficiaries to voice their concerns and reach a consensus. A neutral party, such as a mediator or financial advisor, can help facilitate these conversations and maintain focus on the trust’s purpose.

Consider Mediation

Mediation offers a cost-effective and non-adversarial alternative to litigation. A professional mediator works with beneficiaries and trustees to identify the root causes of disputes and negotiate mutually agreeable solutions. This approach preserves relationships, while addressing concerns about the trust’s administration.

Appoint a Neutral Trustee

If disputes involve allegations of trustee bias or mismanagement, appointing a neutral third-party trustee can restore confidence in the trust’s administration. Professional fiduciaries or corporate trustees bring objectivity and expertise, reducing the potential for future conflicts.

Utilize No-Contest Clauses

Grantors can include no-contest clauses in the trust to discourage frivolous disputes. These clauses state that beneficiaries who challenge the trust’s terms risk forfeiting their inheritance. While not enforceable in all jurisdictions, no-contest clauses can deter unnecessary litigation and encourage beneficiaries to seek resolution through other means.

Seek Legal Counsel

In cases where disputes cannot be resolved informally, consulting an estate planning attorney is essential. Attorneys can provide guidance on trust interpretation, compliance with fiduciary duties, and options for resolving conflicts. In some instances, formal legal action may be necessary to protect the trust’s assets or enforce its terms.

Preventing Future Disputes

Preventing disputes begins with proactive estate planning. Clear and specific trust provisions, regular updates and open communication with potential beneficiaries can reduce misunderstandings. Working with an experienced estate planning attorney ensures that the trust reflects the grantor’s intentions, while addressing potential areas of conflict.

Building a Path to Resolution

While trust disputes can be emotionally and financially draining, constructive conflict resolution strategies help protect the grantor’s legacy and maintain family harmony. Trustees and beneficiaries can navigate disputes effectively and uphold the trust’s purpose by fostering transparency, open communication and professional guidance. If you would like to learn more about beneficiaries and trusts, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: The Washington Post (Nov. 16, 2024) “Asking Eric: Siblings disagree over inheritance split”

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Self-Employed must take a Proactive Approach to Estate Planning

Self-Employed must take a Proactive Approach to Estate Planning

Freelancers and the self-employed must take a proactive approach to estate planning.  These types of jobs operate without the safety nets provided by traditional employment. This independence brings freedom. However, it also adds complexity to financial and estate planning. From managing irregular income to protecting business assets, creating an estate plan ensures that your hard work is preserved and distributed according to your wishes.

Unlike salaried employees, freelancers often lack access to employer-sponsored benefits, such as life insurance, retirement plans, or disability coverage. Their business assets and personal finances are frequently intertwined, making careful planning essential to avoid unnecessary complications for heirs.

A well-crafted estate plan for freelancers addresses:

  • Transfer of business assets or intellectual property.
  • Continuity of income for dependents.
  • Minimization of taxes and legal hurdles.

Freelancers and the self-employed must create a plan that considers their unique financial circumstances and provides long-term security for loved ones.

Freelancers often rely on their business as their primary source of income. Without a plan, the value of that business could be lost upon their death. Key steps include:

  • Appointing a Successor: Identify someone to take over the business or handle its sale.
  • Creating a Buy-Sell Agreement: Outline how ownership interests will be transferred for partnerships or joint ventures.
  • Documenting Procedures: Maintain clear records and instructions to help successors understand ongoing operations or intellectual property management.

Freelancers often experience fluctuations in income, which can complicate traditional estate planning strategies. To account for this:

  • Establish a rainy-day fund to provide a financial buffer for your estate.
  • Work with an estate planning attorney to identify flexible asset protection strategies.
  • Consider annuities or investments that provide steady income streams for beneficiaries.

Unlike traditional employees, freelancers must set up their own retirement savings plans. Options include:

  • SEP IRAs or Solo 401(k)s: Tax-advantaged accounts tailored for self-employed individuals.
  • Roth IRAs: Flexible savings accounts that grow tax-free, offering greater liquidity for heirs.

Ensuring that retirement savings are properly designated to beneficiaries avoids complications later.

The self-employed often own valuable digital assets like intellectual property, domain names, or online portfolios. These assets must be included in your estate plan to ensure seamless transfer. Create an inventory of:

  • Login credentials for key accounts.
  • Ownership documentation for websites or digital products.
  • Instructions for transferring or licensing intellectual property.

Many self-employed generate income from intellectual property, such as writing, artwork, or designs. An estate plan should specify how copyrights, patents, or trademarks are managed after death. This may include:

  • Assigning ownership to heirs or beneficiaries.
  • Creating trusts to manage royalty payments.
  • Licensing or selling rights to preserve income streams.

The first step to creating an estate plan is drafting a will that distributes assets, business interests and personal property according to your wishes. Without one, state laws determine asset distribution, which can result in unintended consequences. However, there’s much more to an estate plan than just making a will.

Establish Powers of Attorney

Freelancers should designate a trusted person to handle financial and healthcare decisions, if they become incapacitated. Powers of attorney ensure continuity in managing personal and business affairs during emergencies.

Consider a Living Trust

A living trust can help freelancers avoid probate and ensure that assets are distributed efficiently. Trusts are beneficial for managing complex assets, like intellectual property or business income.

Secure Life Insurance

Life insurance provides a safety net for freelancers with dependents by replacing lost income and covering future expenses. Policies should be aligned with your estate plan to ensure that benefits are directed appropriately.

Reach Out to an Estate Planning Attorney

Freelancers should consult estate planning attorneys and financial/tax advisors to create a plan that addresses their unique circumstances. Regular reviews ensure that the plan evolves alongside income, assets, or family structure changes.

Freelancers and the self-employed must take a proactive approach to estate planning. You can ensure your hard-earned legacy benefits your loved ones by addressing business continuity, income fluctuations and digital assets. An estate plan tailored to your needs secures your financial future and provides peace of mind, knowing that your assets and values will be protected. If you would like to learn more about planning for the self-employed, please visit our previous posts.


Reference: American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) (Oct. 19, 2023) Estate Planning for Freelancers and the Gig Economy

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What Art Collectors should know about Estate Planning

What Art Collectors should know about Estate Planning

Art collections often hold deep sentimental value, while also being some of the most valuable assets in an estate. As any art collector knows, these pieces represent more than just investments—they carry a legacy, a story and a connection to the collector. However, without a thoughtful estate plan, artwork can face unique risks, from tax impacts to complications in transferring ownership. Here’s what art collectors should know about estate planning to ensure that their collections are preserved and passed on according to their wishes.

For art collectors, estate planning goes beyond finances. Artworks can be valuable assets with historical and emotional significance. Without planning, however, the collection may be subject to significant federal estate taxes, which can reduce what heirs receive. Any lack of clear instructions for the collection could lead to conflicts or, in some cases, force the sale of cherished pieces. According to SmartAsset, an effective estate plan can protect the integrity of the collection and outline specific wishes for its future.

One of the first steps in estate planning for art collectors is creating a comprehensive record of the collection. This involves cataloging each piece with descriptions, condition reports, and, if available, provenance or historical background. These details validate ownership and add to the artwork’s value. For instance, including an exhibition history or previous owners can enhance its worth.

Professional appraisals are crucial in determining each artwork’s fair market value. Appraisals consider the artist’s reputation, historical importance and market demand. Accurate valuations are also essential for estate tax purposes, ensuring that taxes are calculated based on a clear understanding of the collection’s worth.

What are the Tax Implications of Owning Art?

Taxes can significantly impact art collections. The federal estate tax, for example, is calculated based on an artwork’s fair market value at the time of the owner’s passing. The tax burden could often mean heirs must sell a piece to cover these expenses. This is particularly concerning if the estate lacks liquidity, meaning there may not be enough cash to pay taxes without selling assets.

By understanding potential tax liabilities and consulting a professional, collectors can consider strategies to reduce estate taxes, such as placing artworks in trust or donating select pieces to reduce the taxable estate.

Understanding intellectual property rights is crucial for collectors who own works by living artists or have purchased pieces with retained copyrights. Intellectual property can include copyrights, trademarks and any royalties tied to the job. These rights allow for continued earnings and control over how the artwork is displayed, reproduced, or used publicly.

Art collectors should ensure that these rights are documented and decide who will control them after their passing. This can prevent confusion for heirs and ensure that the art collection is managed according to the original collector’s wishes.

How Does Provenance and Documentation Help Protect Your Collection?

Maintaining detailed records on each artwork is more than just good organization—it’s a valuable part of preserving the collection. Provenance, or the history of ownership, verifies an artwork’s authenticity and is especially important for high-value pieces. For example, documentation that records where a piece was displayed or whether it was ever restored adds value and simplifies the transfer process.

Heirs inheriting an art collection will appreciate clear records. Such records support authenticity and value, making it easier for them to handle sales, insurance, or any future artwork exhibitions.

How Can Insurance Safeguard Your Collection?

Art collections face unique risks, including theft, damage and loss. Appropriate insurance coverage is an essential part of estate planning for art collectors. Ensuring that the collection is adequately insured can protect against unexpected financial losses. Regularly reviewing and updating the policy based on current valuations helps keep the coverage relevant, reflecting any changes in value or additions to the collection.

Several strategies exist to help collectors protect and manage their art collections in the long term. Here are some popular options:

  • Trusts: Placing artwork in a trust allows collectors to control how and when the collection is used or sold. Trusts can help reduce estate taxes and keep details about the collection private, which can be a priority for families or those with valuable, publicized pieces.
  • Comprehensive Wills: Drafting a will that explicitly addresses art assets can help avoid complications. Collectors can outline whether pieces should be sold, donated, or bequeathed to specific family members or institutions. This is also a way to ensure that the collection is passed on according to the collector’s wishes.
  • Charitable Donations: Donating to museums or charities can offer tax benefits, allowing art collectors to support cultural institutions, while reducing their estate’s taxable value. Some collectors also establish private foundations to maintain family control over how the artwork is displayed or used in the future.

An art collection can be more than a collection of assets; it’s a legacy that can endure through generations. An experienced attorney can educate art collectors on what they should know about estate planning. By adequately documenting, valuing and securing the collection, art collectors can help ensure its future. If you would like to learn more about planning for items such as art, heirlooms, or other personal property, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Smart Asset (Jul. 19, 2024) Guide to Estate Planning for Artists and Art Owners

Photo by Darya Sannikova


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Strategies for leaving Inheritance to Estranged Family Members

Strategies for leaving Inheritance to Estranged Family Members

Parents planning their estates often consider how their legacy will impact their children. For some, however, the situation is more complex. Estrangement adds an emotional layer to the decision. You might wonder about your options and how to proceed in your situation. However, there are strategies for leaving an inheritance to estranged family members.

Many parents feel torn about leaving money or assets to children who have distanced themselves. For some, leaving an inheritance feels like love, even if the relationship is strained. However, for others, it may seem like rewarding lousy behavior or reinforcing a relationship filled with emotional pain.

Parents often reflect on the values they want to pass down. If an estranged child has rejected those values or made it clear they want nothing to do with the family, leaving them an inheritance might not bring the peace of mind you’re hoping for. It could cause more harm than good.

Some people believe money can be toxic, especially from a source tied to negative emotions. If your estranged child views their inheritance as something tainted by conflict, it could lead to feelings of resentment or even worsen the rift between you. Instead of seeing the gift as an act of kindness, they may interpret it as one last attempt to control or influence them.

One parent mentioned in an article on shared a unique perspective. She and her spouse chose to spend their savings enjoying life, traveling in an RV and embracing a concept they called SKI” – Spending Kids’ Inheritance. This playful approach helped them focus on their happiness instead of worrying about how their estranged children would receive their money.

Beyond money, many parents have cherished possessions they once imagined passing down. Perhaps you have antiques, family photos, or unique heirlooms you hoped your children would treasure. However, in cases of estrangement, these items may hold little or no value for your children.

Some parents choose to clear out their homes of unnecessary clutter, donating or selling items that no longer serve them. In doing so, they can free themselves from worrying about what will happen to their belongings after they pass. It can also be a way to ensure that these possessions go to someone who will genuinely appreciate them rather than leaving them to a child who may only see them as junk.

If you have more than one child, deciding how to distribute your estate can become even more complicated. Is it fair to leave equal amounts to all children, even if one of them has rejected you? Or should you go more to the child who has remained close?

There is no right or wrong answer. However, many parents take their estranged children’s children into account when planning their estate. Some may leave a smaller inheritance to the estranged child or place conditions on the gift, such as requiring them to meet specific terms to receive it. Others may decide to leave nothing at all, believing that doing so is in the best interest of everyone involved.

If you’re unskilled in handling your estate when estrangement is involved, an estate planning attorney can help. They can walk you through your options, including setting up a trust, making conditional gifts, or writing a will that reflects your wishes.

This is an emotional decision; you must feel confident you’re making the best choice for yourself and your family. Talking with a professional can clarify and ensure that your estate plan is legally sound.

Leaving an inheritance to estranged family members is never easy, but there are strategies to avoid complications. If you’re struggling with these decisions, an estate planning attorney can help you explore your options and make informed choices. If you would like to learn more about managing an inheritance, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Rejected Parents (Oct. 5, 2021) Will You Leave a ‘Toxic’ Inheritance?

Image by miltonhuallpa95


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